SPC News
SPC Spring Auction a Success!
• Thank you to the Village of Park Forest, the Village of Tinley Park, and the Tinley Park-Park District for making the April 18 Surplus Vehicle and Equipment Auction a success! Twenty-three vehicles were sold with preliminary sales figures of $117,850. Upcoming live Auctions are scheduled for July 18 and October 17. In addition, America’s Auto Auction hosts online sales on par with other government surplus Internet auctions. For questions or additional information,
Save the Date for the SPC Vendor Showcase!
• After a 3-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) is excited to announce the return of the SPC Vendor Showcase! The event will be held on Wednesday, July 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Oakton College, 1600 E. Golf Road in Des Plaines. This is a free event for attendees and thanks to our partners at Sourcewell, anyone can attend their presentation and earn one contact hour toward Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) with The Institute for Public Procurement (NIGP).
The Vendor Showcase will be held in Oakton’s Performing Arts Center (PAC) with parking available in Lot A, just outside the PAC. The SPC Vendor Showcase schedule is as follows:
• 10:00am-12:00pm: Vendor Fair in the PAC Lobby, vehicle demonstrations in Parking Lot A
• 12:00pm-1:00 pm: Sourcewell Presentation in the Footlik Theater
• 1:00pm: Box lunch provided by Sourcewell
The SPC Vendor Showcase presents a unique opportunity for local government officials from the SPC’s participating councils of government and others to meet one-on-one with SPC vendors at one time.
Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC), DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference (DMMC), South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA), and Will County Governmental League (WCGL) members and staff will be onsite to learn about the products, services, and solutions offered by the SPC to help you better serve your communities. Vendors will have individual display areas where you can discuss all of your joint purchasing needs.
Additional information and registration forms will be sent soon. In the interim, please contact NWMC Purchasing Director Ellen Dayan, 847-296-9203 or
edayan@nwmc-cog.org with any questions.
Click here for more information about the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative and to view the current SPC Catalog.