The 2022-23 Normandale Directory is live! The directory is available online here:
To get started, please click on the "Register >> Login" button.
If you are a returning user, you will need to re-confirm your family's information.
If you have never logged in to Membership Toolkit, click on "Create Account" under "New User". Fill out the Create Account form using the email address you have registered with the Normandale office. This is the only way your account will link with the information already in the directory. If you are not sure what email address the school has on file for you, please contact Sheri Rosen. Once you have created your account and verified you family's information, you will have access to the directory.
If you have access to Membership Toolkit through another school, you can use the same login information to access the Normandale Directory. Click on "Returning User" and log in. You will need to verify your family's information for the Normandale directory before you will have access to the Normandale directory.
Membership Toolkit has a mobile app available in the App Store and in Google Play.
If you are using the Membership Toolkit app with more than one school, visit Settings > Change Organization (from within the app) to switch between them.
If you have any issues or questions with the Normandale directory, please contact Sheri Rosen at