April 2023 - Issue #2


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The deadline for Phase I application materials for the

2023 Activation Fund is Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

(L-R) María Rosario González Albuixech, Health Care For All; Matt Selig, Health Law Advocates;

Jeffrey Sánchez, Health Equity Compact; Michael Curry, Health Equity Compact; Kara Hurvitz, Health Law Advocates

On March 22, the Foundation hosted the "Centering Health Equity Here in Central Massachusetts" breakfast event in partnership with Health Law Advocates and the Health Equity Compact focused on how to advance health equity in the heart of the Commonwealth in the short and long term. The event featured presentations and discussion about Health Law Advocates’ special initiative to protect MassHealth members’ coverage and resolve medical debt during the upcoming widespread MassHealth redetermination effort and the Health Equity Compact’s bold action to advance health equity in Massachusetts, including legislation that has been filed (H.1250/S.799).

You can access event materials, resources from Health Law Advocates, the Health Equity Compact, and the Commonwealth's website for MassHealth Eligibility Redeterminations below.

Event Materials
MassHealth Eligibility Redeterminations

In The News

The stakes are high with

MassHealth change

Read Op-Ed

“Having the lowest rate of uninsured in the country has provided our Commonwealth and its residents with enormous benefits. The state, as it should, is leading the way to make sure that all goes well, but those of us outside of government who work with MassHealth members have an important role to play, too,” write Matt Selig, Executive Director of Health Law Advocates, and Amie Shei, President and CEO of the Foundation

photo courtesy of the Boston Business Journal

Read Article

State braces for MassHealth dislocation

“With such a massive undertaking, some will unfortunately fall through the cracks. Those most at risk of losing coverage even though they remain eligible include people of color, those with limited English proficiency, and individuals who are homeless or who experience unstable housing, as they may not receive redetermination notices in the mail or be able to respond promptly. This would undermine our efforts to improve health equity.” - Amie Shei, President and CEO of the Health Foundation

Transportation Updates

In advance of the Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) Advisory Board Audit and Finance Committee Meeting on March 29, Dr. Shei penned two pieces stressing the importance of continuing fare-free WRTA bus service and of increasing state investments in RTAs across the state. At its recent meeting, the WRTA Audit and Finance Committee recommended the continuation of free fares using federal CARES Act Funding, and that recommendation will be considered by the full WRTA Advisory Board at its April meeting. You can read both pieces below.

Read Op-Ed
Read Letter to the Editor

The Quaboag Connector

Quaboag Connector Project Coordinator Jen Healy testifying at the Western MA Passenger Rail Commission meeting on March 21.

Jen Healy, MPA, Project Coordinator for the Quaboag Connector: Developing a Model for Rural Transportation, a Round 5 Synergy Initiative project lead by the Quaboag Valley CDC, recently testified to the Western Massachusetts Passenger Rail Commission during its public meeting on March 21 in Northampton. She spoke about rural transportation as an equity issue and the importance of bringing the passenger rail to the people of the Quaboag Valley. To bring her points to life, Ms. Healy shared direct feedback from riders regarding the impact the Quaboag Connector has had on their lives. You can read Ms. Healy’s full testimony here.

Grantee Spotlight - MPHA

Last month, the Foundation awarded the Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) with a grant of nearly $9,000 to support its work staffing and convening the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Advocacy Coalition (RTAAC). As the only statewide coalition centering the needs of RTA communities for effective, efficient, accessible transportation, the RTAAC continues to play a critical role advising policymakers of the need to increase funding for RTAs. MPHA Executive Director Carlene Pavlos said,

“People in over 250 communities across the Commonwealth rely on RTAs each day to access work, school, healthcare appointments, and healthy, affordable food. At the current funding level, 40% of RTAs are unable to provide daily services and more than half lack late evening service. The RTAAC organizes stakeholders across RTA communities to uplift the importance of investing in public transportation outside of the MBTA system. We are grateful to The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts for understanding the key role that public transportation serves as a social determinant of health and for supporting MPHA’s work with the coalition.”

The Foundation was joined by the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts, which recently awarded a grant of $3,000 to support the RTAAC.

Advocacy Updates

Harvard Board of Health member Libby Levison addresses the crowd at an informational presentation on PFAS in drinking water, Thursday, March 23, in Town Hall. Representatives from the Massachusetts Department of the Environment, state Sen. Eldridge, state Rep. Sena, and several health and safety consultants also spoke. (Photo by Lisa Aciukewicz)

The Private Well Program to Protect Public Health, a Round 5 Synergy Initiative project led by RCAP Solutions, continues its advocacy efforts to ensure that all Massachusetts residents have access to safe drinking water regardless of where they live. On April 23, Senator Jamie Eldridge, Representative Dan Sena, MassDEP representatives, RCAP Solutions representatives, Dr. Shei, and others participated in a forum hosted by the Harvard Board of Health on the topic of PFAS and private wells.

Over 100 people attended the presentation which included a discussion of An Act Promoting Drinking Water Quality For All (H.902/S.482) which would enable MassDEP to develop minimum statewide drinking water standards for private wells and provide financial assistance for low-income homeowners in need of remediating contaminated private wells. The forum was covered by The Harvard Press.

For individuals and organizations interested in learning more about the need for more equitable drinking water protections in Massachusetts, please visit the Coalition for Safe Drinking Water website for more information including how to sign up as a coalition member.

The Health Foundation Fund, Inc. is the 501(c)3 fundraising affiliate that supports the purpose and mission of The Health Foundation through donations, memorial contributions and gifts of life insurance. If you'd like to further the Foundation's mission with a contribution, please click below.


The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts uses its grantmaking resources to improve the health of those who live or work in the Central Massachusetts region, with particular emphasis on vulnerable populations and unmet needs. The Foundation was established in 1999 with the proceeds from the sale of Central Massachusetts Health Care, Inc., a physician-initiated, not-for-profit HMO. 

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