Worship with us Sundays at 8:15 & 10:45
10 Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me." - Matthew 26: 10
Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: Doing Beautiful Things
This Sunday, we will dive into part two of Preparing Our Hearts for Easter with a special message, Doing Beautiful Things. Specifically, we study Jesus' experience in Bethany, when a woman poured expensive perfume on his head - a gesture that was deemed "wasteful" by His disciples. However, Jesus, described it as a beautiful gesture because He knew what was to come.
Join us Sunday at 8:15 or 10:45 - in person or online - as we continue to prepare our hearts for Easter by examining how we too can do beautiful things for God.
Small Gifts with a Big Impact: 3,000+ Holding Crosses Gifted
Over the past 18 months, our congregation has given out more than 3,000 holding crosses to people in our community. These small gifts have been used to inspire, encourage, or simply comfort friends, family, and strangers.

We are so grateful these evangelism tools are proving helpful and impacting our community. And we want to hear your stories! If you have been particularly moved by giving someone a holding cross, or if you've heard a story of how one has impacted someone else, please consider sharing your story with us here.
Back for a 2nd year, Kids Weekend is returning June 9 -12, 2022. This fun-filled, action-packed, God-focused weekend is meant to help our kids build relationships with one another and grow closer to God. Full details are available at HFUMC.org/Kids. Check it out and register at the link!
Praise! High School Girls Retreat Builds Faith and Relationships
Last weekend, 19 of our high school girls traveled to Beersheba Springs for a weekend retreat. Throughout the weekend, they studied the entire book of Ruth. They also laughed, cried, played games, and prayed. They grew in their relationships with each other and with their Youth counselors. But most importantly, they deepened their relationships with God.

Praise be to God for this awesome trip, these awesome girls, and our awesome chaperones!
Room in the Inn Wraps Up Another Successful Season
As many of you know, Room in the Inn is a very important ministry that helps relieve overcrowding in our homeless shelters during the coldest months of the year. Each Sunday night, from December through February, our church hosts a group of homeless men and provides them with a warm shower, a warm meal, and a warm place to sleep.

During a time when many churches were forced to drop out of the Room in the Inn program (due to COVID or other financial factors), we have been blessed to be able to continue this ministry. This is thanks in large part to the care and commitment of Sheila and Luke Davis and Todd McCoy. They are our volunteer coordinators for this ministry and have kept this program running smoothly for several years. We want to give them a big shout out and thank them, as well as a send a special thank you to the dozens of HFUMC men, women, and youth who have volunteered their time on Sunday nights. Your gifts matter!
Upcoming Events at HFUMC
March 13, 2022
Traditional Service, 8:15am
Contemporary Service, 10:45am

March 20, 2022
Traditional Service, 8:15am
Contemporary Service, 10:45am
HFUMC.ORG | 615-824-8725