June 2021 Newsletter
In this Issue

IJune 9, 7 PM TCNA Annual Meeting (Virtual)
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Recommendations for 2021-2022 TCNA Board Members
  • Presidents' Report for 2020-2021

Latest Coronavirus Information
  • Where to Get a Vaccine
  • Mask Mandate in Baltimore City

Neighborhood Committees: Crime and Safety
  • First Strategic Framework for Advancing Equity
  • New Major in Northern District

Neighborhood News
  • Residential Permit Parking
  • TCNA Questions, Answers, Comments

Calvert School Information
  • Tuscany Woods Committee: Sign Posted
  • Calvert Closing Dates
  • Calvert Liaison Committee

Area Construction Updates
  • Re-Paving Highfield Road
  • Hillside Park

Information from Johns Hopkins University

Neighborhood Restaurants Specials

Home & Condo Sale Prices (May)

Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer for his great pictures of Tuscany-Canterbury.
June 9, 7 PM Virtual

  • TCNA Presidents' Report
  • Treasurer's Report for 2020-2021
  • Election of Officers and Board Members for 2021-2022
  • Keynote Speaker: Jillian Storms - The Olmsted Vision
  • Neighborhood Updates
Join Zoom Meeting via this link:  TCNA June Membership Meeting, June 9 at 7:00 PM

Meeting ID: 897 6736 7525 

One tap mobile 
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)  
Meeting ID: 897 6736 7525 
Keynote Speaker
The Olmsted Vision
Jillian Storms, AIA

Jillian is a professional architect and a former resident of the Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood.

She will share her research on the historical development of Tuscany-Canterbury as part of the Olmsted Brothers' larger vision to connect the residential neighborhoods, parks, and institutions to the city and each other.
Nominations Committee Recommendations for 2021-2022

President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)

Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op Stony Run Lane)
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street)
  • Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)
  • Anne Perkins (Tuscany Road)
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)

Bolded names are new board members for 2021-2022
Josh Cohen

Joshua Cohen is a native New Yorker who came to Baltimore in 1997 to start a rock-n-roll band. The band's claim to fame was composing a rock anthem for the city which then Mayor Martin O'Malley went on the record with the Baltimore Sun as "kinda liking". Based on such reception, and to the need to pay the bills, Josh started the internet technology firm Xpodigital where he continues to work as Chief Executive Officer.

As the 100 year anniversary of the University Homes subdivision on Canterbury and Cloverhill roads approached, Josh appointed himself neighborhood historian and no one seemed to object. His ongoing mission is to document the lives of all the first families to live in the neighborhood. Josh had started production of a documentary film on the subject which promptly went into suspended animation with the arrival of the pandemic. With Covid 19, Josh shifted his focus to providing safe opportunities for the folks in his neighborhood to find moments of normalcy. This has included organizing regular outdoor movie nights for the neighborhood kids and back alley concerts, live streamed to the residents of Tuscany Canterbury at-large.
Gard Jones

Gard Jones is a member the Tuscany Lombardy Community Corporation where he has lived with his son Alexander since 2017.  Gard served as president of the TLCC Board of Directors in 2018, and currently serves on the board of directors as Treasurer. TLCC has been a magical place for Gard for it is where he met his wife upon moving in, and where they were married in 2019. You may see him or his family walking through Tuscany Canterbury with their rescue puppy Karma, a beautiful mix of MinPin and Border Collie. Gard is a sculptor with expertise in many media and has hands-on experience in renovating a 1920 Baltimore Fire Station into a home and art studio. Dividing his time between his family, his art, TLCC, and teaching art history and concept courses at York College of Pennsylvania Gard keeps an active mind and life. Since 2020 he has contributed to the efforts of the TCNA to improve the safety of Linkwood Road, and is excited by the opportunity to provide greater support as a member of the TCNA board.
Nancy Lamotte

After having lived in Tuscany Canterbury for the last 35 years, I have developed a strong attachment to everything about our wonderful community. I consider it my privilege to be able to enjoy its beauty. 

There is an ongoing effort by the Board to reduce the speed of cars on Linkwood Road. This has been a concern for me for a while. There are too many pedestrians and pets who travel on Linkwood to have to run the very real risk of a collision with speeding vehicles. I would very much like to contribute to a plan which addresses this safety concern.  
Mat Leffler-Schulman

Mat Leffler-Schulman is a proud Tuscany Canterbury resident since 2009 - we are the house with the geiger counter on the yellow door - because you never know! He lives here with his wonderfully amazing wife, Emily, and two children. They also reside with a rescue pup named Moishe and two guinea pigs, Squeaks and Cupcake. Mat is a mastering engineer who has worked with artists ranging from Ice Cube to The National Symphony Orchestra to Jon Batiste. Emily is a Principal Software Developer at Alley. When not working, or being compulsive about their garden and fairy village, Mat likes to read WWII books, clean dishes, study the music and life of Prince, and geek out with his friends on the future and relevance of pop music in today’s culture.
Sam Park

Sam and Esther love being a part of Baltimore, having moved from the New Jersey and New York City area to Baltimore in 2016. Their two sons, age 5 and 8 attend Roland Park elementary/middle school. Sam is on the pastoral staff at St.Moses Church on the corner of 31st and Barclay. Partnering with community organizing groups like BUILD, Sam is dedicated to making this city a thriving place for all Baltimoreans to improve housing, job opportunities, rebuilding schools and neighborhoods.
TCNA President 2021-2022
Julia Frazier

Julia Martin Frazier made Baltimore her home in 1996, when she relocated here to pursue a graduate degree in Harp Performance at the Peabody Institute of JHU, after completing degrees in Art History and Harp Performance at Oberlin College. After many fulfilling years of performing with local professional orchestras, playing for high tea at The Ritz Carlton and Willard hotels in Washington DC, and organizing local chamber music series, Julia made a shift to selling residential real estate. She is happily affiliated with Monument Sotheby's International Realty, and has found her passion helping clients buy and sell homes within the Baltimore area, which she can't imagine ever leaving. 

Julia has served on the TCNA board for the last 4 years, and is currently the chair of the Calvert Liaison Committee. She is excited for the opportunity to take the reins as president, and would love to deepen her commitment to her beloved neighborhood. Julia believes that strong neighborhoods make even stronger wider communities, and is honored to be considered as a candidate to lead such a vibrant and dedicated board. With its historic and beautiful architecture, diverse and interesting residents, Julia believes Tuscany Canterbury is without a doubt, the best neighborhood in Baltimore City!

Julia has lived on Canterbury Road since the Spring of 2014, when she moved here with her husband Steve, sons Oscar (12) and Simon (9), and their Airedale Terrier, Flossie. Ivy the Airedale now keeps watch at the front door and back gate, welcoming visitors, and bringing smiles to the many who come to call.
A special thank you for the board members who will not be serving on the board next year.

  • Maria Gallo
  • Brian Weeks
  • Rose Reis
  • Hannah Mazo

You helped make Tuscany-Canterbury the wonderful treasure of a neighborhood that we all enjoy.
Neighborhood map
President's Report 2021

It has been a pleasure to serve as your neighborhood co-presidents over the past two years. We have enjoyed getting to know many of you. It’s been a quiet year, for the most part, due to COVID. We are grateful to the amazing, dedicated TCNA Board, for their diligent efforts over the past year. First Fridays, organized by Roz Mansouri, had to be suspended starting in March of 2020, due to the pandemic. We are hopeful that they will be reinstated in the fall. Crime is low in the neighborhood overall and the package thief that plagued the neighborhood last year has not returned. Many thanks to Paul and Maria Gallo for their ongoing communication with the Northern Police District and for representing our neighborhood with them. There is no evidence that the drug and nuisance activity that we saw on Linkwood a few years ago has returned. 

A major accomplishment over the last two months has been the completion of new ADA compliant crosswalks at the corners of Linkwood Road, W. University Parkway, and W. 39th Street, which the Streets and Greens Committee had advocated for several years. New traffic patterns and road markings on W. University between Tudor Arms and Linkwood Road have made that stretch of roadway much safer and slower. Kudos to Rose Weeks and Brian ten Siethoff, our intrepid Streets and Greens Chairs over the last year. Many thanks to Rose, who will be stepping off the committee in the upcoming year to pursue a Ph.D. 

We continue to look for a solution to the many problems that plague Linkwood Road, such as speeding cars and lack of safe, accessible passage for runners, walkers, bicyclists, and people pushing baby carriages. The Streets and Greens Committee is active, with many volunteers who care passionately about these problems.

Under the leadership of Brian ten Siethoff, the Streets and Greens Committee recently engaged with the Neighborhood Design Center to start a visioning process for University Parkway. Brian and Rose Weeks reached out to our neighbors in Guilford, Oakenshawe and Charles Village to include them in the process. This will be a multi-year initiative. In the meantime, the City is planning to resurface University Parkway in the coming year, and may undertake some limited improvements, such as ADA accessible curbs and sidewalks, at that time.

During the summer of 2020, we worked with the neighborhood as a whole to make sure that Cypriana’s outdoor dining permit was reflective of our neighborhood priorities. Thanks to Amy Mutch for taking on the role of liaison to TCNA Community Businesses and maintaining good communication with our neighborhood restaurants, bars and stores.

TCNA board members also worked on a variety of day-to-day issues in the neighborhood, such as streetlight repairs, broken sidewalks, errant meter covers in the roadway, and broken water pipes. One example of this is ensuring rapid repair of the large bridge on Linkwood into Wyman Park, which was damaged recently by falling bricks from the Carlyle. Working together with Odette Ramos, Recreation and Parks, and the Wyman Park Neighborhood Association, we were able to get repairs made quickly and prevent possible injuries.

The Woods Committee worked closely with Calvert School on the design of the new field and sports building. Calvert presented its design to the neighborhood in March and answered neighbors’ questions. Construction of the new building is expected to begin this summer. Many thanks to Anne Perkins for all her hard work to ensure that Calvert’s plans comply with the neighborhood covenant that governs this.

Julia Frazier serves as our Calvert School Liaison, and communicates neighborhood concerns to the school. Traffic and parking issues continue to crop up from time to time, but Julia has maintained a good relationship with Calvert while making sure that the school is held to their agreements to control traffic and address school parent parking issues in the neighborhood.

The Greens Committee, headed by Bonnie Boland and her dedicated team worked to remove several dead trees on medians and common spaces and planned to plant new specimens in their stead. Bonnie also worked closely with our hourly gardener, Jenna, to keep up our three neighborhood gardens.

Linda Eberhart continued her amazing work on the neighborhood newsletter, which draws well-deserved compliments from neighbors, elected officials, and interested others, including families thinking of moving to the neighborhood. Linda dedicates many, many hours each month to the newsletter and to TCNA, and her work is much appreciated.

We look forward to remaining on the Board next year as your Past Presidents. We thank the Nominating Committee for their work to propose a new slate of Board members for 2021-22. We are excited to see what the new Board and officers accomplish in the next year, and look forward to their continued success.

Coronavirus Information
Maryland COVID cases, vaccinations and other metrics

Crime and Safety Committee
Paul and Marie Gallo, Co-Chairs

First Strategic Framework for Advancing Equity

Information from Commissioner Harrison

The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) has released the agency’s first Strategic Framework for Advancing Equity. The plan is designed to help BPD become the fairest, most transparent, diverse, and inclusive Department possible.

“Nearly every quality of life indicator shows disparities in outcomes by race in Baltimore and across the United States,” said Commissioner Michael Harrison. “While racial and many other disparities have existed within the BPD in one form or another since its founding, we know that many of these gaps persist today. This Strategic Framework is our commitment to address its root causes and creating the best BPD possible.”


View the 18-page plan to address inequities, build trust and diversity the ranks, click on the red button below.
Every Police District gets a New Major starting June 1st

Police Commissioner Michael Harrison announced that each of our police districts will get new majors starting on June 1st:

Northern District: Captain Jeffrey Shorter will be our new Major. Major Shorter is a familiar face in the District and we're glad to have him. Major Diehl is moving to head up the Homicide unit.

Major Jeffrey W. Shorter has served with the Baltimore Police Department for 26 years and previously served as Executive Officer of the Northern District. A Baltimore native, Major Shorter previously served in the Eastern District, Northeastern District, Western District, Public Housing Task Force, Internal Affairs, and Community Collaboration Unit. He was previously the commanding officer of the Northeastern District. He has earned an associate’s degree from Baltimore City Community College, a Bachelor of Science Degree from Coppin State University and a certificate from the University of Maryland University College in leadership and management. He is also a member of the Prince Hall Masons.
Neighborhood News
permit parking sign
Residential Parking Permits

  • Existing Residential Parking Permits in Tuscany-Canterbury are good until June 2022. You do not have to do anything until next May when you can renewal your permit. You cannot renew permits early.

  • If you do not have a permit and live on a block with a Residential Parking Permit Sign, you should contact the Parking Authority if you want to get a permit. Contact the City 443 573 2800 or CLICK HERE to get a valid permit.
Bishop's Park
A special thank you to Ann Knight

A special thank you goes to Ann Knight, a resident of the St. James and TCNA member. She just decided Bishop's Park needed some help. Bishop's Park is the small green area at the corner of Charles Street and University Parkway.

She bought mulch and carried it to the park for the young trees that were planted last fall by Green Baltimore and the Episcopal Cathedral. She planted some small plants by the steps going into the park. The grass was tall and she called 311 numerous times to get the City to mow the grass (which eventually happened.)
Questions, Comments, Messages

If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.
Andy and Lu Parsley, Co-Presidents TCNA
What was happening in the Cloverhill Alley in May?

Work being done in the alley behind Cloverhill Road. The City repaired the alley surface after repairing a sewer problem. 
What else do we need to know about cicadas in Tuscany-Canterbury?

Kate Culotta of the Roland Park Community Foundation Landscape Committee provided this great info the Cicadamania!

  • The cicadas are some of the loudest creatures on earth, the hum is made by the males and will reach about 100 decibels. (motorcycle is about 95 decibels)
  • The hum is the “love song” to attract the females .
  • Males may munch on trees leaves but this doesn’t typically lead to permanent damage.
  • The tree damage occurs when the females make a small cut in the thin, tender ends of young tree branches and lay their eggs. The tip of the tree branch will turn brown, die and fall to the ground allowing the young larvae to burrow into the ground as the next generation.
  • If you notice tree branch tips turning brown, prune off the ends into a trash bag and dispose. Don’t add to your green debris or organic pile. Disposal in the trash will help reduce the size of the next generation in your immediate area.
  • Cicadas are not toxic, they are actually high in protein.
  • Dogs and cats generally aren’t harmed if they eat a couple cicadas. Like any treat, the problem is in the over-eating. Dogs in particular may not know when to stop eating them, they will be so abundant. The crunchy outer shells can cause discomfort and if they eat too many could cause digestive issues.
  • During this period, don’t leave pets outside unattended. It is best to walk them on a leash or supervise outside play to ensure they aren’t eating too many.

  •  Although the cicadas are loud and certainly a nuisance, it is an exciting time for Mother Nature.
  • If your children are small, it’s best educate them before the cicadas emerge.
  • Emphasize the fact that cicadas do not bit or sting, they are loud but not harmful.
  • Debunk the myths that a cicada can sting and lead to certain death or that they aim to sting between the eyes or make a nest in your hair and other popular playground stories.
  • Show them pictures of the cicadas so they are informed and prepared.
  • If possible, plan indoor activities for this period to alleviate their stress about being outdoors.
  • If they are attending summer camp, reach out to the camp and ask about their plans for activities during this period.
  •  If adults approach this period like it’s an exciting and exploratory time to enjoy Mother Nature, your children will take their cues from you and feel less stress and anxiety.

Other Resources

Calvert School Information
Calvert Liaison Committee
Julia Frazier, Chair

As we approach the end of the year for Calvert School, I can report that communication has remained strong, and there continues to be open dialogue between Tuscany Canterbury residents and Calvert School. While there were intermittent complaints of extended carpool lines and caregivers parking in the neighborhood to walk children to the door - overall, the school has fulfilled its commitment, as laid out in the covenants of our association. I continue to express the need for constant monthly communication from the school to the families, through the monthly newsletter, asking for drivers to remain respectful, and to adhere to the carpool rules. There has been improvement, and as the head of the liaison committee, I remain committed to fostering a safe and respectful environment in our neighborhood for school families and residents alike. Feel free to contact me at if you have further concerns or feedback to share.
Calvert School Calendar for rest of this school year

Tuscany Woods Project Update
Anne Perkins,
Tuscany Woods Project Committee

Calvert School SIGN-
Not to Worry

A sign went up on Calvert’s wooded property on Tuscany Road earlier this week. It referred to “subdivision” and prompted inquiries from neighbors.

Calvert is not exactly sure why the sign is up. After a conversation with Calvert’s business manager, we think this is probably what is going on…

Calvert has submitted its plans for the new sports field and building to the Baltimore City Planning Commission. These plans have been discussed with our neighborhood and approved by our Calvert/Tuscany Project Committee. The sign probably refers to the original subdivision of the 5 acre Warrington Road property that was subdivided into two parcels in 2017. At that time the owners of the Warrington Road property asked the Planning Commission for approval to subdivide their property into two parcels so they could sell them separately. One parcel includes the Warrington Road house and the other is the wooded property on Tuscany Road now owned by Calvert School. Some of you may remember that the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood showed up at the Baltimore City Planning Commission in force and the sign is probably an indication that the Planning Commission wants to make sure we are all OK with what is happening. We are. We have an amendment to our Covenants addressing the neighborhood’s concerns and an ongoing neighborhood Committee that meets regularly with the school. Calvert has also been diligent about sharing its plans with the community.

CLICK HERE for information filed with City Planning Department

CLICK HERE for Calvert School and Tuscany Canterbury Agreement about the woods

Re-Paving Highfield Road

A little over a year ago on 4/22/20) BGE dug several holes in Highfield Road (west) to find gas leaks. Now they have re-paved the street, covering up the temporary patches they made looking for the leaks. (They still need to patch the sidewalk.)

Hillside Park

The Tuscany-Canterbury Board at the May meeting, unanimously voted to support the Roland Park Foundation in creating the Hillside Park. (See letter below)

Baltimore Brew update on May 28, 2021.

"Bids are due this week for Roland Park tract where community wants to create a park. A nonprofit foundation has raised money from donors in Maryland and across the country. "It's not something that's just for us. It's for Baltimore, for the greater community, "its president says." To read full article CLICK HERE

To support the Hillside Park Project of find out more information,

Information from
Johns Hopkins University
New Behavioral Health Crisis Response Initiative being launched by Johns Hopkins University.

Dear Johns Hopkins Community:
Reimagining public safety—a commitment we made to you nearly a year ago—has required ongoing reflection, exploration of best practices, and thoughtful, productive dialogue with our students, neighbors, faculty, and staff. Today, in keeping with that commitment, we are announcing a major new initiative, the Johns Hopkins University Behavioral Health Crisis Support Team (JHU BHCST), which is part and parcel of our collective effort to integrate public health best practices into our community safety response.
Under our current structure, Campus Safety and Security officers are often the first and sole in-person responders to behavioral health emergencies within our university community. In fact, since 2019, approximately 35 percent of the calls dispatched through the Office of Campus Safety and Security were related to behavioral health concerns. 
We therefore undertook an in-depth analysis of contemporary best practices and an assessment of our more traditional, security-based responses and interventions. We also considered carefully the recommendations outlined in the 2018 report of the JHU Task Force on Student Health and Well-Being. In doing so, it became clear that many of the calls being addressed by Campus Safety and Security could be more effectively and appropriately handled by behavioral health clinicians. 
Put simply, it was time for a new approach.
With the guidance of Dr. Ronald Means, a locally and nationally recognized child/adolescent, adult, and forensic psychiatrist and expert consultant in the field of behavioral health crisis services, and anAdvisory Committee composed of faculty, staff, students, and neighborhood leaders, we are developing the JHU BHCST as a mobile co-responder program—pairing behavioral health clinicians with specially trained security personnel on every shift, seven days a week, and calling upon these clinicians rather than security officers to serve as the lead responder where appropriate.
The BHCST will provide immediate assistance to those who need it and, just as importantly, link individuals in crisis to ongoing university support services in the days and weeks that follow. For community members in crisis who are not directly affiliated with JHU, that kind of careful follow-up and support will be facilitated by the BHCST but provided through Baltimore Crisis Response Inc. (BCRI), a well-established and highly respected community organization with significant experience helping individuals in crisis throughout our region.
Over the summer, we will be hiring and training BHCST professionals for this important work and building their partnership with Campus Safety and Security and BCRI. We plan to fully launch the new program on a pilot basis in fall 2021, first on and around Homewood and then expanding to our other campuses in Baltimore.
To date, university leaders and the BHCST advisory committee have held more than 15 listening sessions and engaged over 250 people representing more than 70 organizations. The dialogue and input from these conversations has been invaluable to us, and will continue. We hope you will join in sharing your input and questions via email at or the program's webpage, where regular updates also will be posted.
This is only one aspect of our deep and abiding commitment to our Baltimore campuses, community, and neighbors. We will continue to explore and support innovative strategies, including community partnerships, to improve the safety and well-being of all.  
Ronald J. Daniels
Neighborhood Restaurants Update

Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Cantebury

Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants to show TCNA supports them.
The Ambassador Restaurant is busy with 50% capacity including the lovely porch space. The good news is that Indian cuisine is not compromised when enjoyed as takeout.  

 Alizee Bistro Wine Bar has continued with online pick up orders for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Their updated space remains closed but looking forward to hosting TCNA socials in their freshly renovated restaurant.
443 449 6200
As travel remains restricted we can go to Greece in our dreams with gastronomic delights! Chef Maria advises, if possible, to preorder for Mother’s Day as the holiday is always hectic at best and it will help avoid any delays in your desired pick up time. Go to the website at to view the menu. Outside dining will be offered when weather forecasts begin to stabilize this spring! 


The Hopkins Deli is keeping shelves stocked with our favorite staples, snacks, and alcohol. The deli is now offering indoor service to customers ordering at the counter. Delivery service continues.
10% Discount for TCNA members continues on non-tobacco items.

410 366-6603

100 W University Parkway

One World Café is looking forward to an expanded farmer’s market beginning in May. Cindy Novak (owner) has been busy lining up vendors that will be both indoors and outdoors at W. University and Canterbury. 
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
May 2021
Thanks to TCNA board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Address and Sale Price
  • 310 Ridgemede Rd #405 $95,000 
  • 220 Stony Run Ln #D4. $125,500 
  • 4000 N Charles St #809 $143,000 
  • 3902 Cloverhill Rd. $500,000
  • 3908 Charles St #1303 $1,300,000 

Note:  this data represents real estate activity from May 1 to May 30, 2021 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Events Happening In and Around

City Household Hazardous Waste Drop

2840 Sisson Street
Baltimore Museum of Art: New Exhibit

Now Is The Time: Recent Acquisitions to the Contemporary Collection

May 2, 2021 to July 18, 2021
Now Is The Time presents 22 of the 125 works acquired using proceeds from the deaccessioning of seven works in 2018, alongside several extraordinary gifts. This exhibition offers a snapshot of the BMA’s curatorial effort to identify artists deserving of greater research and public attention, placing the highest priority on artists who are women, Black, Indigenous, self-trained, and/or have connections to Baltimore.

Neighborhood Dumpster Date

September 4 at Tuscany & Linkwood.

The dumpster will be delivered in the morning and will be in place for 4 hours. No specific delivery time can be confirmed by the City.
On-Line Events
Johns Hopkins Federal Office of Strategy’s 2021 Hopkins on the Hill (at Home) event. 

Every week throughout May and June, Hopkins will be highlighting research from across Johns Hopkins University & Medicine. Events are always at 12pm Eastern and will be available afterward as a recording. They are designed to be (hopefully) a fun and diverting virtual experience from what feels like endless zooms and calls.

A summary of the events can be found here, and the full schedule is below with links to each. If you’d like to join the conversation on social media, you can follow @HopkinsatHome or use #HopkinsatHome. Events will all feature live Q&A of Hopkins' faculty.

  • Wednesday June 9: How do you prepare for a highly infectious disease? Johns Hopkins hosts one of ten Biocontainment Units (BCUs) around the country, who stand ready at all times to treat patients with highly infectious diseases while ensuring our healthcare workers and the surrounding community stay safe. The Johns Hopkins BCU is leading the response in treating COVID-19 patients, while simultaneously preparing for the next possible pandemic. Join Brian Garibaldi (MD), Medical Director of the BCU, and some of the BCU staff to learn about pandemic preparedness.

  • Wednesday June 16: How can weather prediction save lives and money? Come hear about Dr. Ben Zaitchik’s recent projects, ranging from predicting flash droughts and outbreaks of enteric diseases, to enhancing the value of the JH Coronavirus Dashboard for COVID-19 research. His team tries to understand and predict the ways in which weather and climate impact things we all care about: our food, our health, our safety.

  • Wednesday June 30: How do you track a pandemic for the entire world? A dashboard known around the world, the COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University was created by Dr. Lauren Gardner and her team at the cusp of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the last year and a half, the website has grown to be a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policymakers in order to guide a response, improve care, and save lives. Learn firsthand from the team what it took to create this invaluable resource and how it has evolved throughout time.
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association      
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Officers and Board Members for July 2020 to June 2021

Co-Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Hannah Mazo (Ridgemede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)
Members of the Calvert Project Committee
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford)
  • Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford)
  • Mike Traviso (Tuscany/Lombardy)
  • Charles Brenton (Tuscany/Lombardy)
  • Lucinda Davis (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo)
  • Brian Weeks TCNA (Cloverhill Road)
  • Fred Lazarus. TCNA (Ridegmede Road)
  • Anne Perkins (Past Co-President TCNA)
  • Andy Parsley (Co-President TCNA)

Let us know what you like and what you would like to see here.