Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Message from our Senior Pastor,

Rev. Carolyn Stephens

Good Friday, April 7, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,

Today is Good Friday.

We have been journeying with Jesus over the past 6 weeks, and have come to this point in our journey with him. Most of us, if not all, know the story of this day quite well.  We have been taught and have read over the years what happened to Jesus. We know about his arrest, the trial, the mocking, the beating, and his crucifixion and burial.

I know the busyness of our lives can cause us to forget the importance of this day that is recognized worldwide throughout the Christian Church. Many of you are still required to be at work. Some of you are out of town on spring break, spending much needed time with your family.

We must make every effort, however, to remember because it was for us - you and me, and all the world - he died. I encourage you to take 5 minutes today to think of the sacrifice that was made. Read the crucifixion story in any of the Gospels, again, and meditate on it throughout the day.

Oh, how great a love God has for us, in that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.“ (Romans 5)

If you are in town, I invite you to come on out and be a part of our Good Friday service this evening at 7:00pm.

Our Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday from 12:00 - 2:00pm - rain or shine. I know the weather forecast does not seem favorable at this time, but we have a contingency plan in case it rains, so come on out and let us welcome our neighbors and have a great time.

I look forward to seeing each of you in worship on Sunday. There will be 3 services on Sunday:

  • Easter Vigil Sunrise Service at 7:00am,
  • Easter Morning Communion Service at 9:00am
  • Easter Morning Service at 11:00am, with reception of new members.

Come on out on Sunday, and let us celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

God’s grace and mercy,

Pastor Carolyn.

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