APRIL 2023


A Message from the Technology Transfer Center

The Illinois Department of Transportation’s Technology Transfer Center wants to be your provider of choice for highway-related training. We offer significant resources to provide the answers and training you need. Following are just a few of the resources currently on offer. 


Illinois Technology Transfer Center Holds ADA/PROWAG Training

Three students taking cross slope measurements during a field exercise.

Students participating in a wheelchair exercise in front of the Hanley Building. 

The classroom portion of the ADA/

PROWAG Guidelines training.


IDOT: Barry Kent, Tim Peters,

Stephen Letsky, George Tapas

FHWA: Traci Baker

Local public agencies across the state of Illinois attended Americans with Disabilities Act/Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines training, which consisted of classroom learning and field exercises. The field exercises gave participants an opportunity to experience concepts taught during the classroom learning session.

The seminar, which was held at the Hanley Building in Springfield on April 13, included presentations by the Federal Highway Administration Illinois Division and Illinois Department of Transportation discussing the U.S. Access Board’s Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way. It also provided an overview of other state and federal laws affecting access for people with disabilities in the right-of-way. 

FHWA Local Aid Support

Debuts New Online Training

The FHWA Local Aid Support team continues to expand its catalog of online training resources available at no cost to local government and tribal transportation professionals.

Visit the FHWA website for a full list of trainings.


Moving Innovation Forward: A New Round of Every Day Counts

The Federal Highway Administration

rolled out seven new innovations in the 

latest round of its Every Day Counts program. The innovations selected for EDC round seven, which takes place throughout 2023 and 2024, focus on helping transportation agencies improve safety for all users, build a sustainable infrastructure and grow an inclusive workforce.


Build a Better Mousetrap

Barry Kent, Technology Transfer Program Manager

Have you or one of your co-workers recently built an innovative gadget or developed an improved way to do a job? Well, now is the time to show off your creativity. The Illinois Technology Transfer (T2) Center is participating in the 2023 Build a Better Mousetrap National Competition sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration’s Local Technical Assistance Program and Tribal Technical Assistance Program centers.


T2 Is Offering On-Demand Training with 24/7 Access!

For more information or to create an account, visit the Learning Management System or contact

2023 IMT trade show floor

Ready for Download!

The Federal Highway Administration’s Geosynthetics Field Installation Notes Tracker mobile application is a one-stop resource for using geosynthetic materials to improve road construction and maintenance programs. The app includes key features for notetaking, bookmarking, printing, key terms, a glossary, an introductory tour of the app and more!

Available via Google Play Store and

Apple Store.  

For a video demonstrating the app’s features, visit FHWA's YouTube account at

For more information, visit FHWA Local Aid Support at

Barry Kent

Technology Transfer Program Manager

Bureau of Local Roads and Streets

Illinois Department of Transportation

2300 S. Dirksen Parkway, Room 208

Springfield, IL 62764

Office: (217) 785-2350

Mobile: (217) 720-2300


Online: Website

The Technology Transfer (T2) Program is a nationwide effort financed jointly by the Federal Highway Administration and individual state departments of transportation. Its purpose is to transfer the latest state-of-the-art technology in the areas of roads and bridges by translating the technology into terms understood by local and state highway or transportation personnel.

The Illinois Interchange is published quarterly by the Illinois Technology Transfer Center at the Illinois Department of Transportation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Illinois Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration. Any product mentioned in the Illinois Interchange is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a product endorsement.