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September 2024 Newsletter

New and Noteworthy

September 2024 Quarterly Data Report:

Health Care Teams Have Conducted Nearly 3 Million Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Screenings of Medi-Cal Members   

The ACEs Aware initiative released the September 2024 quarterly data report detailing the number of ACE screenings conducted for Medi-Cal members (children and adults) and the number of individuals who completed the Becoming ACEs Aware in California online training.   

Between January 1, 2020, and September 30, 2023,

Medi-Cal clinicians conducted more than 2,997,330 ACE screenings of 1,867,300 unique Medi-Cal members. Between December 4, 2019, and June 30, 2024, more than 39,995 individuals completed the Becoming ACEs Aware in California training, including approximately 18,920 Medi-Cal clinicians who are ACEs Aware-certified and eligible to receive Medi-Cal payment for conducting ACE screenings. 

Download the Report

Visit the ACEs Aware Data Reports webpage for easy access to Medi-Cal screening data and all past ACEs Aware data reports, interactive data visualizations of screening data by age and county, and county-level data for completions of the Becoming ACEs Aware in California core training. 


Elevating Youth Voice: Talking to Adolescents and Young Adults about ACEs   

Please join us for a webinar to continue the conversation from the August 13 webinar about the Live Beyond campaign.

In this webinar, ACEs Aware youth and young adult patient advisors will share their recommendations for how health care teams can discuss ACEs and toxic stress with young patients. Participants will also hear a clinician's perspective on approaches to addressing ACEs and toxic stress among adolescent patients.


Elevating Youth Voice: Talking to Adolescents and Young Adults about ACEs 

Thursday, September 26, 2024 

12 1 pm   

Register Now

ACEs Aware at Family Medicine POP 

The ACEs Aware team had the pleasure of hosting a booth at the California Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP) Family Medicine Prism of Practice (POP) conference in late August. 


ACEs Aware, in partnership with CAFP, offers free online American Academy of Family Physician (AAFP) continuing education credits through the ACEs Aware Learning Center. The trainings also include AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and other continuing education credit. 

Trainings offering AAFP credit include: 

  • Becoming ACEs Aware in California 
  • Stress Busters: Clinical Strategies for Preventing and Mitigating Toxic Stress 
  • ACEs and Trauma-Informed Care in Reproductive Health Webinar Series 
  • ACE Screening Implementation How-To Guide 

Visit the ACEs Aware Learning Center to explore available trainings. 

Fall Lineup of ACEs Aware Webinars 

We have an exciting lineup of webinars slated for the fall. ACEs Aware webinars are free and offer Continuing Education credit. See below for the schedule for September and October, and remember, you can access past webinars at any time on the ACEs Aware Learning Center. 

September 12, 12:30 – 1:30pm   

Science and Innovation Speaker Series:  

Forgiveness as a Buffer to Intergenerational Transmission of ACEs 

Loren L. Toussaint, PhD 

Register Now

September 19, 12 – 1pm 

ACEs Aware Clinical Pilots Series:  

Mitigating Toxic Stress with Mindfulness and Meditation 

Laura Figueroa-Phillips, MD, MSCE 

Register Now

September 26, 12 – 1pm  

Implementation with Intention:  

Elevating Youth Voice: Talking to Adolescents and Young Adults about ACEs 

Anda Kuo, MD 

Leena Singh, DrPH, MPH 

Jada Imani Carter 

Jose Cruz 

Setareh Harsamizadeh Tehrani 

Register Now 


October 10, 12:30 – 1:30pm  

Science and Innovation Speaker Series:  

The Association of ACEs with Accelerated Epigenetic Aging in Midlife  

Brian Joyce, PhD 

(Registration coming soon) 


October 17, 12 – 1pm  

ACEs Aware Clinical Pilot Series:  

Mitigating Intergenerational ACEs: Family Wellness Navigation in Adult Primary Care 

Sarah Hay, B.A. 

Katy Davis, PhD, LCSW 

Nipher Malika, PhD, MPH 

(Registration coming soon) 


October 24, 12 – 1pm  

Implementation with Intention:  

Dyadic Care in Pediatrics: Preventive Care for Whole Family Wellness 

Kathryn Hallinan, LMFT 

Shay-Lee Perez, PsyD 

Kate Margolis, PhD 

(Registration coming soon) 

News, Events, Resources, and Research


ACEs Hub

University of Calgary

A team of experts in clinical psychology, health informatics, social work, population and community health, knowledge translation, and mental health and wellness created the ACEs Hub to consolidate and share scientific research on ACEs to guide clinical practice and inform policies aimed at improving the health of individuals affected by ACEs. The website includes trustworthy information on ACEs, resilience, trauma-informed care, and collaborative, relationship-centered approaches to fostering optimal health outcomes. 

Access →

Suicide Prevention Resources

California Health and Human Services (CalHHS)

September is Suicide Prevention Month. Explore suicide prevention resources for youth, parents and teachers that help you recognize the warning signs of suicide, show support to a child, student, or loved one, and discover ways to get help. 

Access →

Creating Psychological Safety in Leadership Development

National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC)

A publication from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office on Trafficking in Persons on how to create psychological safe spaces, which encourage people to share ideas and feedback without fear of judgment or retaliation, thereby fostering learning, growth, and innovation.    

Access →


Bay Area Study Finds Early Childhood Trauma Therapy Can Prevent Serious Disease

August 2024 | KQED 

A new study finds that child-parent psychotherapy (CPP), a dyadic psychosocial intervention, helps young children overcome early childhood trauma and has the potential to prevent serious disease later in life by slowing down the rapid aging of the body's cells. Read the full research article in Psychological Science.


Adverse Childhood Experiences: Health Care Utilizations and Expenditures in Adulthood

July 2024 | HealthAffairs

Provides the first nationally representative estimates of ACEs-related health care utilization and expenditure differences based on direct observation, rather than model-based extrapolation. Finds that the aggregate spending difference across the 157.6 million US adults with ACEs was $292 billion in 2021.


Development and Validation of a Trauma-Informed Care Communication Skills Assessment Tool

July 2024 | Academic Pediatrics

Finds that the Gap Kalamazoo Communication Skills Assessment Form for Trauma-Informed Care demonstrates strong preliminary validity and offers educators a valuable means to assess and provide formative feedback to pediatric trainees about trauma-informed care. 


The Well-Being of Young Adults: The Implications of Multi-Type Child Maltreatment and the Mediating Role of Betrayal Trauma

July 2024 | Child Abuse & Neglect

Findings show that the extent of child maltreatment experienced, one's sense of betrayal, and the relationship of the child/adolescent to the perpetrator can influence well-being experienced during young adulthood. 


Beneficial Effects of Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Hippocampal Volumes and Episodic Memory for Childhood Adversity Survivors

April 2024 | Journal of Affective Disorders

Investigates the effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBI) on subiculum volumes among ACEs survivors, as well as the effects on episodic memory as a probe into hippocampal functionality. 


Ready to Become ACEs Aware? 

Becoming ACEs Aware in California is a free, two-hour online training for clinics to become trauma informed and launch an ACE screening initiative. Join more than 40,000 people who have completed the training.  


Completion of the Becoming ACEs Aware in California training is required for eligible Medi-Cal providers to be reimbursed for conducting ACE screenings. Visit the ACEs Aware Learning Center to take the training today.  


This activity is approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and other continuing education credit. 

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