ESB8 Series Lever Start Models
ESB8 Series Push Start Models (Lever Reverse)
The ESB8 Series push start tools use the same precision shut-off clutch as the rest of our line-up however offers a rapid lever activated reverse for quickly switching from CW to CCW rotation. Ideal for applications like Terminal Blocks, Threaded Inserts and many more!
ESB824P Series
4.4–18 in-lbs
(0.5 - 2.0 Nm)
In Stock!
ESB828P Series
8.8-27 in.lbs
(1.0-3.0 Nm)
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ESB829P Series
17.7-40 in.lbs
(2.0-4.5 Nm)
In Stock!
Right Angle Cordless screwdrivers also available in a wide torque range. Excellent option for those hard to reach areas and tight clearance applications.
In Stock!
New low torque push start 32V DC models available now.

CESL812P-ESD Series
0.9-8.7 in-lbs
(0.10-0.98 Nm)
In Stock!
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7370 Commercial Circle
Fort Pierce, FL 34951