What's included in this month's newsletter:
🍪 Girl scout story by board president, Stacey Stewart (cute photos included!)
📊 March poll results on the flag retirement process
🎓 New poll: employee retirement benefits
🗃️ Membership categories defined + renewal invoices due June 30th
📰 Updates from members (Manufacturers + Dealers)
🏛️ HR8290 update
🎉 Welcome TWO new members!
🌱 Membership referral contest for 2023–2024
✨ Member spotlight: Sunward Flag Company from San Diego, CA
🌵 Convention opening keynote details
📚 10 FREE resources for online business courses
💻 Upcoming roundtables
📌 FMAA scholarship program
📖 How to create your NIFDA website account, join Facebook Group, and take advantage of "Dealer Requests"
Please note: this newsletter may get clipped in your inbox. You can simply click "View entire message" at the bottom to view the entire email.
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How did you first learn to show respect for the U.S. flag? | |
🎙️ Stacey Stewart, Board President (pictured right, age 8): For me, it was through Girl Scouts. I remember placing my hand over my heart and saying the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the Girl Scout Promise when the colors were presented at the start of our Brownie meetings. Around age 8, I recall anxiously participating in the Color Guard ceremony, always concerned the flag might touch the ground (as the shortest kid in class, I might have been better suited to call out commands than be the flag bearer, but let’s just say my assertive go-getter nature started early on).
My first experience hoisting a flag to the top of a flagpole was at Girl Scout Camp. In fact, a lot of firsts came from camp – horseback riding, bonfire-building, tie-dyeing, canoeing, tent-camping, performing in front of a crowd, and rooming with other girls – memorable experiences that built my confidence and gave me a foundation for future opportunities.
During high school, I became a camp counselor spending the summer months under the pseudonym “Hippy”, donning peace signs, tie-dye, and Grateful Dead gear, and sharing the magic of camp with younger Girl Scouts. Each session would end with a closing ceremony in which the flag was lowered, folded into a triangle, and Taps was sung. The final ceremony of the summer was especially difficult as we said good-bye; it’s the first time I recall a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes while gazing upon our flag.
Fast-forward 25+ years to owning a flag business… when presented with the chance to teach Girl Scouts how to show respect for the flag, I’ve welcomed the opportunity! We’ve invited Troops to our store, shared the flag’s symbols and etiquette, discussed its evolution, demonstrated how to fold a flag, practiced a flag ceremony, and even let the kids take turns raising and lowering a flag on a real flagpole. I hope this experience instills a sense of pride and appreciation for the American flag that sticks with them forever.
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How does your business give back to the community? Do you work with Scouts? Veteran organizations? Local charities? Share your experience with NIFDA and be featured in a future newsletter, roundtable, or convention! | |
Monthly Poll Results + New Poll | |
March Poll Results – Flag Retirement Process
Does your business accept U.S. flags for retirement?
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Do you take in retired flags that are NOT made in the USA? | |
- Not typically but sometimes they slide in.
- All US Flags are accepted for retirement. 50%-60% of the US flags we receive are Made in China.
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Do you limit the quantity to retire? | |
- It depends. We retire flags purchased at our business at no charge. For those purchased by others, we charge a fee for retirement. We were getting American Legion posts with truckloads for retirement, so this has limited that and/or allows us to cover our costs associated with retirement since they are driven a distance off site.
- If habitual non-customer, we charge $5 to retire the flag.
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As a business, do you hold a formal flag retirement ceremony? | |
As a business, do you retire US Flags or pass them onto another organization to retire? Check ALL that apply: | |
Other Responses:
- Dismember the starfield from the stripes. This is our solution since the crematory we used will no longer accept flags as they do not want to deal with the mess.
- The National U.S. Cemetery conveniently located nearby, accepts US Flags for retirement.
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Does your local community and/or State prohibit burning of Flags? | |
What is your "Best Practice" for Retiring Flags?
- Cut the flag in half vertically — do not cut into the blue star field. Place the two halves together and cut in half horizontally. You will have four pieces of flag, one being the blue star field and the other three red and white stripes. Put the flag in a container and dispose of it properly.
- Burned in a discreet and dignified manner.
- By burning
- Since we retire so many flags, most 5'x8 and larger, we currently dis-member the flag. We respectfully cut the starfield from the stripes, we then remove the short stripes from the long stripes and dispose of the starfields separate from the red stripes.
- deliver to boy scout office
- We give them to an Organization to handle properly.
- collect them in a box in the condition I receive them and bring the box to where they will be burned
- Collect until the Boy Scouts call
- Cantons from 3x5ft Flags go to Stars for Troops & the rest go the The National Cemetery.
- Per the code they are burned in a respectful manner. It is done in private without a ceremony.
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Estimate how many flags of all sizes are retired at your business location per year:
- 1,500
- 30
- 500
- 600+
- if only I knew!!
- 200
- 2,125
- at least 500+
- 3000
- several hundred
- 1,000
- 3,000+
- couple hundred
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Employee Retirement Benefits
This month, we're gathering data on how our members handle employee retirement benefits. Would you please take a few minutes to anonymously contribute to the discussion?
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Membership renewal invoices went out last week, and are due by June 30th for the 2023–2024 fiscal year. Membership category was determined based on the previous year, but if your business has pivoted, please let us know!
Here are the membership categories, as defined in the NIFDA bylaws:
Dealer/Retailer: business entity that sells U.S. flags solely made in the U.S. of U.S.-made components; majority of sales are to end users at the retail level
Manufacturer/Supplier: business entity that manufactures or distributes U.S. flags solely made of U.S.-made components and/or flag products in the U.S.; majority of sales are at the wholesale level
Associate: business entity that provides products or services to the dealer/retailer and/or manufacturer/supplier members *Associate members are not eligible to vote or serve on the Board
Annin Flagmakers
- Sales continue to be strong with many large orders. Inventory levels are getting better every day with some smaller flags having significant inventory.
Concord American Flagpole
- The flagpole season is well underway!
- CAFP is operating with full production capabilities and have further increased satin shaft inventory at all three facilities (Texas, Virginia, and Minnesota) to maintain quick lead times during the summer months.
- Check out our latest episode of Run It Up the Flagpole overviewing how our Internal Winch Flagpoles operate!
Eagle Mountain Flag & Flagpole
- StarGazer Stocked in all color options, ships 48-72 hours
- Summit Universal Flagpole Truck Assembly - Stocked in all color options, single pulley and double pulley, ships 24-48 hours
- The Flag Sentinel - Stocked in all lengths and pole diameter options, ships 24-48 hours
- RePatriot Flags - 3x5 through 6x10 in US and Texas in stock, ships 24-48 hours
Eder Flag
- Eder Flag has ample stock on commercial poles, small and large US Flags.
J.C. Schultz Enterprises, Inc. / FlagSource
- Don't Forget June is Pride Month. We have Progress Pride Flags in Stock for Immediate Shipping in sizes 2x3', 3x5', 4x6', and 5x8'.
- June 19th is Juneteenth Day. We have the official flag in stock and ready to ship in sizes 2x3', 3x5', 4x6', and 5x8'.
- We have Presidential Flags in Stock in size 3x5'. Get Your Trump 2024, DeSantis 2024, and Biden Harris 2024 flags today.
- Contact Customer Service at (800) 323-9127 today to find out more information about these products.
- All US flags Nylon and 2-Ply Polyester flags 3x5' up to 30x60' US flags are in stock for immediate shipping. Place an order today it ships by tomorrow.
- Contact Customer Service on our Custom Flag promotion on 12, 25, 50, & 100 Pcs. Great Savings!
Valley Forge Flag Company
- We continue to get caught up with core flag products
- We currently have stock on 3x Military, POW, US stick flags, US flags up to 15x25', 1.5x3' and 3x6' full fans etc.
- Please check in with us for your last minute Memorial Day customer demand.
- Jeff Shaaber (610) 457-4853
- Steve Hartoin (610) 507-4734
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Dixie Flag & Banner Company
- Dixie Flag and Banner Company is now a Minority & Woman-Owned Business, and this year, we are celebrating our 65th Anniversary.
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All members are invited to share relevant news and updates in the monthly newsletter. Participation is optional.
You may submit your news and updates using the button below at any time. Form entries will be accepted until noon on the 14th of every month, unless otherwise noted (example: you can submit entries to be included in next month's newsletter any time between now and the 14th of next month).
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Saratoga Flag Company recently met with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik in
Washington, DC; to discuss H.R. 8290, “The Make American Flags in America Act.”
Rep. Stefanik’s team is working diligently to find the best Senator to write a companion bill to move this Bill forward through the Legislative process.
We expect to see H.R. 8290 re-introduced in Congress on Flag Day, June 14th, 2023.
This bill is a direct result of NIFDA members speaking up about concerns directly related to the U.S. flag industry.
For anyone not familiar with House Resolution 8290, please visit the NIFDA Website to learn more.
We Need Your Help!
NIFDA members: Please call, meet-up, and/or write to your Representative in Congress and your U.S. Senators to make them aware of H.R. 8290 and how it affects your flag business. Ask for bi-partisan support and collaboration.
Use the opportunity to meet with your Legislators in person and share your photos with
NIFDA, as well as through your own social media channels. Tag all posts with
Find your Representatives at this link here.
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Flagpole Farm (D)
Manufacturer of the “Titan” line of products, which include the Titan Telescoping Flagpole, and the Titan Solar Light.
Ric Eborall
1976 E. Franklin Rd.
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 895-0463
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OneNation Flag, LLC (A)
Developing flagpole light product
Art Levy
405 Lakeside Rd
Wynnewood, PA 19096
(484) 716-5583
Website under construction
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Membership Referral Contest | |
Announcing... NIFDA Newcomers, a Member Referral Contest | |
Have you benefitted from NIFDA membership? Now is the time to share the opportunity with other flag dealers and suppliers! Imagine the possibilities of more resources, expertise, and growth if each member recruited just one new business to join NIFDA this year!
You may be asking “What’s In It For Me?”
- Dealers – for each new member you recruit, receive $50 off the 2023 convention registration fee; recruit more to save more!
- Manufacturers – recruit 5 new members and your company will receive recognition at a higher convention sponsorship level!
- The Winner – The member business that recruits the most new members will be announced and recognized at the 2023 convention.
Rules & Eligibility: All active NIFDA members are eligible to participate and there is no limit to the number of new members you can recruit. Referral credits will be awarded when the current member’s information is provided at the time of application/dues payment. A new member is defined as a Dealer, Manufacturer, or Associate member who is brand new to NIFDA or non-renewing for the previous two years. The contest ends on July 4, 2023.
Someone once invited you to join NIFDA… now is your chance to pass it on! Who do you know that could benefit from NIFDA membership? Invite them to become a NIFDA Newcomer today!
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Big or small we make them all! | |
Sunward Flag Company LLC is a custom flag making company that specializes in hand crafted applique flags. We have been in business for over 30 years.
However, our story begins long before that, in our garage in San Diego where we sewed beautiful tapestry bags and decorative kites, and sold them at local craft shows. One day a friend asked us to make the multi-colored attention flags that are flown in front of apartment buildings, so we did. About six months later the same friend returned and asked us to make the flags again. When we asked what had happened to the other flags, he responded, “they wear out you know”. That was our “Aha!” moment when we realized that making flags was a much better business model as selling flags creates repeat customers and helps you to build your business. So we started making custom flags.
After being asked to produce custom attention flags for an apartment supplier catalog we bid adieu to the garage shop and moved into a larger production space and added additional seamstresses to meet the now increased demand for our products. Over time many commercial and individual groups found us to be a great resource for their custom flags and our business grew and we developed the specialty skills needed to produce applique flags.
With a motto of, “I’m sure we can,” our customers have led us into many different sectors of the flag industry.
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The US Navy was instrumental in urging us to make larger (20’x38’) custom battle flags. Word spread and now our battle flags are flown from dozens of Naval ships. The military also came to us with their NTP13B specifications to make their custom Guidons, Admiral flags and Command flags which we do with great precision.
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The US Navy Parachute team dropped by our shop to see if we could make a larger 1000 sq ft US flag from a lightweight fabric that they could fly behind them when doing performance jumps. We said why not, and added custom skydiving flags to our product offering.
Click the video here to see the 25’ x 40’ flag was made from a very lightweight parachute material for the Navy Seals in action... Turn your speakers up, as the soundtrack is perfect for this.
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Along the way, our customers requested US, State and Military flags to go with their custom flags. In order to accommodate the additional inventory as well as give our skilled seamstresses a greater area to make the larger flags, we moved into a larger and more centralized production facility and expanded our front office team as well as our flag making crew. Now we carry an increased amount of stock in all sizes of these flags as well as City and Country flags.
Requests from our flag customers to provide a flagpole on which to display their flags, led us into the flagpole business. Learning and then doing the installations and repairs, has allowed us the opportunity to expand our expertise and become a major flagpole installation and service company in San Diego.
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When we joined NIFDA, new opportunities arose as several of the members were looking for someone to make large state flags and custom flags for their collegiate clients. While appreciating these growth opportunities we have really enjoyed making new friends and finding helpful support and resources amongst the fellow NIFDA nation.
Being a flagmaker also comes with the opportunity to support different groups in our communities. At Sunward Flag we are proud supporters of the LGBTQIA+ community and work to support several Pride Associations by making larger Pride flags for their events. Keep us in mind if you need a custom sized Pride flag to support this community.
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Please feel free to drop us a line if we can help you with any of your projects, or stop by if you are visiting San Diego. We’d love to share the best fish taco and margarita spots in town. | |
Founders: Nancy and John Russell
Mission: To make flags that help our customers tell the world who they are and what they stand for.
Main Product: Applique flags of all sizes
Location: 7527 Convoy Court, San Diego, CA 92111
New Website: www.sunwardflag.com
Contact Info: info@sunwardflag.com or 858-689-8444
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One of the most valuable benefits of being a NIFDA member is the gift of having flag friends all the over the U.S.! Help us get to know each other by using the Member Spotlight Form below to share your story: | |
Convention registration is OPEN! | |
Opening Keynote: Monday, October 16, 2023
Leading with Laughter: The Power of Humor in Leadership
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Leaders with a sense of humor are not only seen as more competent and more motivating, but their teams also have higher levels of engagement and are more likely to solve complex problems creatively. With all the research around the R.O.I. of LOL in leadership, learning to harness the power of humor effectively may be just the edge your leaders are looking for.
This hilarious & content-rich keynote by Paul not only provides the foundation of WHY humor is such an effective leadership trait, but also HOW to incorporate humor into your leadership style.
You’ll leave with techniques for using humor and improv strategies to enhance team communication & connection, improve productivity, and ensure that this year you get the department’s coolest boss’ day gift.
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Paul Osincup
Speaker, Humor & Positivity Strategist, and Content Creator for Happify
Paul helps organizations create happier, healthier, and more connected places to work. Paul’s global mission for workplace happiness has provided him the opportunity to work with hundreds of organizations including Google, Discover, The U.S. Airforce, and the Harvard Kennedy School of Leadership. He’s a content creator for the digital health app Happify, and a certified Stress Mastery Educator with the American Institute of Stress. His TEDx Talk: “Leading with Laughter, the Power of Humor in Leadership” has been viewed nearly a half million times and he is the Past President of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, an international organization dedicated to the study and application of humor to enhance health and human performance. Paul’s work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Forbes, and on his mom’s refrigerator.
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10 FREE Resources for Online Business Courses | |
As your business grows and changes, so should you and your team. Prepare your business for the future by investing in professional development, further expanding your skills and knowledge, and providing opportunities for employee growth.
Below are 10 sources for free webinars, courses, trainings, and workshops. Did we mention they are FREE?
U.S. Small Business Administration: Courses for Starting, Managing & Growing Your Business
Saylor Academy: Courses on Management & Leadership
LinkedIn Learning: Marketing, Time Management & Leadership Courses:
Shopify Learn: Business Basics, Marketing & Sales Courses
Moz: SEO & Social Media Marketing Videos
My Own Business Institute: Courses for Starting & Expanding a Business
Google: Digital Marketing Fundamentals Course:
Wishpond: Email Marketing Masterclass
Canva: Designing for Print, Mobile & Social Media:
Coursera: Variety of Professional Development Courses
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Mark your calendars! Our next 2023 Virtual Roundtables are scheduled for:
➡️ Thursday, July 20, 2023 – Manufacturer Updates + Convention Sneak Peak
➡️ Thursday, August 10, 2023 – Traditional Advertising For Your Business by The Ad Pros
➡️ Thursday, December 7, 2023 – To Be Announced
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FMAA $2,000 Scholarship Program | |
The FMAA Scholarship Program is an annual program offering college scholarships to graduating high school seniors who have thoughtfully and creatively shared what the American flag means to them through original videos. | |
The program gives high school seniors an opportunity to express their feelings regarding the flag and their own views on patriotism, as well as raising awareness of the “Made in the USA” issue.
Check out THIS email for ways you can promote this scholarship program to your circle of influence. You'll find the application here and the guidelines here. Entries are due by June 14th.
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Create Your NIFDA Account | |
If you have not already done so, creating an account for the members-only website enables you to view our membership directory, read past newsletters and industry flag news, listen to previous virtual roundtable recordings, and access other member announcements.
Go to the member sign up page HERE
- Click the "Create Your Account" button
- Enter contact information on website
- Check your inbox for welcome email
- Save email for future reference
- Click link in your email to access or "Member Log-In" at the bottom of the NIFDA website
Questions? Simply hit 'reply' on this email! 🙂
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The NIFDA members only Facebook group serves as an online forum for selling excess inventory, finding products or services, posting job opportunities, and connecting with fellow flag friends.
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Are you looking for a hard to find or specialty product? Then reach out to the NIFDA Dealer Network.
We send out Dealer Requests every Friday, or sooner if there is a tight deadline. Fill out the form here.
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