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September 05, 2024


Hello St. John’s Family,

Early this week the following message was posted on one side of our sign out front by Almshouse Road:

Praying for all


Parents, & Teachers

We’ve posted this or a similar message at the start of each school year, letting our neighbors in the community know we hold them in prayer, while reminding ourselves to do just that – lift up our families and neighbors in prayer! A new academic year brings excitement and new opportunities, along with some uncertainty and anxious moments. Our prayer is the children and youth in our community, along with the parents and teachers who love and guide them, are protected, strengthened, and guided by God to learn, grow, and develop into the people God formed them to be. Then, just as the school year begins, news of yet another school shooting is received. 

As I learned of the shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, my stomach turned. I blurted out loud “Why?!?!” Another community shattered by violence and death in a place that should be safe and uplifting. So many families scarred by a day of unimaginable terror. How can this continue to happen? It breaks our hearts and boggles our minds as students, teachers, and families continue to experience the agony and pain of senseless gun violence.

Sometimes it can seem as if we’re alone and helpless as we face the brokenness, violence, and pain that mark this world. We lift up our prayers; the brokenness continues. Is God really with us? I believe the answer to that question is a firm yes. God is with us, and God was present every moment at Apalachee High School, comforting and attending to each shattered soul. God will continue to comfort and heal, as God is the only one who truly understands the depth of their pain. We cannot forget that as we attempt to process and grieve.

We also cannot stop praying. We need to continue to pray for safety, guidance, and strength for students, parents, and teachers, near and far, and the communities they are part of. We need to pray for the leaders of communities, each state, and our country, seeking the movement of the Holy Spirit such that hardened hearts are softened and meaningful change that promotes common sense and safety can be embraced. Perhaps, most importantly, we need to pray that our hearts are not hardened. It’s often said that “prayer changes things.” In my experience, one of the first things prayer changes is me: my presuppositions, my blind spots, my fear to engage and act such that meaningful change can happen. May our prayers move us to be the vocal agents of mercy and grace God desires us to be in this broken and violent world. 

This Sunday in worship we’ll begin a sermon series that explores how we are Created for Connection. In a culture with seemingly endless technologies that connect us with others, so many people are experiencing isolation and loneliness that the Surgeon General identified loneliness as a public health epidemic. So, over the next 5 weeks we’ll explore how, as beings reflecting God’s very image, we are formed for connection and community together. We’ll kick things off (yes, NFL pun intended!) this week by seeing how the agricultural image of the vine illustrates our essential need to be connected to our source. I hope you read John 15:1-12, and then join me in worship on Sunday!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Brad



Come worship with us this Sunday!

September 08, 2024

"Abide in the True Vine"

John 15:1-12

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 28:10-16

Lead Pastor - Rev. Brad Leight

Contemporary: 9:00AM | Traditional: 10:30 AM

This service can be viewed LIVE through

St. John's YouTube Channel

or on our homepage:

Past worship service videos can also be found:

Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.

Fall Stewardship


Thank you for your faithful stewardship and support of the ministries of St. John’s Ivyland! Your faithfulness enables us to live into our mission to be “Open Arms and Serving Hands Transforming Lives through Christ!” As we (re)Connect to all the ways we experience God at St. John's Ivyland remember you can support wherever you are - online, by text, in person & by mail. May God bless all that we do for the building of the Kingdom!


Online - Click at the top of any page at

By text - Text the amount of your gift to 877-960-2396. You'll receive a one-time registration link. Then follow the prompts to complete your donation.

In person or by mail - Tithes and offerings can be brought & sent to St. John's Ivyland, 820 Almshouse Rd, Ivyland, PA 18974


UMC General Conference: Discerning Impact at St. John's - September 10th Session

6:00pm (EDT) to 7:30pm (EDT)

820 Almshouse Road

Ivyland, PA 18974

St. John's is offering Informational Sessions to hear updates on denominational decisions made at the recent General Conference, and to begin the process of discerning impact here. All congregants are encouraged to attend one session; please sign up as a volunteer, then select "Participant" from the drop-down menu on the registration page to attend on September 10th. Also, click on the small blue check box at the top of the advertisement to opt out of promotional mailings from the registration software vendor.

Note this session will be held in the Library with parking available at the Education Wing entrance. For those who need an accessible entrance, please contact/inform the Church Office prior to September 10th to arrange entry at Fellowship Hall.

Please sign here: 10septembersession

St. John’s Caring Ministries Visitation Team 

is a vital part of the mission of our church. 

The Team regularly visits our shut-ins, makes calls to check on them 

and sends cards to brighten their days. 

If you are interested in becoming a part of this important

ministry of St. John’s, please contact Pastor Ruth.

We will be scheduling a training meeting soon, 

so prayerfully consider joining our Team.

(RE)CONNECT with powerful ministries and programs at St. John’s Ivyland this September as we “fall back” into all the wonderful ways we worship, study, fellowship, sing, serve and more during our Fall Kick Off!

We’ve worked to build a special page - updated with the latest information - where you can find out what you need to know about when and where you can (RE)CONNECT to all the good things happening at St. John’s Ivyland.





A. Scan the QR code below

B. Access through the web site, as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the DONATE button
  3. Under IN KIND DONATIONS, click on Amazon Wish List. Multiple Grace Cafe wish lists are on the left side of the page.

C. Order the item or items you want to donate from the wish list.

Make payment; Amazon will ship the donated items directly to Arch Street United Methodist Church

The Upper Room




Are now available

in the Narthex

Be sure to pick up one for yourself and one for a friend.



Saturday, October 5th, 2024

10:00 - 11:30am - Fellowship Hall


Come and join the women of St. John’s in welcoming the Fall. 


A light breakfast/brunch of coffee, tea, homemade breakfast casseroles and bagels will be available while we socialize and get to catch up with each other and make new acquaintances. We will discuss upcoming events at St. John’s and United Women in Faith, which will be followed by our guest, Trish Conover. 

Trish will enlighten all who attend with a musical program:

“Sisters in Song: Re-Valuing Women Hymn Writers”

Music is a means to escape, to remember, to worship, and so much more. Join our guest artist, Trish Conover, as she explores the back stories of some of the greatest hymns written by women. This session will include singing by our guest clinician, as well as audience participation.

A sign-up sheet is on the United Women in Faith bulletin board. Please come, invite your friends, & join in a morning of good fellowship.

St John’s Ivyland is looking for children & teens (3rd Grade & older) who are interested in becoming acolytes.

What is the job of an acolyte?

Acolytes perform a vital role in Worship: they bring in the Light of Christ prior to the service and to take the Light of Christ out into the World at the end of the service.

Training is available for all interested in serving! 

If you know of a young person who can serve in this meaningful part of Worship Contact Jennifer Haas (215)-776-1740 |

The New Christian Education year is right around the corner! 

This year we are using a new tool (VBSPro) to help us collect our Children’s Ministry participant registration information. Registering your child(ren) helps our church provide the resources, volunteers and planning necessary to keep all of our kids safe, happy and in love with Jesus Christ!

Please help us get off to a terrific start to our 24-25 Christian Education year by registering ( your child today!


2024-25 Youth Sunday School Registration is live! Please help us to make sure your youth is registered. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to JT Crockett at



Advent is the season of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. This should be a time for families to come together in prayer and devotion.

Please consider writing a devotion for our Advent Devotional. 

As always we will have paper copies of the devotional available and, in addition we will be posting each day’s devotion online.

The Devotions are due by October 6, 2024.

If you are interested in contributing a devotion, please contact

Pastor Ruth.


It is such a blessing to work with children and youth. They often see the world with new eyes and see the world around us in ways that remind us of our own faith and our faith growth. 

“Jesus called a little child to come to him. He stood the child in front of the followers. Then he said, “The truth is, you must change your thinking and become like little children. If you don’t do this, you will never enter God’s kingdom. The greatest person in God’s kingdom is the one who makes himself humble like this child.” - Matthew 18:2-4 ERV

As adults we have the blessing of working with our children and youth to shape and model for them what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. Please consider joining us as we transform the lives of our children and volunteer in our Children’s and Youth Ministry Programs. There are opportunities for everyone!

Join us on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm in our Fellowship Hall to hear about the opportunities available and the ways that St. John’s Ivyland United Methodist Church is sharing the love of Jesus Christ with our children and our youth in our church, community, and beyond.

Children Sunday School

Welcome kids pre-K to 6th Grade to an exciting new year of Sunday School at St. John’s Ivyland. We have three classrooms this year so kids of every level can come learn and experience God’s Love!

Teen Sunday School

Is God online?

All middle school & high school aged teens  are invited to join us in Sunday School for the first part of our topical conversation about what it means to be teen, be online & be a Christian.

Learn more about the vision God has given us for this exciting year of St. John’s Youth Ministry as we gather to share and fellowship Sunday, September 8th at our Fall Kickoff Meeting w/ Youth & Parents (11:30-12:30 PM in the St. John’s Youth Room).

At 6:15pm our Young Adult Explorers (Young Adults 18-25), explore our world through God’s eyes. Together, we seek answers for the BIG questions of life and young adulthood with love, compassion, fearlessness, laughter and food. We are Methodist after all!


Leaders are Barbara Schneider and Carol Campbell

"Martin’s Send Down the Rain answers the questions of what it means—and what level of sacrifice it takes—to truly love someone."

Music is one of the ways that we show God that we know who God is!

St. John’s Ivyland’s Music Ministry has a place for you to come and lift up your gifts as an offering to the Lord! 

Whether you play an instrument, you want to join our Praise Band, you’d like to play in a bell choir, or if you’d like to lift your voice in song we’ve got a place for you! If you are a little kid, a big kid, a teen, or adult of any age - we’ve got a place for you! If you would love to Worship god in song but don’t know where to go or what you can share, we’ve got a place for you!

For more information about our Music Ministry’s Fall Kick Off Click Here

Choir & Praise Band Rehearsals are getting back into swing Thursday September 5th and Sunday September 8th. Click Here for a full schedule!

 All year, Servant-Leaders in our AV Ministry help facilitate meaningful Worship at our Contemporary and Traditional Services. Throughout Summer, we have witnessed how they help us share the Word of God and the power and passion of Worship with those who can’t join us in a new way. St John’s Ivyland needs your help in growing & sustaining our AV Ministry. Decide today to participate in this vital ministry this Fall! 

As Fall Kicks Off, Reach out today and learn how you can help others (re)connect to Worship through this vital ministry!

Prayer List

Prayer requests should be submitted to

Prayer requests are reviewed

Monday-Friday AM.


Recyclable Plastic Bags

St. John's Staff

If your contact information changes: 

address, phone, email, etc.

please notify the church office at

215-357-6998 or

and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.

Thank you!

View St John's Budget 2024


The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the

"What's Happening"tab on our website.

Worship Videos
St. John's Bell Choir Videos
Click here to share your favorite St. John's photos with us!

CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266