Membership Meeting at Mar-Li's Bar - Thursday, November 16 | |
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
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President’s Message
We are on the brink of another snowmobile season. By the time you read this, we will have experienced our first snowfall of the season and low temperatures are forecast in the 20’s for the next two weeks in St. Germain. The trails and the equipment are almost ready for the season.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with brushing and cleaning the trails. It was a great turn out. Also thank you to Red, White, and Brew for hosting the after brushing celebration and Spang’s for providing the pizzas. Our Signmaster, John Lindberg, and his assistants have been busy replacing old and damaged trail signs. They have replaced over 150 signs to ensure you have well marked, safe trails. The new 2023-2024 Bo-Boen trail maps have been printed and soon will be available at our advertisers’ businesses. Please patronize our advertisers; they are a big part of the success of our trail system.
We have two important fundraising events coming up in February. Hiller’s Radar Run is February 2nd and 3rd, and the Arrowhead Groomer Show is February 7th and 8th. We will need a lot of volunteers for the Radar Run. We will be providing food and beverages for both events and parking for the Radar Run. Please mark your calendar for these events and consider volunteering. In our next newsletter we will have a link to the volunteer schedule. You can keep up to date on Bo-Boen happenings and snowmobiling in our area by reading our Facebook page and checking our website.
Let’s all do our part to keep our trails safe and enjoyable by riding your side of the trail. As always, think snow.
Roger Klein, President
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Thank you to Kaye and the entire staff of Fibber's Bar & Restaurant for hosting our October Membership Meeting. We enjoyed an amazing dinner and wonderful evening! |
November Membership Meeting
Thursday, November 16th
Mar-Li's Bar
Cocktails: 6 pm
Dinner Payment Due: 6:45 pm
Dinner: 7 pm
Menu Selection
- Broasted Chicken
- Butterfly Deep Fried Shrimp
- Grilled Pork Loin
The cost is $25/person, and all dinners include fresh lettuce greens, roll, baked potato, veggies, dessert, coffee, tax, and tip.
Members are responsible for payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Make checks payable to Mar-Li's Bar.
Please RSVP by Saturday, November 11 using the below button, or call Shelby Szott at (715) 614-2240.
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Membership Corner
Our club membership renewals along with new members continue to come in. As of mid-October, we have 1025 renewed and new memberships. If you haven't yet, please return your form or use our secure membership renewal form online at Club Membership (
If you need your AWSC# just send me a quick email. You can also do a lookup on the AWSC website anytime by going here: Membership Lookup ( Our club is listed as St. Germain Bo-Boen SC.
If you have any questions let me know and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Ed Siergiej, Membership Chair
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From The Trail Boss
Fall is here, the leaves are coming down and winter cannot be far away! Thanks to everyone who came to Brushing Day on October 14. There was a great turnout - it was nice to see familiar faces as well as lots of new ones who came to help. A Big Thank You to Red, White and Brew for hosting our “After Party” and Spangs for providing the pizzas.
We are finished with the big arm on the blue tractor and will be putting the arm in storage. We now will be using the brush hog on the blue tractor to put the finishing touches on the trails before the winter snow arrives.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Fred Suchy
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We received permission from the Town to place a sign on 70W when entering St. Germain. | | | |
Snowmobile Safety Class Scheduled
December 9 & 10, 2023
Beginning January 1, 2001, any person born on or after January 1, 1985 and who has reached the age of 12, must have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin. The certificate must be carried while operating the snowmobile and displayed to a law enforcement officer upon demand.
Safety Education class is scheduled for December 9 & 10, 2023 at the St. Germain Community Center. Anyone 11 years of age or older is eligible to take the class and receive a safety education certificate; however, the certificate does not become valid until the child reaches 12 years of age. Adult students are also welcome to attend. There is a $10 DNR fee payable on the first day of the class. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM on Saturday, December 9. Class will begin at 9:00 AM and complete around 2:30 or 3:00 PM, lunch will be provided. On Sunday, December 10 class will run from 9:00 AM to noon. You are required to attend both days.
Pre-registration is necessary and can be completed online at, or by contacting Peggy Ausloos at or 715-892-6467.
All students are required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR Customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate from any Recreational Safety Class and provide that number to their instructor. Students can obtain a DNR Customer ID# by logging in to or by calling 1-888-936-7463 between 7 AM and 10 PM. You can also visit a Wisconsin DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled hours. You will need to provide your social security number to the DNR. For additional DNR Service Center hours and locations go to www. and click on the “Get Started” tab.
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The Safety Class will be held on December 9 and 10 at the St. Germain Community Center. We need a few volunteers to help set up on Friday, December 8th at 3:00 PM, and to help with registration on the 9th from 8:15 to 9:00 AM. We also need a few volunteers to help with test reading and test correction on the 10th from 10:45 AM to noon.
We would like to have the delicious home-baked goods so many of you have provided in the past for our students and instructors. If you are willing to share your baked goods, please package them in individual servings and bring them to the Community Center on Saturday morning.
Contact Peggy Ausloos at 715-892-6467 or to volunteer your service. A sign-up sheet will also be circulated at the November Dinner Meeting.
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The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again!
Continuing a tradition over 41 years in the making, the Apple Dumpling Gang rides to lunch every Wednesday, once the trails officially open. To join the Gang, just show up on your sled at the Bo-Boen groomer barn at 9 a.m. sharp on Wednesdays and bring cash. If your email address has changed, send your contact info by email or text to Wayne Ax at, or 815-978-4116.
Think SNOW!
Wayne Ax, Leader of the Gang
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Boo-BBB's Set to Ride
Join the Boo-BBBs for lunch and a short informative meeting on Friday, November 17th at the 19th Hole. We will assemble at 12:00 and will discuss upcoming rides and our overnight which will be February 13-15. We will be going to The Konteka Black Bear Resort in White Pine, MI. All ladies are invited! See you soon!
Janelle Ewen
Peg Ausloos
Penny McCormick
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Sunshine Report!
Our “Sunshine Lady” needs some sunshine sent her way! Judy was recently hospitalized with an infection but is home now resting and has some recovery ahead of her! Please keep her in your prayers. A get well soon card was sent from the club.
A "Thinking of You" card was sent to Steve Soltwedel as he's been back in the hospital.
A sympathy card was sent to June Vogel, Tim Schwulst and the family as June's mother, Mary Vogel, passed away.
Please contact Judy Schell at or (715) 542-2321 when you have information on births, members who are ill or hospitalized, or in need of a bit of cheer, sympathy, or encouragement.
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Supporting our club in all sorts of ways! | | | | |