Convocation 2022

Imagination and Collective Liberation for a Climate-Changed World

October 12, 2022

Dear friends:

This week we are rejoicing and giving thanks for Convocation 2022 — an inspiring, challenging, energizing time of learning, community, and respite that many of us shared last week. Thank you to all who participated in The BTS Center's annual Convocation, a tradition 117 years in the making!

A Convocation participant shared these words of gratitude:

"Thank you for bringing into being this wonderful blend of ministry and preaching, prayers and songs, opportunities for deep dives and for reflection in small groups. Thanks and gratitude to Veronice Miles, Cole Arthur Riley, Ched Myers, Reggie Harris, Rob Hopkins, Keisha McKenzie, Shanon Shah, the BTS facilitators and all who made this possible. The synergy between the individual presenters and Convocation leaders / facilitators and participants was wonderful. I look forward to revisiting the recordings of the main sessions, and to immersing myself in the recordings of the deep dives."

This week the gratitude is flowing in both directions!

Beginning Thursday afternoon and continuing through Friday afternoon, we led seven different sessions — worship, preaching, communal song, speakers, workshops, affinity groups, and even a live recording of a podcast session — with 164 people registered and somewhere around 100 people engaging with each session. From start to finish, Convocation 2022 included profound sharing from scholars and activists and artists and authors and musicians and organizers and spiritual leaders. 

The participants' page is still available here at this link, and we encourage you to make use of it. It contains recordings of all of the sessions, along with musician Reggie Harris' Convocation songbook, bios of our presenters, Lilace Mellin Guignard's commissioned poem "The Great Re-Imagining," and additional resources.

Here are links to a couple of videos that we shared during Convocation:

Convocation 2022 may have come and gone, but without missing a beat, we are jumping into full swing in our planning for some exciting fall programming, including:

  • The Intersectional Environmentalist Book Study — a five-week book study on Tuesdays (5:00-6:15 pm Eastern) beginning October 18, exploring The Intersectional Environmentalist: How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People and Planet, in which author Leah Thomas explores the ways in which climate change affects different groups disproportionately and offers ideas and actions toward a more inclusive vision of ecological justice. Click here to watch a video of Maya Williams, Portland's poet laureate, reading a poem she wrote specifically for this book study
  • EcoPreacher Cohort — a year-long cohort for preachers, meeting once a month, November 2022 – November 2023, designed to support, educate, and engage preachers in the integration of climate consciousness into their preaching
  • Lament With Earth — five seasonal events, online on Thursday evenings, honoring the pain of loss through the liturgical year

Watch for more details about each of these programs in the coming days, and please go ahead and register for any that grab your interest!

Thank you for coming alongside The BTS Center as we seek to nurture "spiritual leadership for a climate-changed world," guided by the vision of human hearts renewed, justice established, and creation restored. We are grateful for you, our supporters and friends, and we hope our paths will cross again soon.

With deep gratitude and burgeoning hope,

Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill
Executive Director • The BTS Center
Convocation 2022 Participants' Page

Convocation 2022 in a few images

Watch the blessings video featuring presenters and partners, below:

Here's what people are saying:

"I’ve told others that this event was beautifully curated and embodied. The variety of presenters and types of sessions was nicely balanced by continuity in the affinity groups, in music and leadership. Beautifully done."

"I felt connected to others in a way that is rare with online events. The conversations stimulated my thinking."

"I attended the last Convocation in Bangor years ago. I remember the promise that Bangor would continue and not to despair. I am so impressed with what you have all accomplished. I have been out of ministry for nine years and I now feel inspired to re-engage my calling again."

"I left invigorated, inspired with so many ideas, questions, next steps to explore with church leadership. I found concrete next action steps in the questions being raised."

"Wonderful to be part of this community of concerned spiritual folk with inspiring speakers. The music was especially good this year."

"I found new inspiration and hope in both the messages presented and in the integrity of the presenters."

"Convocation gave me assurance that I belong to a vast network of people who care about our eco-spiritual futures."

"It was a drink from a deep well, and it was the village gathered to that oasis. There were needful amounts of respite and challenge both, in service of all that is holy and embodied in Creation."

"To deal with climate change and all the other social ills facing us, we need to be able to imagine terrible things—i.e. look in the face of the unthinkable without shrinking away AND ALSO to imagine a different world—one filled with justice, hope, peace and equity. We were given tools to nurture play, imagination, hope, joy—and some of these included stuff we already have in our deep traditions."

"In Convocation 2022, I was surprised, inspired, challenged, and energized."

"This is exactly the information and like-minded participants that I needed at this time in my ministry. Feeling a little lost for communicating how I feel about the situations in our world around people and the care of this earth, this helped me to become more confident in reaching out on this topic with my congregation and community."

Meet our Convocation 2022 Presenters

Convocation is an annual gathering sponsored by The BTS Center, the organizational successor to the former Bangor Theological Seminary. With roots dating back to 1814, The BTS Center exists today to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership.

This event was offered in partnership with the Maine Council of Churches, the Maine Conference United Church of Christ, Maine School of Ministry and Southern NE Conference, United Church of Christ, and the New Hampshire Council of Churches.

The BTS Center  |  207.774.5212  |  |

 Our mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership. We offer theologically grounded programs of continuing education and spiritual formation, including workshops and retreats, learning cohorts, public conversations, and projects of applied research.
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