• THIS WEEK IN PNEC     August 29, 2024

PNEC Vision Statement:

"United in Faith...Committed to Love...Created to Serve"

Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071  610-826-3113

Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates      

Barbara Jennings

Patty Rehrig


Bonnie's Letter

Dear Friends,


Sometimes I feel like I am walking a tightrope. That’s not an acceptable position for me to be in because as I age my balance is not what it used to be and I’m afraid of heights! Thankfully, I have a safety net – the Gospel and the words of Jesus.


You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. (NLT Matthew 22:37-39)


You likely know I serve on a variety of ecumenical and interfaith groups. The challenge in these days is to maintain the tightrope of relationships with my Jewish, Christian, and Muslim colleagues in the face of the war in Israel and Gaza, Russian and Ukraine, the Sudan – not to mention the political divides within our own nation. How do I love my neighbor in these troubled times? The answer is the same as it was for Jesus with the Israelites, the Gentiles, the Romans, the Pharisees, the scribes, the high priests, the common people – all the differences that divide people. First, we love God. Then we love our neighbors. For me that means all our neighbors, no matter the differences of belief or opinion, no matter the political stance or the approach to the world, no matter the theological approach to scripture or the progressive or conservative labels we might apply to each other. The answer is always love.


I am not one of those people who speaks out that they love the sinner and hate the sin. I do hate sins – but I focus on my own sinning. The sins of others are for God to address. Rather, I move forward in love, to seek understanding, to seek respect, to acknowledge the pain and suffering others feel and to love them. I continue to speak for justice and peace, to seek rebuilding relationships, but I do not want to walk away from interactions just because there are myriad sides to an issue and myriad opinions among colleagues. I want to love my neighbors, my colleagues, no matter how challenging that is. If it means I am silent about my opinion to an issue so that I can love my neighbor or my colleague, then I learn to be silent. If it means I stand up for justice in another way, I stand up, but I act first in love.


The tightropes don’t go away. I still walk them in fear and trembling every day. And I love first, depending on God to strengthen me and for Jesus to lead me, and for the Holy Spirit to empower me so that I may love. That is my prayer for you as well.


Blessings, Bonnie 

2025 Compensation Recommendations & Guidelines

Dear Friends,


The Ministerial Compensation Sub-Group of the Committee on Ministry recently met and reviewed the Compensation Recommendations for 2025. As we review the materials, we considered the continuing economic challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the higher cost of living in the United States.


It is projected that the Cost-of-Living (COLA) increase in 2024 will top 4%. Click Here to Read the Letter.

Click Here for 2025 Compensation Guidelines Click Here for 2025 Compensation Worksheet

2025 UCC Medical and Dental Benefits Rates

Plus Webinar Event


Beginning January 1, 2025, the following premium rates will go into effect.  

  • UCC Non-Medicare Plan: 7% increase (no change to copays and deductibles)
  • UCC Pharmacy Plan: No change to copays
  • UCC Medicare Advantage Plan: No change
  • UCC Dental Plan: 2% increase
  • UCC Vision Plan: No change

Preliminary rate filings indicate that insurers participating in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace are proposing a median premium increase of 7% for 2025. Our UCC rates remain competitive with, or even lower than, comparable marketplace plans and other denominational benefit plans.

As is our customary practice, churches/employers and individual plan participants will receive detailed information with applicable rates and enhancements for 2025 early this fall.

Register now for Keystone Study Group Town Halls

Due to the complex nature of the possible merger, town hall meetings on the subject have been broken into three topics:

1. Timeline, Staffing, Finance

2. Timeline, PA UCC Mission Focus

3. Timeline, Associations.

There are four opportunities to attend a webinar on each of the above topics. They will be hosted by different conferences, but you can attend any. The schedule is below; click the date and time to register. You can also find this information on our website on the Keystone Study Group page under Resources.

Keystone Project Transition Timeline

You requested more information on aspects of the Keystone Project, and we heard you! Please find our Transitional Timeline attached to this message. We hope this will provide some clarity about what would happen next if all the Conferences vote to pass the Motion for the creation of a Keystone Conference.


Please keep the following things in mind as you review the timeline:


  • This timeline is evolving. More information will be added to it in the next few months including timeframes for financial decisions, sale of real estate, office location, legal paperwork submission, and the like. New versions will be released on a regular basis.


  • The full transition of four Conferences into one takes several years. A crew of transitional staff is necessary to carry the work of the new Conference into and through its first year, especially as a transitional Board is getting established. The timeline for staff transitions (current to transitional to settled) is a dynamic operation and we will adapt as needed.

  • Following the official start of the Keystone Conference (01/01/2026) there will remain four ‘skeletal’ boards of the original conferences. At this point the current four Conferences will come to be the “Historic Penn Northeast Conference” etc. This is necessary as we move toward financial integration, which will happen over the following few years.

  • All our significant timeline decisions are made with the knowledge and counsel of the National setting of the UCC, including our General Counsel, Heather Kimmel.

Please share your feedback and questions at:


 In Peace, Your Conference Ministers 

Choices and Voices for Peace

I am inviting all clergy leaders to stand with me and the ELCA Lutheran Bishops of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg on Thursday, September 5, to deliver together a statement called “Choices and Voices for Peace.” The intent of this joint statement is to call for peace in a time when the fraught political climate in our country is leading some people to choose violence and hate. While our religious traditions differ, we believe that when anyone hurts another, we are all harmed. And so we feel that it is important for us to stand together in a call for peace as an exercise of leadership in caring for the people of our Commonwealth.


            If you will, please open this link to find the statement “Choices and Voices for Peace.” I would be glad if you are willing to sign on to the statement. I would also be thrilled if you could join us in Harrisburg on September 5 (just two months before the General Election) to provide a visible sign to accompany our call for peace. I also encourage you to forward the link to all your clergy to sign-on and to join us too – and you can also share this link and this letter with other Pennsylvania religious leaders you know to join us, both ecumenical colleagues, and interfaith leaders. So feel free to forward this information or this email to them, and personally invite them to sign-on using the link above, and register using the link to join us on Sept 5.


               If you or others are able to join us, please wear clothing that identifies you as a religious leader in your community. But please do not include any visible sign of partisan advocacy or use the platform as an occasion to lobby for any other agenda. We wish to emphasize our shared respect for the dignity of all people and not press for any political or personal agenda under the guise of religion. Thank you!


Yours in Christ,

Bishop Christopher deForest

Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Lehigh Conference of Churches

DEI Committee Fundraising Event

September 28, 2024 - Trip to New York

Our DEI Committee invites you to join us for a day in New York City! If you're interested in attending, please click the link below to contact Ebony Dickerson. Seats are limited for this special fundraising event. $50 per person. Departs TLCC at 7AM. Departs NYC at 7PM. Registration Deadline Sept. 1

Register Now

An Exploration of

Mental Health Awareness & Spirituality*

October 5, 2024 -- 9AM to 3PM

Union UCC, 5550 Route 873, Neffs, PA

(Event Supported by White Deer Run & University of Pittsburgh)

Event Includes:

  • Morning beverages and deli lunch
  • Becoming a WISE Church: Rev. Becky Sausser (she/her)
  • 3 breakout sessions (two a.m./one p.m. - selections made at event)
  • Resource advocates
  • Walking labryinth/meditation space (bring socks)

COST: $35 for event and deli lunch; $40 with child care and deli lunch



Wednesday, October 16, 2024

9am – 3pm (in person and via Zoom)

St. John’s UCC, 575 Grape Street (Fullerton), Whitehall

Listening When it Hurts: Talking Through Differences in Love

Cost: (in person) $35 (Zoom) $20

(Attendance for the day will count as either the Cultural Competency requirement or 4 hours of continuing education.)

Schedule for the Day

8:30 Registration & Breakfast

9:00 Welcome & Devotions

9:30 Presentation – Dignity

10:30 Break

10:45 Small Group Conversations

11:30 Large Group Discussion & Questions

Noon Lunch & Fellowship

1:00 Presentation – Keystone Project (Questions & Discussion)

2:00 Closing Worship with Communion

(for those joining us remotely, please have your communion elements prepared.)

CLICK HERE for Registration flyer

To Register on click on the link:


Accessible describes PATHWAYS Theological Education online courses.

Visit us at PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc. (


Begin this Fall with PATHWAYS Theological Education! To explore a journey toward authorized ministry, consider the Certificate of Foundational Theology. The 8-course certificate provides a place to bring your doubts, questions, and curiosity. There are three required courses and the choice of five out of seven electives.


Required courses are: Making Sense of Theology, Understanding the Bible as a Progressive Christian, and The Living Heart of Progressive Christian Theology.

Elective courses include: The Variety of Beliefs within Christianity Today; Spiritual Care of Self and Others; The Art of Worship; Pluralism and Religion in North America; Ethics and the Life of Meaning; Faith Formation and Spiritual Practices for Children, Youth, and Adults; and The Stories of Christian Saints and Sinners.


Go to to find out more or to sign up. Explore all PATHWAYS course offerings on the PATHWAYS website.

UCC Webinar: Churches as Climate Refuges in Times of Trouble

Wednesday, September 11th at 1 pm ET

As the climate crisis leads to more extreme weather events, faith communities can play a vital role as places of refuge and resiliency. For example, a house of worship with solar panels, battery storage, air conditioning, and an air filtration system can provide a place for community members to come during heat waves, power outages, or unhealthy air quality days. Faith communities not only can serve as drop-in centers, but they can also serve as evacuation zones, emergency shelters, and resource hubs in times of trouble. In this webinar, we will learn more about the cutting edge of how faith communities are embodying a love of neighbor in very tangible and needed ways. We will hear from those leading the way in their local communities to make this happen with the help of government funding. Even if you cannot make it at its scheduled time on Wednesday, September 11th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording.

Register now!


“Fractured Lives, Fractured Churches” Saturday, October 12 - 9 AM to 3 PM Church of the Good Shepherd UCC, Boyertown


This workshop is being presented through the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center and is designed to address the estrangement we’re experiencing from each other in the world that has now filtered down to our local churches, and how the church can be a place that heals and restores rather than a place that simply mirrors our divided world. The basis of the workshop is family systems theory, something I learned briefly about in seminary, but was introduced to more thoroughly by a lovely Lutheran couple that befriended this new pastor in the late nineties. I often say that two things changed my life for the better – Jesus and GPS – but it’s really three things: the third was understanding that churches are like families, with all the positive and negative dynamics that happen with those we love and struggle to love. Knowing this truth changed my personal life, and it forever changed my ministry with the churches I served. Whether your church knows how to handle the estrangement and division well, or is struggling to do so, this workshop is for you, both laity and clergy. It’s free and you can bring as many people as we can fit into the room. Join us! You can register yourself and a group from your church right here.


Rev. Kevin McLemore, PSEC Associate Conference Minister for Search and Call


Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA

Our Program & Hospitality Manager, Logan, will be departing Kirkridge at the end of September. So we’re hiring and would love your help spreading the word. Are you or do you know someone who is warm, friendly, a good communicator, highly organized, and excited about doing work for social justice? Check out our job posting and help us spread the word!

CLICK HERE for events happening at Kirkridge


White Antiracist Practice Group:

Election Series

Wednesdays, noon-1:30pm, Oct.6-Nov. 20

 Timed to unfold just before, and then just after, the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, this series will help participants grapple with all of the ways that racism and white privilege are likely to be playing out this fall. Come gather with other white people as we come into greater alignment with our highest selves to act with integrity this election season and beyond.

Register by clicking on this link..

December 6-8, 2024

Queering Spirituality

with Maki Ashe Van Steenwyk

October 22-24, 2024

Playing and Praying with Clay

with Denise Griebler


PSEC/PNEC Clergy Men's Retreat set for Oct. 1-3

 Join the Clergy Men’s Retreat, Oct. 1-3 and take a break in scenic surroundings to reconnect with the Spirit and with friends. Engage in thoughtful conversation about the stories and scriptures that shape this year’s Advent season and your relationship with Jesus (which gives rise to the retreat theme: “The End of the World As We Know It: Getting Ready for Advent”). The Retreat Planning Committee will facilitate conversation between stretches of rest, relaxation, and time with nature. For more info, and to register, click here.

Scranton Stories - Fall 2024 Update

Sept. 12 at  The Albright Memorial Library (6:30 pm) 

What are your Hopes for the Nation? A Scranton Conversation 

This event will highlight insights from the Scranton Stories oral histories interviews where each participant was asked to reflect on their hopes for the nation, on the ideal of a “more perfect union,” and on what it means to be an “American.” We are glad to partner with the Scranton Public Library – special thanks to Scott Thomas – and additional partner co-sponsors. Following excerpts from the oral histories, participants will break into small group dialogues. Flyer attached and RSVP at:  


Oct. 21  at The Geisinger School of Medicine Main Auditorium (6:30 pm) 

Hispanic/Latinx Voices: Screening and Panel Discussion 

 This event will highlight the Hispanic/Latinx oral histories with a screening of three of the videos followed by a panel discussion. This program is at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. Special thanks to Alejandra Marroquin for her leadership in coordinating this event and to the interviewees and Byron Maldonado for participating in this program. Flyer attached and RSVP at:


Just Peace Sunday

September 15

resources are posted on the UCC website.


Family Promise of Lehigh Valley

Sip & Mingle For A Great Cause

Wednesday, September 4 - 5 to 8PM

Domaine Pterion Vineyard & Winery,

6501 Saint Peters Rd., Macungie

Click Here for full details


Cultivating a Culture of Safety

Hosted by Penn West Conference

Saturday, September 14, from 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM First Reformed UCC, 312 S. Maple Ave., Greensburg Lunch will be provided

In this comprehensive workshop, we empower ministries to foster a culture of safety in these critical areas: Active Intruder Response, Emergency Planning, and Abuse Prevention. Our team of experts will help ministries gain essential knowledge to equip them with strategies to address an active intruder event, to prepare for emergencies, and to protect their most vulnerable congregants from abuse. Presenters include: From Insurance Board: Chad Cunningham, Director, Loss Control; Elizabeth Vance, Sr. Loss Control Representative; and Local police and county emergency representatives. To register

2024 Loss Control Event Registration Form Survey (


Gestalt Pastoral Care

Opening to Grace -- Creating Sacred Space

September 23 - 28, 2024

Fenton Memorial Deaconess Home, Chautauqua, NY

A special time to center into a quiet, contemplative week this fall. Monday-Wednesday we will gather for morning and evening yoga, prayer, and creative arts. The rest of the day is yours to do as you wish keeping silence in the house. Opening to Grace healing work will begin on Thursday afternoon and end on Saturday. This retreat is open to all.

Click Here for Registration Information


2024 ONA National Gathering

Resistance & Persistence

Hope Reigns

September 18-23, 2024

The Summit Hotel, Cincinnati, OH

Click Here


8-week Faith-based Program for Individuals Healing from Trauma

Tuesdays, September 10 - October 29

CLICK HERE for detailed flyer and registration instructions

Disaster Ministries

Protecting Places of Worship - Fall Religious Observance Security Briefing

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please register HERE.

For more information on available resources to protect places of worship, please visit:

This webinar will offer captioning services. For questions or additional information, contact us here


Back to School Safety...Pennsylvania's School Bus Stopping Law: Motorists, remember to stop at least 10 feet away from school buses with flashing red lights and extended stop arms. Important Reminder for Motorists... Whether you're behind a bus, meeting it head-on, or approaching an intersection, you MUST stop when the bus has its red lights flashing and stop arm extended. Traveling alongside a school bus? You must stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have reached safety. Tip for Parents/Students: Get to the school bus stop five minutes early to avoid running across the road. Stay away from traffic and line up at least five giant steps away from the curb or roadway while waiting for the bus. No Running! Never run after the school bus if it has already left the bus stop. Stay Seated... When the school bus is moving, always stay in your seat. Never put your head, arms, or hands out of the window. Click Here to read more...


Mission Opportunity provided by the Lutherans Join Lutheran Disaster Response – Eastern PA for Gods Work Our Hands Day 2024 to help disaster survivors, near and far, on September 8, 2024. We’ll be assembling and collecting disaster kits and hygiene kits! Either bring your completed Flood Buckets or Hygiene Kits, or sign up to bring items so that together we can assemble them on September 8. Sign Up for Hygiene Kits and/or Sign Up for Clean Up Kits - When: 12:00pm-3:00pm - Where: At the offices of the Northeastern Penn Synod of the ELCA. 2354 Grove Road, Allentown, PA.


August ReadyPA Monthly available online now... Click here for the newsletter. Please share this information with your congregations to help keep everyone safe and prepared.