May 19, 2022
Bremerton & Silverdale
Chamber Weekly Survey
In your opinion, what are the
most important challenges facing your business/organization today?
Please choose only your top answer
Affordable Housing
Infrastructure + Land Use (water, power, broadband, roads, bridges)
Government Regulations
Lack of Childcare for Employees
Supply Chain Disruption
Cost of Health Care
Lack of Qualified Workers (education + workforce)
Overall Tax Burden
Cost of Energy
Lack of Access to Capital for Investment
Other (please use email response button below)
*Survey questions are run for 2 consecutive weeks to capture all of our readers.
The Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers are committed to learning how best
to serve our business membership and community. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! 
Click here for the most recent
county data reported by

Feds to Businesses: FYI, Don't Accidentally Hire a North Korean Hacker
Originally published in Gizmodo, May 17, 2022

A new advisory from three U.S. federal agencies is warning businesses of North Korean hackers pretending to be your friendly neighborhood IT professional looking for contract work. Imagine Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy but instead everyone’s on the internet, and suddenly it doesn’t seem like an international spy thriller and more like the all-too common story of people getting catfished by data-thirsty keyboard warriors.

Reuters first reported on a new document released Monday by the U.S. treasury and state departments along with the FBI. It advises public businesses of the potential threat of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea corps of fake IT workers who pose as non-North Korean nationals looking for long-distance work.


6 Ways to Make Your Business Standout During a Local Event
Does your town host a Wine Walk, Holiday Stroll, First Friday, or other downtown event where they close off streets and encourage people to get out and support business? If so, you may know that those events often bring the crowds but also bring “tire kickers,” people who are just out for a stroll, not really interested in what you sell. They’re just going into each business, poking around, and usually leaving empty handed.

The hard part of that is that you likely brought in full staff to ensure you had enough coverage only to deal with a lot of “lookers.”

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are a few suggestions on how to transform your looky-loos into looky heres.


WA Hospitality Association: What You Need to Know

Register Now: Joint Luncheon - May 25, 2022
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