March 2022
Welcome Allison!
Allison Winston joins the Data Center with ICA!
The Data Center has two embedded staff from our partners at the Institute for Community Alliances (ICA). After a very supportive year, our colleague Tonya has moved to another ICA project. We now welcome Allison Winston to help out the Data Center!

Allison has most recently served as a System Administrator in South Carolina's Low Country CoC, but before that, she worked in the Mecklenburg/Charlotte CoC! We're thrilled to welcome her back to work in the Old North State and support HMIS Users in our implementation!

Welcome, Allison!
Training & Resource Round-Up
HMIS User Meetings
Computer screen with comment boxes
We will be back to the regularly scheduled HMIS Users Meetings this month - make sure to mark your calendars so you can keep up with new features, training tips, and support!

March's HMIS Users Meeting will focus on changes to ART, avoiding duplicate clients, household tips to keep families together, disabling condition review, and how to respond to client privacy concerns:
  • Orange CoC - March 7th at 3:30 pm
  • NC BoS CoC - March 17th at 1 pm
  • Durham CoC - March 24th at 10 am

New to HMIS or missed a meeting?
Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meetings slides or recordings.
Reminder: Privacy Options Tipsheet can help staff & clients
HMIS data entry is required for many of the grants you use for services - but client choice still applies! There are options to protect client information above and beyond the standard security protocols.

You'll find the Privacy Options Tipsheet with the options to tailor privacy and security measures in HMIS to a client's situation on the HMIS Admin page.

Remember that all client data goes into HMIS since HMIS is your agency's system of record. The Release of Information is simply the client's consent for data sharing between providers. This Tipsheet can be critical support to be able to explain and share with clients.

We collect a lot of sensitive information and a client's trust is hard to earn back once broken. This doc will help you be prepared for client questions!
HUD Reporting Season
Point in Time / Housing Inventory Count
Thanks to all the projects who've delivered and confirmed their data! The Data Center is so grateful to you! We are conducting internal reviews of the data and may reach back out to double-check information or ask new questions. Please reply promptly to help us wrap up PIT/HIC asap!

Remember there are different PIT Counts that happen each year. Ask our Helpdesk ( for anything about HMIS PIT/HIC! If you have questions about another type of count (Unsheltered or non-HMIS shelter for example), reach out to your CoC Lead.

The Point in Time and Housing Inventory Counts are just one night a year, but we learn things that support better services and referrals all year round! Thanks for your help!
Longitudinal System Analysis and System Performance Measures done!
Submitted and Accepted!
Back in October, we started addressing data quality issues and making corrections for multiple HUD reports. Two HUGE reports were submitted and accepted by HUD in February. Hurray! And yes, it took that long. Reviewing 2-3 years of HMIS data is a big lift, so keep in mind that we are almost 6 months into the FY22 year.

Keep your data squeaky clean
Avoid a grumpy October 2022 by running your CoC-APR or ESG-CAPER reports for 10/1/2021 - today and correct any issues!
New to HMIS or missed a meeting?
Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meetings slides or recordings.

Keep your HMIS access by regularly logging in
Our CoCs pay for your HMIS licenses but they expect results! Make sure you are logging in every month to meet the CoC policy. HMIS licenses are inactivated after 60 days without a recorded login.

Any other questions?
If you have questions about data collection from clients, reporting, or anything else HMIS related, please reach out to us at Helpdesk! We look forward to continuing to serve your agencies next year!

We know you're managing a lot even as the pandemic gets a little better. Please let us know how HMIS can help your program more. We love your ideas!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |