September 2024

Join Us This October for AALC's 2024 Annual Meeting!

Dear Members,


As fall approaches, we’re excited to gather in person once again for our 2024 Annual Meeting, October 29-30 in Springfield, IL. After last year’s success, we look forward to hosting more informative and educational sessions along with enjoyable networking opportunities for both members and vendors.

We’re offering reduced rates for early registration and 6.5 CE credits for interested attendees.

For more details on sponsorships, continuing education and registration, please visit our website.

Annual Meeting Sponsorships Available!

Over a two-day period, sponsors can showcase your company to industry leaders while learning about what is happening in Supportive Living. Discuss topics of interest, understand changes in healthcare, and discover ways we can all continue to inspire more!

Learn more about sponsorships here.

Annual Meeting

Oct. 29-30, 2024

Springfield, IL

Policy Update

Provider Revalidation

The Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requires all actively enrolled providers to revalidate or renew their Medicaid provider agreement at least every five years (42 CFR 455.414). There has been much discussion recently about the revalidation requirement for Medicaid Providers. We hope the information below will encourage you to revalidate in a timely manner.

Providers were first informed of the upcoming revalidation process via a provider notice dated August 5, 2024. The first round of provider notifications will be distributed beginning September 3, 2024, and the remaining notifications will be distributed periodically according to the revalidation cycle dates in IMPACT. Providers will receive two notifications, with the first being distributed 90 calendar days prior to the Revalidation Cycle end date, and the second being distributed 30 calendar days prior to the Revalidation Cycle end date. All providers will be able to see their projected revalidation due date on the basic information page of their enrollment beginning August 21, 2024. Providers cannot submit revalidations prior to their revalidation cycle.

Click here to see a list of all long term care providers and the month in which they must revalidate.

Updated SLP Preadmission Screening Resource Guide

The SLP Preadmission Screening Resource Guide has recently been updated but the overall processes and requirements have NOT changed. The main difference is the removal of the Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) staff involvement with the completion of the SLP Initial Screen and DONs for individuals under the age of 60. CCUs will be completing these preadmission screenings statewide for individuals under the age of 60 for nursing home & SLP admissions. Click here for the updated Process Resource Guide. 

Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2024-02 to address the needs of aging Illinoisans.

The Executive Order creates a new position, the Chief Planning Officer, within the Illinois Department on Aging to lead the development and implementation of a multi-year, multi-sector plan for aging. The plan will serve as a decade-long blueprint to support healthy aging in Illinois as well as set clear, measurable objectives for evaluating public and private sector progress. The plan will be delivered to the Governor and General Assembly by December 31st, 2025, with an additional status report by December 31st, 2026. Read more here.

Cost Reports

All Long-term Care facilities enrolled in the Medicaid program must file a Financial and Statistical Report for Long-term Care facilities. This form is commonly called a Cost Report and is filed in the Bureau of Health Finance within 90 days after the end of the facility's fiscal year. To review the Cost Report instructions, click here.

Redetermination Update 

In August, DHS is moving away from the Redetermination HFS 2381 Form A (ex parte’ automated, requires no action by the customer) and Form B (requires manual completion and return by the customer). Both forms are being incorporated into a new HFS 2381C Medical Redetermination Notice. The language will be dynamic, meaning based on what the State can verify or not will determine the content. Each individual in the household (HH) will be determined for ex parte’ eligibility. Those that are eligible will still appear as members of the HH, but will not have to complete or return any information related to them. However, if anyone in the HH is not eligible for ex parte’, further instructions (completion of the form, due date, supporting documentation, etc.) will be included in the notice.

Customer and Stakeholder Listening Sessions: Medicaid Managed Care Experience

HFS will be holding feedback sessions to hear from customers and stakeholders to inform our upcoming procurement process for the HealthChoice Illinois (HCI) managed care plan. The RFP design work is anticipated to begin around November 15th, 2024, with an RFP published Summer 2025. The new contract opportunity for HCI will begin January 1, 2027. To learn more, click here or review the schedule here.

SLP July Rates

Rates are down slightly, between 0.4% - 0.9%, in five of the seven regions. In the other two regions they are up 0.4% & 0.6%. Overall, the rates remain relatively unchanged. The staffing rate for NH is frozen this quarter because of a federal CMS data freeze due to the conversion of the staffing data used in the measure. This data will be implemented next quarter. This means the fluctuation is from changes in acuity.

Rate Comparison - NH & SL

Rate Map

Rate History

View Current SL Rates


The AALC PAC hosted a fundraiser for Senate President Don Harmon in July. President Harmon has been a longtime champion to the SL industry and was the AALC Legislator of the Year in 2023.

We will also be hosting a fundraiser for House Majority Leader Robyn Gabel and House Speaker Chris Welch in early September. Leader Gabel and Speaker Welch have also been strong supporters of the SL industry in the Illinois General Assembly.

The AALC PAC is integral to the lobbying and advocacy work that we do and we are very grateful for the support of the SL community contributions that allow us to utilize our PAC funds on behalf of the industry.

Help Protect Supportive Living in Illinois

Donate to AALC's PAC! Learn more here!

AALC launched its annual AALC PAC campaign on May 1st with the goal of raising $292,000. As of today, we have surpassed our goal and have raised $295,000 in contributions. Thank you!


If you have not already done so, it is not too late to send your contribution today!  Every dollar counts. We are only a few thousand dollars away from our goal and your contribution could make the difference! Send your check to AALC PAC: PO BOX 1245, Springfield, IL 62705.

Legislative Update

The Legislature remains adjourned until the November Veto Session, which will be held November 12th-14th and 19th-21st. As a reminder, Legislators have been asked to hold January 3rd-8th for a possible Lame Duck Session. Legislation with an immediate effective date passed after January 1st only requires a simple majority for passage, making Lame Duck an attractive time to pass potentially controversial or urgent legislation. AALC is working with stakeholders to identify legislative priorities for the supportive living program.

2024 AALC Annual Meeting - Register today!

Tuesday, Oct 29 - Wednesday, Oct. 30

Springfield, IL

AALC will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting in Springfield on October 29-30. We hope to see you there! Learn more!

Customer and Stakeholder Listening Sessions: Medicaid Managed Care Experience

HFS will be holding feedback sessions to hear from customers and stakeholders to inform our upcoming procurement process for the HealthChoice Illinois (HCI) managed care plan. The RFP design work is anticipated to begin around November 15th, 2024, with an RFP published Summer 2025. The new contract opportunity for HCI will begin January 1, 2027. To learn more, click here or review the schedule here.


Infection Prevention and Control Updates and Q&A Webinars for Long-Term Care and Congregate Residential Settings

September 2024 Schedule


The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is continuing to host a bi-weekly webinar to provide COVID-19 updates, general infection prevention and control information, topics related to prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) updates, and answer questions from long-term care and congregate residential settings.


Who Should Attend: Infection prevention and control staff (e.g., infection preventionists, directors of nursing, environmental services directors, administrators) at long-term care facilities and congregate residential settings; local health departments; IDPH regional health officers; long-term care association partners


Continued Education: CE credits will be offered for the live presentation only. Please ensure when registering that your name and email are correctly spelled. To receive the continued education, you must complete a training survey which will open when webinar is closed (Ensure your pop-up blocker is off for Webex). 


Click here for the Webinar series registration

September 6th

1pm to 2 pm: Ectoparasites

September 20th

1 pm to 2 pm: Vent Care

Show Your Support in 2024!

Visit our store to order

"Inspiring More" products today.

Shop Now! Limited Quantities!

SL 2024 Community Spotlight:

Congratulations to all of AALC’s Wii Bowling teams who recently participated in our spirited Regional Wii Bowling competition. We had close scores, fun matches and even a few perfect games! After all the scores were totaled, we are excited to announce that the following four teams are moving onto the Semi Final games:

Gateway Strikers (Gateway at River City)


The Oldies but Goodies (Heritage Woods of Centralia)

Bowlingbrook (Heritage Woods of Bolingbrook)


Eagle Eyes (Eagle Ridge)

The Semi Final round will take place from September 3 – 13 featuring head-to-head matchups between the Gateway Strikers and the Oldies but Goodies, and Bowlingbrook versus the Eagle Eyes.

The top two scoring teams from the Semi Finals will go to Springfield, Illinois on October 29 to take part in the Wii Bowling World Series Championship!

Congratulations to all the regional winners who competed and best of luck to our top four teams competing in the Semi Finals!

MEMBERS! If you know of a vendor who might be interested in joining AALC, share their information with us at and we will reach out to them. Are you a vendor member and interested in bringing content to our Supportive Living communities? Let us know and we will feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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