November 1st, 2023

In this message...
  • Join us for APHA 2023 - only 12 days away!
  • Update on CBPH Caucus Breakfast Business Meeting at APHA 2023
  • RSVP for the 18th Anniversary Celebration of NCBON in Atlanta (11/12/23)
  • Pluscedia Williams (Ms. Plus) Profile

Join us at APHA 2023 - Only 12 days away!

Check out the updated schedule of all the great CBPH Caucus events, including an update on the CBPH Caucus Breakfast Business Meeting.

We are excited to see you in Atlanta in less than 2 weeks!

UPDATED CBPHC Program at APHA 2023

Check out all the exciting sessions that are part of the Community-Based Public Health Caucus' APHA 2023 Program!

Click on the calendar image to view and download the full schedule, or check out the listed schedule below.

Sunday, November 12th

  • 2:30-4:30PM EST: In-Depth Engagement with the Methods and Scholarship of Community-Based Participatory Research [Oral session] - GWCC A305

  • 4:30-6:00PM EST: Transformation through Community-Based Participatory Research [Roundtable session] - GWCC A311

Monday, November 13th

  • 8:30-10:00AM EST: Engage for Equity PLUS (E2PLUS): How CBPR Promotes Social Justice: Changing the Research Landscape of Academic Health Centers [Oral session] - GWCC A307

  • 10:30AM-12:00PM EST: Communities in Context – a Community-Engaged, Systems Framework for Public Health Monitoring and Response [Oral session] - GWCC A307

  • 12:30-2:00PM EST: Poster Sessions
  • Impact of Community-Based and Community-Engaged Research
  • Promoting Change through Community-Based and Community-Engaged Research and Practice

  • 2:30-4:00PM EST: Youth and Community Voices Roundtable [Roundtable session] - GWCC A311

  • 6:30-8:00PM EST: Community-Based Public Health Caucus Youth Council Business Meeting - GWCC A307

Tuesday, November 14th

  • 6:30-8:00AM EST: Community-Based Public Health Caucus Breakfast and Business Meeting [Registration required] - GWCC B218

  • 8:30-10:00AM EST: In the Zone: Lessons Learned from Place-Based, Community-Engaged Transformation Efforts [Oral session] - GWCC A307

  • 10:30AM-12:00PM EST: Community-Based Work to Transform Policy and Address Social Challenges [Oral session] - GWCC A307

  • 2:30-4:00PM EST: National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN): Application of the Principles and Practices of Community Engagement [Oral session] - GWCC A307

  • 4:30-6:00PM EST: Breadth and Depth of Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research and Practice [Roundtable session] - GWCC A311

  • UPDATED - 6:30-8:00PM EST: National Community-Based Organization Business Meeting - GWCC A307

Wednesday, November 15th

  • 8:30-10:00AM EST: Exploring Methods and Results from Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research [Roundtable session] - GWCC A311

  • 10:30AM-12:00PM EST: At the Heart of It: The Power of Community to Drive Change [Oral session] - GWCC A307

  • 12:30-2:00PM EST: Implementing Community-Based and Community-Engaged Research and Practice [Oral session] - GWCC A408

Update on CBPH Caucus Breakfast Business Meeting at APHA 2023


Thank you to everyone who has registered for the CBPH Caucus Breakfast Business Meeting!

We have reached our meal capacity, based on current RSVPs, but we invite you to still register using the link below to be added to the waitlist for meals!

Breakfast will take place from 6:30-7:00AM, and the Business Meeting take place from 7:00-8:00AM. All are welcome to attend the Business Meeting portion, independent of our meal capacity. We hope you will join us!

The CBPH Caucus's Breakfast Business Meeting will take place during APHA 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia, on 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from 6:30 a.m.-8:00 a.m.!

During the Business Meeting, we will discuss the state of the Caucus, reflect on where we hope to go in the future, with your engagement, and share leadership opportunities.

Registration link:

Registration QR Code:


Note: As we have limited spaces, if you register but are ultimately not able to attend, please contact Rachel Berkowitz as soon as possible ( 

The following text is presented in black over a picture of the Atlanta skyscape -- Join the National Community Based Organization Network 18th Annual Community Reception Sunday November 12 2023 Atlanta GA
The NCBON Logo is in the lower right corner.

NCBON is holding its 18th Annual Celebration of Community and Culture again in collaboration with our National and local Atlanta area partners.

The reception will take place on Sunday, November 12th, 2023 from 3:30-5:30PM EST at Morehouse School of Medicine.

Please register to attend for free at this link:

Note: You do NOT have to be attending APHA or affiliated in any way with APHA to attend the NCBON Reception.

Pluscedia Williams

(Ms. Plus) Profile

We are excited to share this profile, published by the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute, highlighting the tremendous work of Pluscedia Williams (Ms. Plus). Ms. Plus is a leader in the Community-Based Public Health Caucus and recipient of the 2016 Lucille Webb CBPH Caucus Award. Congratulations, Ms. Plus, on this great profile, and thank you for all the great work that you do!

UCLA CTSI Profile on Community Engagement and Research Program (CERP) Community Partner Advocate: Pluscedia Williams

"Ms. Pluscedia Williams, born and raised in the Compton area of Los Angeles, has not only been a longtime CERP community partner, but also a staunch advocate for academic-community partnerships. In her current role as Vice-Chair of Clinical and Community Programs at Charles Drew University, Ms. Plus (as everyone calls her) has been leading community engagement efforts and providing input on research project protocols and their impact on vulnerable, underresourced communities across Los Angeles County for the past 20 years. In addition, Ms. Plus helps co-direct CERP efforts at the Lundquist Institute, one of four sites that make up the UCLA CTSI. Prior to this role, Ms. Plus led consultation efforts on community partnered participatory research as a Community Instructor.  

"Ms. Plus's passion for bidirectional engagement efforts between academic institutions and local communities began at a very young age, working alongside the late (and great) Dr. Loretta Jones and other community leaders. She continued to pursue her interests by obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies/Black Studies and Psychology from California State University, Long Beach. Since then, “Ms. Plus” has been part of various committees, chaired advisory boards, and assisted in symposium creation and execution – all related to community-partnered advancements in research. Ms. Plus has received the national Lucille Webb Community Based Public Health Caucus Award from the American Public Health Association (APHA) for her community leadership and engagement expertise in community health equity and she continues to enrich the relationships created within our local communities. Leaving a lasting impression with those she meets, Ms. Plus lives by her motto, 'If I can change one life per year, I have fulfilled God’s purpose for me.' "

Get Involved!

Do you want to get more involved in the Community-Based Public Health Caucus?

Are you interested in exploring leadership roles and gaining experience supporting our historic group within APHA?

We want to hear from you! Contact Chair DeWaun Robinson ( and Chair-Elect Dr. Raheem Young ( to learn more.
Share with the Network!

Do you have an upcoming community-engaged and/or community-based webinar, event, or opportunity that you want to share with the CBPHC network?

Email Rachel Berkowitz ( to see about including it in an upcoming newsletter!

Please include "CBPHC Newsletter" in the email subject.
Visit our Website
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website
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