What an amazing offering of worship that was presented by our Children’s Choirs this Sunday at our 11:00 a.m. worship! So much time and love were spent over the past six months to share the worship musical Faith News with our congregation. I cannot say enough about how talented and committed these kiddos are and how privileged and blessed I am to be able to work with them each week. They brought light and joy to our worship on Sunday just as they do all year for those who work with them.

Thank you to the kids who worked so diligently to learn lines and music all year. Thank you to our musicians who joined the choirs and made the musical extra special. Thank you to Lauren Eschete and Owen Martin who worked backstage through the entire program taking care of costume changes, props, entrances and exits. A big thanks to Sarah Attaya and Ann Kuhn for their wonderful set designs. Moms, dads, and grandparents-thank you for the blessing of allowing us to work with your children, helping rehearse lines at home, listening to the same music over and over and over again for too many months and then jumping in to help with costumes, cast parties and super-fast set changes. You are as amazing as your children!!

I couldn’t give out all these thanks without mentioning my co-directors on this year’s musical. Special thanks to Ruth Ann Person and Maggie McInnis for going down this rabbit hole with me, listening to my crazy ideas and helping to make them reality! Thanks also to Craig Stephan and Angela Rivera for their continued assistance and support throughout the year.

So now that I have gushed about what just happened, let’s talk about what is about to happen and how you can get involved! Online registration for Summer Music Camp has begun!! Summer Music Camp is open to any student that has completed Kindergarten through sixth grade. Camp runs from July 11-16 from 9:00 a.m. to noon with a performance at 6:00 p.m. on July 16 in the Sanctuary.

So what should you expect at SMC? We will hit the ground running on Monday morning as we assign parts to the musical and start learning all the music and reading through lines. Throughout the entire process we will be learning the bible story that we will be presenting. Dress rehearsal will be Saturday morning of camp and that evening we will present everything we have been working on during the week. The kids will learn music, staging, choreography, a little set design, work with props and costumes, and get a little tech experience as well. We will take snack breaks every day and share some bible time. It will be an action-packed week with something new going on every day!

To register for Summer Music Camp, please visit fmconroe.org/Summer.

Now for those that maybe don’t fall in the age group that can attend camp, don’t forget to come on Saturday evening and see the musical! We would love to have the entire congregation there to experience what we have learned.  Mark your calendars now!

Always keep a song in your heart!

Tommi Hamilton
Children's Music Director
First Methodist Conroe