Earth Day: Pitching in (and picking up) for the betterment of our environment
We are taking part in today's Earth Day – and on every day – by continuing our stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay through the Maryland Clean Marinas Initiative.
Haven Harbour Marina is a proud certified Clean Marina, placing the surrounding environment's health as a top priority in our day-to-day operations.
This program, operated by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), offers marina and boatyard operators, as well as recreational boaters, the opportunity to participate in efforts that help protect Maryland's precious natural resources. These voluntarily adopted pollution prevention practices include safe sewage handling, stormwater management, waste containment and disposal, petroleum control, safe vessel maintenance environments and more.
The DNR has certified nearly 25 percent of Maryland’s estimated 600 marinas as either Clean Marinas or Clean Marina Partners, and it is our intention to add Haven Harbour South to the list in the near future.
Thanks are due to our slipholders, customers, fellow marinas and area mariners for placing the environment and Chesapeake Bay’s health first. Check out our daily green practices in detail at
Haven Harbour is also a participant in the Maryland State Highway Administration's (MDOT SHA) Adopt-A-Highway program, helping keep a one-mile stretch of MD-20 litter-free throughout the year.
Here For You: Coffee and pastries served every Saturday and Sunday
Keurig coffee maker and K-Cup Pods, as well as tasty breakfast pastries, are now available to our slipholder and transient guest communities of both Haven Harbour Marina and Haven Harbour South every Saturday and Sunday morning throughout the remaining spring splash and coming boating season. Visit the marine store at either location for this complimentary service – and token of our appreciation.
Reminder: Drilling prohibited on Haven Harbour Marina, South piers and docks
This is a reminder that we do not allow slipholders to drill or place anything permanent on piers and docks at both Haven Harbour Marina and Haven Harbour South. If a slipholder should find the need for docksteps, shorepower cord tethers, fender hooks, etc., he or she is kindly asked to contact a member our yacht services management team or a dockmaster to arrange.
Once we understand your needs, we will complete this work for you. There may be an associated charge for this service and the necessary materials involved.
In the meantime, and again, please do not drill into our piers and docks. With questions and concerns, contact us at (410) 778-6697 or
Haven Harbour Marina's Passages Bar & Grill will be opening to the public next Friday, April 29! Haven Harbour South's Admirals Cub Beachside Bar will follow, opening to guests by mid-May.
Museum Driving Tour:
Happening this weekend, Museums of Kent is holding a driving tour during which museums from across Kent County will be open, including Haven Harbour Marina's Waterman's Museum. Hours will be tomorrow, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., and Sunday 12:00-3:00 p.m.
Zerbini Family Circus
Friday, May 6, at 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Rock Hall Lions Club. Happening rain or shine at the Rock Hall Civic Center. More information
The Garden Club of Rock Hall's Annual Plant Sale:
Saturday, May 7, lasting from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon at Rock Hall Village.
Mother's Day Breakfast:
Sunday, May 8, at 9:00 a.m. $10 admission ($5.00 for children under six). Put on by and located at the Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Co.
RHVFC Guardian of Pearl Rockfish Tournament:
Saturday, June 11–Sunday, June 12. Registration open now through Tuesday, June 7. More information
Mid-Week Special:
Book any stay Monday–Wednesday for the Inn at Haven Harbour and receive a third night free. Offer subject to availability and does not include holidays.
Gasoline: $4.65/gal.
Diesel: $5.50/gal.
Rates include tax, subject to change and are eligible for quantity discounts.
As part of a new region-wide initiative, all vessels that have requested for their shrinkwrap to be removed by Haven Harbour Yacht Services will have a $15 recycling bag fee charged to their spring commissioning work order. DIYers will need to buy the $15 recycling bag from one of our marine stores and follow removal instructions in order to dispose of any removed shrinkwrap at our designated recycling areas. Boats larger than 35 feet may require two bags.
Haven Harbour is seeking to fill multiple full- and part-time positions. See all current job openings (and to apply) at Contact us with questions.
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