April Newsletter

A Message From Rev. Dr. Michael Smith

Hello Family,

It is amazing to see God on the move through our church family. When I read the monthly newsletter, it fills my heart with joy to see everyone using their spiritual gifts to serve each other. I am glad spring has sprung and the weather forecast says warmer temperatures are coming our way. 

We are excited to announce that our next New Members class is going to be held on April 16th at 12:30pm and includes a light luncheon. New Members will be received on the fifth Sunday, April 30th, when we have one worship service so all our family can share in the celebration. 

Holy Week will be here before we know it, and the Worship Team has been busy planning for us all. One exciting day will be Good Friday. The church sanctuary will be ready for anyone who desires to come and pray, and we are encouraging our entire congregation to consider taking time to pray and fast this day. Please check the worship section of this newsletter for full details.

May God continue to be praised and glorified for coming to earth to live and die on the cross, and to be resurrected so our sins can be forgiven. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Easter Sunday as we celebrate our Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus is Enough, Pastor Mike 

PCUSA Polity

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church - Book of Order 

Identifies the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity

The Theology of Christian Worship

W-1.0302: Language

The mystery and reality of God transcend our experience, understanding, and speech, such that we cannot reduce God to our ways of speaking. Yet we are compelled to speak of the glory, goodness, and grace of the God who is revealed in the world around us, in Scripture, and above all, in Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament speaks of God in personal ways, as creator, covenant-maker, com- forter, liberator, judge, redeemer, midwife, mother, shepherd, sovereign, bearer, begetter. It addresses God as “Lord,” a word that conveys the sovereignty of God while standing in for the hidden name revealed to Moses at the burning bush. It also borrows images from nature, describing God as rock, well-spring, fire, light, eagle, hen, lion. The Gospels show

how Jesus used and adapted these images when speaking to and about God, particularly in his intimate use of Abba, Father. He also claimed some of these terms in speaking about himself—as good shepherd, bridegroom, and Son of Man. New Testament writers contin- ued to use and adapt Old Testament language in speaking about Jesus—especially in their use of “Lord” to convey his sovereignty over the powers of this world, and to identify him with the Holy One of Israel.

In worship the church shall strive to use language about God that is intentionally as diverse and varied as the Bible and our theological traditions. Language that appropriately describes and addresses God is expansive, drawing from the full breadth and depth of terms and images for the triune God in the witness of Scripture. Language that authentically de- scribes and addresses the people of God is inclusive, respecting the diversity of persons, cultures, backgrounds, and experiences that flow from God’s creative work. Such language allows for all members of the community of faith to recognize themselves as equally in- cluded, addressed, and cherished by God.

Since Pentecost, the Church of Jesus Christ has been a community of many nations and cultures, united by the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore our churches worship in many languages. The words we use in worship are to be in the common language or lan- guages of those who are gathered, so that all are able to receive the good news and respond with true expressions of their faith. Through the rich variety of human speech we bear witness to God’s saving love for all.


Discipleship Activities


Adult Sunday School meets in the Fellowship Hall at approximately 10:05 A.M. Take time to greet other worshippers and get refreshments and then gather for class.

4/2 “Surrounded by Grace, a Bible Study for Lent” by Bill Thomas will conclude. Sam Martin will lead the discussion.

4/9 EASTER- NO SUNDAY SCHOOL. Enjoy Easter brunch in Fellowship Hall with your family and friends.

4/16 “Gospel Fluency” video series by Jeff Vanderstelt, discussion led by Sam Martin

4/23 “Gospel Fluency”




Pastor Mike has scheduled a new members class for April 16 after the second service. These new members will then be received by the congregation during the service on April 30, the fifth Sunday. In May, Duane Houser will lead a four-week course entitled “Next Steps” designed especially with the new members from the past year in mind, but valuable for anyone who chooses to attend.


The current study, “Giving up Something Bad for Lent” continues through April 12. The next topic has not yet been decided. Any questions, email Joyce Greek at muske75@sbcglobal.net or Peggy Fix at pfix@neo.rr.com.

JUNIOR WARRIORS will meet in the Fellowship Hall April 23 from 2-3:30 P.M.

YOUTH GROUP (see group chat for updates)

4/2 and 4/16 at JKPC.

4/9 Easter, no youth group.

4/30-Service project-The group is still looking for suggestions.

VBS will be June 19-23 from 9:00 A.M. until noon. The title is “Food Truck Party…On a Roll with God!” If you are willing to help, please contact Joyce Greek, muske75@sbcglobal.net or Stacey at the church office.


JKPC is hosting “A Day of Women’s Blessing “ on Saturday, May 6, 2023. The event will be held in the Fellowship Hall and will feature speaker Julie Nelson. Her program is entitled “For Such a Time as This.” The program is scheduled from 8:30 am until 2:30 pm and includes two sessions by Julie, times of singing and prayer, continental breakfast and lunch. The cost is $20 per person. Further information and registration is available on the JKPC website. Brochures are available at the Welcome Center. Plan to attend and bring a friend! COME AND BE BLESSED.

Youth Group

Our Youth Group continues to have a great time gathering together. They continue to grow in their knowledge of one another as well as in their personal relationship with God.

Please note our April schedule below:

Week 1 - at JKPC

Week 2 - Easter Sunday - NO YOUTH GROUP

Week 3 - at JKPC

Week 4 - No Youth Group

Week 5 - Mission Project

Men's Bible Study

The Men's Bible Study, led by Pastor Mike and Sam Martin, meets every Tuesday at 9am. All men are welcome! Please contact Pastor Mike if you're interested in joining.

Women's Bible Study

The Tuesday Women’s Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:45 for fellowship, snack, study and prayer. All are welcome!

Women's Conference

All women are invited to attend A Day of Women's Blessing at JKPC on Saturday, May 6, 2023 featuring speaker Julie Nelson. She will be teaching on the topic "For Such a Time as This" and the day will include teaching, singing and prayer. Visit our website at www.jkpc.org or scan the QR code on the brochure below for more information and to register and pay for the conference.


Easter Love Offering

We are collecting our Easter Love Offering. Monies will be used toward helping both local families in need and those who have been affected by world disasters. Our hope is to raise $10,000. Please note “Easter Love Offering” in the memo line if writing a check. 

Holy Week Schedule

We are excited to gather together to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior throughout this Easter season.

Sunday, April 2 - Palm Sunday Worship Services

9am Traditional Service - John Knox Ringers playing

11:15am Contemporary Service

Thursday, April 6 - Maundy Thursday

7pm Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service with Communion

Friday, April 7 - Good Friday

Sanctuary will be open for prayer from 9am until 5pm

Sunday, April 9 - Easter Celebration Services

9am Traditional Service

11:15am - Contemporary Service

Sunday, April 9 - Easter Brunch

10am in the Fellowship Hall

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Communion Service

The service of Tenebrae follows a tradition of the church dating back to the eighth century. From Latin, the word Tenebrae means "darkness" and commemorates the final hours of our Lord's life on earth, as he suffered death upon the cross. In the early church, the service of Tenebrae was celebrated on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of Holy Week. (This setting of the service may be used at any appropriate time of Holy Week, particularly Maundy Thursday or the evening of Good Friday.) As the candles are extinguished, they symbolize the fading loyalty of the disciples and friends of Jesus. The gradual darkening of the church portrays the diminishing light of the world as Christ was departing from it.

All are invited to the Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Communion Service on April 6 at 7pm.

New Members Class

There will be a New Members Class in room 139 on Sunday, April 16 from 12:30pm – 1:30pm. Please sign-up at the Welcome Center if you are interested in becoming part of the John Knox Church Family. A light lunch will be provided. Feel free to reach out to Pastor Mike with any questions.

Easter Cantata

Jesus' extraordinary love for others characterized His life and ministry. Yet, as He approached the end of His life, many were skeptical of His message. Amazing Love! walks us down the road to the cross, recounting the final hours of Christ's life. An inspiring worship experience for Lent and Holy Week, this work uniquely blends original and familiar melodies in dramatic and compelling ways. Congregations and performers alike will respond to the powerful claims of Christ that flow from the impassioned music and scripturally based narration. Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!

All are invited to attend our Easter Cantata, Amazing Love!, on Saturday, April 22 at 4:30pm here at John Knox Church.

Unity Sunday

Sunday, April 30 is Unity Sunday, and there will be one combined worship service at 10am. Please plan to attend as we receive and welcome new members. Cake and beverages will be enjoyed immediately following the service.

Remaining Communion Dates 2023

April 6, 2023 (Maundy Thursday)

May 28, 2023 (Pentecost)

Aug 13, 2023 (Summer Communion)

Oct 1, 2023 (World Communion)

Dec 3, 2023 (First Sunday of Advent)

A/V Coordinator & Contemporary Worship Director

As we head into Holy Week, it is my hope that you'll find the time to come to some of the special services we have planned. In addition to our Tennebrae service for Maundy Thursday and our Spring Cantata later in April, we'll also be featuring our String Quartet and Bell Choir on Sundays during the month. And at the end of April, we'll be having another Unity Sunday to worship as one congregation and welcome some new members into the church. Hallelujah! 

Yours in Christ,

Rob Clifford

A/V Coordinator & Contemporary Worship Director

John Knox Ringers

Is there nothing more satisfying than the comfort felt when singing the old familiar Hymns of the Faith?

And nothing speaks more to the Lenten and Easter season than favorites such as Crown Him with Many Crowns, Beneath the Cross of Jesus, and Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.

On Palm Sunday April 2nd, at the 9am service, the John Knox Ringers will play a piece which combines 2 other favorites: Near the Cross and The Old Rugged Cross. Come be nurtured and blessed by the gift of music God has given to both listeners and musicians!

Laurel Walczyk

Director of Handbells

Congregational Care

Intercessory Prayer Team (IPT)

When we take time to pray for others, we bless them and fulfill God's command! Many times throughout the Bible we are instructed to pray. We can pray for ourself, situations, problems or concerns and for others. We should also pray with thanksgiving when God has blessed us with a need. Praises and prayers always reach Heaven. We show the love of Jesus is in us, when we pray for others. The Intercessory Prayer Team is always looking for new saints to join us! The prayer requests are sent to your email address and you pray whenever you can. No pressure to pray in front of a crowd or out loud. If this sounds like a group that you would like to join, please contact Kathy Beels, Steve Bertram or the church office. 

Grief Support Group

About GriefShare……We all grieve in different ways. Some of us experience depression, overwhelming sadness, loneliness, and a sense of loss. Others grieve quietly, on their own, have a loss of direction, confused thoughts, and experience exhaustion. With the loss of a parent one loses the comfort and security that we once felt. The person we once spoke with daily is no longer there when we have lost a spouse. Until we’ve experienced it we can’t describe it. 

At first people help us through the things we have to do, but eventually there comes the time we are left to deal with things on our own. Friends go back to their daily routines. How do those who are grieving get back to their own life as they once knew? They don’t. Things have changed and they are now left to do the things their loved one used to do, along with their own responsibilities. Some friends try to comfort, others don’t know what to say so they say nothing. What do we wish they knew about our grief? What advice can we give our comforters? 

What a person who is grieving might share with you:

*Please talk about my loved one.                                                              

*Be a quiet listener, and let me talk about my loved one and share memories.                             *Ignoring my grief does not make it go away.       

*If I am sad, let me be sad. Do not try to cheer me up. It’s important for me to feel the emotions I am feeling.

*Sometimes it may appear that I’m functioning fine and that I’m doing well. Understand that outward appearances can be deceiving.                                                          

*Don’t make comments about next year being better or time healing my wounds; my concerns are focused on the here and now.                                                                    *Understand that I can’t do everything I used to do in the past, but don’t hesitate to invite me to do things anyway.                                                                                  

*Let me cry if I need to. You don’t have to say anything—just hand me a tissue and be there for me.                        

*Understand that grief can go on for a number of years. There is no established time limit.            *Please don’t make judgments about how long it’s taking me to grieve.

It is during our recovery that those who are grieving need comfort and understanding the most. In our GriefShare sessions we encourage participants to be honest with those who are trying to comfort us. They won’t know unless we tell them. We encourage them to journal their thoughts and write a letters to friends and co-workers who are trying to help. Many times the person grieving feels like he or she needs to cover up the sadness, cover up the grief for the benefit of others. They don’t need to do that. They will express what they need.

In our sessions we find that “It’s good to share with someone who’s experienced similar things.”

“Grief is the price you pay for having loved someone.”- Zig Ziglar

Let us know how we can help you. 

Diana Jones 330-754-7476 


John Knox is pleased to announce that DivorceCare meetings will begin here at the church in the Comfort Room on April 13 every Thursday and run for 13 weeks. DivorceCare is a special help seminar and support group for people experiencing divorce and separation and features nationally recognized Christian experts on divorce and recovery topics with a biblical perspective. The workbook and weekly video sessions include topics dealing with anger, loneliness, children, new relationships, and forgiveness. For more information, please contact co-leaders, Alison Blondheim at alijblon@sssnet.com or Bev Leitner at leitnerba@yahoo.com. You may sign up via the church office or the DivorceCare website.

Birthdays/Anniversaries Celebration

It's time to celebrate! Our next monthly celebration for all birthdays and anniversaries will be on Sunday, April 2 immediately following the 9am worship service. Please stop by and grab a cupcake and join us as we celebrate!

Thank you again for your support of this First Sunday celebration!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Everyone is welcome to join us April 24 at 6:30pm in the ehurch parlor to knit and crochet prayer shawls and baby blankets.

Ministry and Mission

Community Outreach

We just completed our first year of Good News Club at Lake Cable Elem School. Fifteen trained JKPC adults engaged with 32 different students in K-5th grade. These same students are invited to our monthly Jr Warriors Event and one family with three children has attended multiple times. We also continue to reach out to some of our pantry families and preschool families.

Good News Club

Praise God for a very successful year of Good News Club at Lake Cable Elementary. We are certainly looking forward to next year.

John Knox Church Food Pantry

A typical Canton Food Bank pickup is 300 to 600 pounds of food. We are blessed to have that availble for the JKPC Food Pantry. Anyone wanting to donate or buy items for distribution or give a monetary donation, your generosity would be greatly appreciated.

A huge thank you to Joe Vinci and his crew for all they do to serve our local community as they strive to fight hunger.

JKPC Building and Grounds

The John Knox bus is available to pick people up and bring them to worship services. It is wheelchair and walker accessible. Feel free to call the church office if you need a ri


Session Highlights

The John Knox Session met on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 6:30pm. Rev. Dr. Michael Smith served as Moderator and opened the meeting with prayer and devotions. All but one elder was present.

Clerk’s Report 

Minutes from the last Stated Session Meeting (February 21, 2023) were approved as printed.

An updated 2022 Annual Statistics report was approved for submission to Presbytery.

Treasurer’s Report

Financial Reports for February 2023 were accepted as printed.

Pastor’s Report

Our youth enjoyed a conference recently at Faith Family Church called “Love Is Red,” and they went to see Jesus Revolution together.

The Comfort Room Ministries are getting started. Divorce Care sessions start April 13, and Inner Healing ministers will be trained soon in a workshop entitled “Connect-Up.”

Pastor Mike has volunteered to teach 4-6 times this year on Monday evenings at the TLC Academy.

Our recent Healing Service had approximately 20 people from JKPC and 25-30 people from outside our congregation. Look for healing testimonies in this newsletter.

Administration Report

The church bus has been fixed and an alarm has been installed to deter future vandalism.

Mission/Ministry Report

Session discussed and voted to continue dedicating at least 10% of our church giving to the JKPC missions we have approved. 

Worship Report

There are several opportunities for worship and praise in this Easter season:

JKPC Ringers play on Palm Sunday – April 2

      Maundy Thursday service (includes Communion) – April 6

        Good Friday – Sanctuary open for prayer – April 7 

        Easter Sunday – He Is Risen! – April 9

        Spring Cantata – April 22

Other Business

Session is looking into ways that we can have electronic sign-ups for chancel flowers. Until you hear more about that, contact Stacey in the church office to request a Sunday to donate the flowers.

The next Stated Session Meeting will be Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Greek, Clerk of Session

Financial Corner

Receipts in February:  $30,628.90

Expenses in February: $40,897.81

Net income           -$10,268.91

A Word From The Finance Office

We were in the red for the month of February, but we are still in the black for the fiscal year with a net income of $24,333.83. Thank you for your loyal support!

It’s hard to believe, but we are fast approaching the end of our fiscal year. That means it’s time to be thinking about the budget for the new year. Cheryl and I will be working closely together to provide the most up to date reports to make budget planning go as smoothly as possible and to ensure we have an accurate picture of our financial situation. Please pray for the church leadership as they strive to use the resources provided to the benefit of God’s kingdom!


Tina Young, Financial Secretary 

Cheryl Hawkins, Treasurer

Generous Giving Fruits

You JKPC saints are so awesome.

You continue to give of your prayers, volunteer time, and financial support.

“Followers of Jesus sharing God’s love, one relationship at a time.”

Healing Services - Your generous giving has allowed your church to help others receive healing from the Holy Spirit. Read testimonies below:

"I had never been to a healing service. I teared up some. A young girl sat beside me and asked if she could pray for me. Made me tear up more, but it was very moving and very sweet of her."

~ anonymous 


"I thought it was awesome. I was totally blown away by what the pastor's wife saw. I truly felt the Lord’s presence."

~ Deb


"This was the first time I was ever at a church for a healing service. I felt really blessed and welcomed to be there. You could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit there. I had a wonderful experience with the Healing Team. I stayed until the end just to take in some of the experiences the other folks were having. A friend of the pastor's wife came up, and we struck up a conversation. She really helped me to understand the whole experience a lot better. I’m thankful I stayed until the end. I’m looking forward to my next experience there."

~ Bernie 


"I was so blessed to be in the service on Thursday. After taking a friend up for prayer and my husband and I had prayer for his mom, I sat down. I heard Jackie call out weariness and really needed that! Not wanting to get up again, I just sat still but felt the tiredness lift. Also had severe pain in my left leg that lessened as I prayed. God meets us where we are." ~ Martha 


"When it came time for prayer, I went up front because they talked about anyone having leg problems. I have neuropathy in both legs. After prayer, I am experiencing improvement in both of my legs. I have more strength and agility which allows me to get up faster."

~ Anonymous  


Mystery Readers Needed

Interfaith Campus Preschool

Wednesdays at 3:00pm

Thank you to all of you who have agreed to read to the Interfaith Campus Preschool for 2023. Both the Classes, Nursery- (6) weeks, (12) and (18+) months and the Preschool ages (2) years, (3), (4) and (5) years old for March and April have been filled.

If you would like to be an occasional substitute for a reader who needs to call off, please call me.

A few members of the congregation have made a commitment to read a certain week of a month. I would like to make a plea for more to be willing to read to the younger Nursery age classes. It is amazing how attentive they are. The youngest of the young are usually sleeping. Those who are walking are interested and very loving. Give it a try - “You Might Like It." An adult size chair is now made available for you to sit in if you want to.

As always, sign in at the Preschool desk. When the teacher/caretakers are ready, they will direct you to the first available class. You can expect to spend approximately 15 to 20 minutes in each class. If you have any questions or need more information, please call or text me at 330-704-1677 or email at jdsouthwood2920 @gmail.com.

In Christ’s Love and for His Service,

Judy Southwood 

Dinner Diners

The Dinner Diners will meet on Tuesday, April 11 at 5:30pm at Michael D's. Please contact Debbie Wilson at 330-417-0343 with any questions. All are welcome! Plan to come and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will meet on Thursday, April 20 at 11:30am at Walthers in North Canton. Please contact Debbie Wilson at 330-417-0343 with any questions. All are welcome! Plan to come and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Birthdays and Anniversaries


1............Jacob Knisely

4............Kathy Beels

8............Caitlyn Sproul, Laurel Walczyk

10,,,,,,,,,,Cliff Dillow

12..........Irene Udall, May Anne Makley, Katy Kovach, Matthew Warren

14..........Barb Culp

16..........Joann Todd, Alexander Mennona

18..........Dave Doll

19..........Mina Jane Groetz, Christina Warren

22..........Martha Meadows, Bob Settle Sr.

25..........Brandon Morrison

27..........Diana Muhlbach

28..........Trevor Sproul


3............Gene and Pam Barnhill

7............Bob and Ruth Settle

8............Kevin and Betsy Davidson

15..........Larry and Diana Jones

27..........Sam and Katy Kovach

5155 Eastlake St NW, Canton OH 44720
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