Save the Date: Confirmation and Reception- November 13, 2022
Bishop Stokes will be visiting us on Sunday, November 13 (St. Martin's Sunday). On this Sunday youth and adults will be Confirmed by the laying on of hands by the Bishop, and newcomers who were confirmed in the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Lutheran Churches may be received by the laying on of the hands by the Bishop, thereby becoming a full member of the Episcopal Church.
If you wish to be confirmed (youth and adults), or if you are already confirmed and wish to be received as a full member of St. Martin's, or if you are confirmed and wish to reaffirm your faith in a public way, please contact Father Rob. Confirmation classes for youth and adults, (and for those wishing to be confirmed or received) will be conducted in September and October (with an overnight retreat on September 23-24). More information will be forthcoming.
In Memoriam
For those who remember The Reverend John Neilson, who often filled in for Fr. Bruce during the summer.
Rector Emeritus of All Saints Episcopal The Reverend John R. Neilson, Rector Emeritus of All Saints Episcopal Church, 89, was peacefully called home to the Lord on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. The Visitation will be on Thursday, May 12, 2022, at the Rossi Funeral Home, Scotch Plains, from 2-4 & 7-9. On Friday, May 13, 2022, the Burial Office and Liturgy in Celebration for the late Rev. John R. Neilson will be offered at 11 am at All Saints Episcopal Church, Scotch Plains. *** MASKS are requested to be worn for all services *** Flowers will be accepted at the funeral home and contributions may also be made to All Saints Episcopal Church in Scotch Plains. He was loved and completely adored by every member of his family. Fr. Neilson is survived by his wife of 59 years Sandy; his son Tim (Maggie); his grandchildren Jack and Reagan; his sister Anne S. Neilson; his nieces Anne and Elizabeth; his nephew Steven (Pam); his great-nephews Douglas, Benjamin, 2nd Lt. Jake; his great-niece Grace; his loving medical aide Marcia E. Banks; and his faithful dog Buck.
Upcoming Dates
May 22: Parish Work Day (see below). We have to change this date from the 15th.
June 4: Fellowship Event - Night of Mystery (see below)
June 5: First Communion
June 26: Pride Mass at 10:30 a.m. with Neighborhood Picnic immediately following.
Parish Work Day
(note that the date has changed)
We need all hands on deck to beautify our grounds and clean some areas of the church. Please bring your wheelbarrows, tree trimmers, shovels, weed whackers, etc., and wear appropriate clothing to work outside. We also have some stairwells and closets to clean, if you would like to work indoors instead.
Food Bank Volunteers Needed
May is St. Martins's month to volunteer with the Somerset County Food Bank. This Saturday, May 14th, volunteers will be meeting at 8:25 at Shiloh Pentecostal Church on Davenport Street. Beginning Saturday, May 21st, the location will change to First Reformed Church at 100 W. Main Street in Somerville. Volunteers are still needed for May 28th. We will continue to collect shoes until June 12th.
Fellowship Event
We are planning a "Night of Mystery" that will be held in the undercroft with a potluck dinner. Please follow this link
to find out more about this new fellowship opportunity. I look forward to your input as to which Night of Mystery we should try.
Prayer Requests
- Dwight, a childhood friend of Fr. Rob's
- Audrey, Bill Valiant's wife
- Fr. Rob's mother, Evelyn.
- Kathy Picazio asks for prayers for Doug Newton, his wife, Zhenya, and her adult daughter.
- Bonnie Whalen requested prayers for her 28 yr old grandson.
- Linda Virtue
- Chris Semanchik
- Jane Linn's, granddaughter-in-law, Rachael.
- Mary Irwin
- Philip and Nancy
Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at