While your consistent attendance at church is valuable to you and the church family, it is very difficult to develop meaningful relationships in that setting.
Meaningful relationships develop as you get involved in multiple aspects of church life. Join a small group (learn how to knit, sing with the choir), serve within the church building (usher, cook, bake, rake leaves), go to church gatherings or even host a social event.
There is no way to have a meaningful relationship, let alone get the personal nourishment you need, by simple attending church.
Here are some benefits to getting involved and serving others in the church:
· Serving others gives us a deeper purpose.
· It helps us establish a connection with others.
· It allows us to follow God’s example.
· Serving others teaches us about humility.
· Serving others allows us to become selfless.
· It advances the teachings of God.
· Serving helps us make a difference in other people’s lives.
Serving others should be woven into the very fabric of our congregation. It should be what we do and who we are.
What is stopping you from volunteering at the church? Ask yourself these questions:
· What are your God given talents? How do you plan to use them to serve others?
· What keeps you from using these God-given gifts to serve?
· What would you suggest to make volunteering in the church more rewarding and engaging?
· What things are you most passionate about?
· What gives your life purpose?
How can you advance the kingdom of Jesus and make a lasting impact on the church community. What can you do to help build our community?
· Have your kids moved out? Maybe you want to clean out your basement. Have you considered helping to organize a yard sale at the church?
· Would you like to organize a trivia night in Smith Hall?
· Would you like to help with Pumpkin Fest in October?
· Can you occasionally be an usher on Sunday?
· Can you bake a dessert for the social hour after the church service?
· Do you want to set up a scavenger hunt for the youth group?
· Do you want to help with JAM?
· Can you make a soup or dessert for Soup Saturday?
· Would you like to teach others how to make pumpkin rolls or apple pie?
· Would you like to host a bible study?
· I would you like to ______________________ (fill in the blank).
You’ve asked yourself the question, what can I do to get involved and make meaningful relationships within my church community? Now, do it!!!