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SBA Prioritizes Smallest Businesses in the Current Round of PPP
Beginning this week, the SBA will:
- Establish a 14-day, exclusive PPP loan application period for businesses and nonprofits with fewer than 20 employees
- Allow sole proprietors, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals to receive more financial support by revising the PPP’s funding formula for these categories of applicants
- Eliminate an exclusionary restriction on PPP access for small business owners with prior non-fraud felony convictions, consistent with a bipartisan congressional proposal
- Eliminate PPP access restrictions on small business owners who have struggled to make federal student loan payments by eliminating federal student loan debt delinquency and default as disqualifiers to participating in the PPP; and
- Ensure access for non-citizen small business owners who are lawful U.S. residents by clarifying that they may use Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to apply for the PPP.
The 14-day exclusivity period will start on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9 a.m., while the other four changes will be implemented by the first week of March. The SBA is working on the program changes and will communicate details throughout this week.
NYS Makes Several Adjustments to COVID-19 Business and Consumer Restrictions
Many Chamber businesses and organizations are asking what they can do to respond to systemic racism, workplace inequities, and exclusionary cultures in the current moment. To support Members' desire to build greater diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in their respective workplaces, a group of experienced facilitators and consultants will be conducting a six-part webinar series, led by Dr. Paula Ioanide of Rise to Equity, in partnership with the Chamber. This series is presented by Cayuga Health System, with additional support from Community Foundation in Tompkins County and Tompkins Financial.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training Series, Session 2
Trauma-Informed, Mindful Leadership During Pandemics:
The Challenge for C-Suite and HR in Visionary Organizations
Wednesday, March 17th | 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Through an agreed-upon set of principles, values, and respectful dialogue around where our experiences both converge and diverge, this interactive workshop allows participants to develop a mindful trauma-informed framework for building inclusive, bias-free teams while recognizing the value of developing a growth (rather than fixed) mindset for equity that reduces stress, increases engagement, and sparks both creativity and innovation.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training Series, Session 3
Tips for Interrupting Bias, Bigotry, Stereotypes and Negative Assumptions at Work
Wednesday, March 31st |
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Bigoted comments, jokes, negative assumptions and stereotypes are challenging because they can provoke our emotions and make us reactive, scared, confused, uncertain, judgmental, and less able to access our intelligence and good thinking. This workshop will offer participants tips, questions and boundary-setting statements that can help you intervene or respond calmly in the presence of others. There will be time to brainstorm interventions and responses to examples.
Save the Date & Register Early!
Wednesday, March 24th | 9am - Noon
The Tompkins Chamber and Ithaca Area Economic Development look forward to hosting you for a virtual economic summit, celebrating our resiliency and community efforts to navigate 2020 together, offering breakout sessions highlighting key challenges and opportunities, and sharing inspiration for our economic recovery in the years ahead.
Thanks to our sponsors and partners!
We're hiring! Click below to learn more about our
Member Updates & Events, Development News
We provide a weekly roundup of member news. To have something included, email Jennifer.
A Warm Chamber Welcome to these New & Returning Members from the last quarter!
Visit Their Websites to Learn More!
Please Take Our 2021 Member Survey
The Tompkins Chamber Staff and Board of Directors seek your input regarding which services and programs you found most useful in the last year, which will support you moving forward, when you'll be ready for in-person events, and how the Chamber can mobilize our members and resources to support our community's economic recovery goals. We look forward to hearing from you!
Please try to take this survey no later than February 26th.
Healthy Workforce Network On-the-Job Training Grant
This funding is intended to support people in recovery receiving educational and training supports, new job opportunities, and maintaining a recovery friendly employer base in Tompkins County and regionally.
Under this contract, training grants with a maximum payout of $2,000 will be available to businesses that are hiring a new employee or promoting an existing employee, and providing the training needed to be successful in their new role.
A flexible, innovative, modified version of the Leadership Cortland & Leadership Tompkins programs for 2021
Each month, Community Leaders from Cortland and Tompkins counties will pick a topic and tell us their LEMONADE story. Participants will get to ask questions & learn about leadership in action. Each month will also have a mini-leadership lesson.
Sessions will be virtual until it is safe to resume meeting in-person.
Local, Regional, State & Federal Funding Updates
Now Open to More Businesses, Including:
*50* or fewer FTE employees with a maximum of $5 million in revenue
Did not receive a PPP loan(s) of MORE THAN $500,000.
Did not receive an EIDL loan of more than $150,000.
Area lenders are accepting PPP loan applications - including for new relationships. As always, check first with your existing financial institution. More information is available at the links below:
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Interested in Discussing Partnerships with the Chamber for 2021?
We'd love to talk with you about our annual work program, opportunities for sponsorships and underwriting, and strategize how the Chamber can help you meet your business goals in 2021. Thanks to all of our members who have met with us thus far - we're excited to collaborate on our 2021 programming & member services!
Tompkins Chamber and CVB Property at East Shore Drive Under Contract
Tompkins Chamber & CVB announced in September that our property at East Shore Drive is listed for sale, and are excited to share now that it is under contract. Anyone wishing to submit back up offers can view the listing below, and contact Warren Real Estate. Click below for the listing information!
February & March Meeting Schedule
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, February 24 | 8 - 9:30 a.m.
Chamber Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, February 24 | 9:30 a.m.
Government & Community Affairs Mtg.
Monday, March 1 | Noon - 1:15 p.m.
All meetings require advance registration & will be virtual until further notice. Register with Carly Hansen at chansen@tompkinschamber.org.
Our team is here to help.
Note: Our East Shore Drive office is staffed most weekdays from 9-5 for pick up or delivery, and our entire team is available by appointment. Please call 607-273-7080 during normal business hours if you need to visit us.