December 2020
Information & Resources for Non-Profits and Those who 💓 Them  
Take Your Board's Pulse
In this article Wayne Elsey suggests that these uncertain times are an excellent opportunity to assess your board and ensure you have the leadership team you need to face 2021 and beyond. Elsey provides readers with ten key questions to ask board members now so that your agency can gain insight on how to move forward more strategically.
Giving Tuesday is Today!
#GivingTuesday is a global day of charitable giving celebrated the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. A great way to mark the day is through a donation or act of service to your favorite community organization
or non-profit.
Write Impactful Objectives for Grants
Sharing program plans and expected outcomes with potential funders is a must, but what may be even more compelling is demonstrating the impact of those plans. Funders want to know what significant change their dollars will support. This
Grant Professionals Association blog offers an excellent explanation of how to show that impact through your program objectives.

Stay well and thanks for reading
Sheer Shareables!