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...because parenting is the most important job on earth...
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The Popularity of Halloween

My favorite holidays are the 4th of July,Thanksgiving, and Christmas. You might celebrate similar holidays (Kwanza, Chanukkah) depending on your family heritage. These are my favorites because they have always meant the gathering of family and friends, shared stories, memories, the warmth of being loved and welcomed by people who really know us and love us "warts and all"!

So why has Halloween gained in popularity in our culture --from simple neighborhood trick or treating to elaborate parades, and spooky, scary, jolly, literary and artistic events for children and adults?

In addition to the usual commercial reasons, children love to adopt a favorite persona, to enter magical realms of pretend. I think adults enjoy escaping from the ordinary aspects of our lives... AND all of us like to indulge in our favorite CANDY!

Have a sweet, thrilling weekend, Parmalee

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"Awareness of your mindset is the portal to change."

Barry Brownstein

Domestically and globally, the world is unsettled now, sadly nothing new in world history. Sometimes I feel powerless and wonder if the peace we believe in, the kindness and respect we teach our children in our homes and schools, make a difference [current displays of ignorance and hatred on streets and colleges, even in Congress]. What happened between kindergarten and college/adulthood?

Barry Brownstein, professor emeritus of economics and leadership at the University of Baltimore, with his writings on Mind Set Shifts, makes me think. Whether or not we agree with Brownstein, he builds a case for us to look at our own mind set and offers explanations of how hate develops and grows.

To Live for Grievances Risks Liberty

by Barry Brownstein

"In The Constitution of Liberty, F. A. Hayek writes, “Man learns by the disappointment of expectations.” Some of us, Hayek could have added, resist learning.

Despite having their expectations constantly dashed, the characters on the long-running comedy Seinfeld held onto grievances and never learned. Holding onto grievances leaves little space in our minds to commit to the timeless values that facilitate human cooperation.

In the Season 8 episode, “Bizarro Jerry,” Elaine has hung out with doppelgangers of Jerry, George, and Kramer. She explains to Jerry why she has made these new friends:

Elaine: “Kevin and his friends are nice people. They do good things. They read.”
Jerry: “I read.”
Elaine: “Books, Jerry.”
Jerry: “Oh, big deal.”
Elaine: “I can’t spend the rest of my life coming into this stinking apartment every ten minutes to pour over the excruciating minutiae of every single daily event.”

The minutiae that Elaine refers to is the endless recital of petty resentments and grievances." Read the entire essay by Barry Brownstein > > >

We Pretend

A Binocular Guide for Growing Birders

A good pair of binoculars can wow kids, helping them to delight in birding.

There’s something magical about holding binoculars to your eyes and seeing a faraway object appear within reach—especially for children. Many binoculars marketed toward kids, though, are more like toys than tools.

In general, youngsters past preschool age are old enough to use actual binoculars, according to an informal survey of Audubon parents and educators. (For toddlers, tape two toilet paper rolls together—there’s zero investment and it’s good training.) Binoculars for budding birders should be small and lightweight; provide a large field of view; and have low magnification, which is more forgiving in unsteady hands. Here are five picks that make the grade > > >

October Calendar

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All About Theatre The Addams Family

October 27 – November 4; 7pm on 10/27, 28 & 11/2, 3, 4; 2pm on 10/28 & 11/4, THE ADDAMS FAMILY, a comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family, features an original story and it’s every father’s nightmare. Details

What if the Rats win? Friday, October 27, 7pm; Saturday, October 28, 1 & 4:30pm

What if the Rats win? Come and find out this Halloween Weekend at the Scotts Valley Performing Arts Center! Spine-tingling magic unleashed this Halloween Weekend, as we get ready to Experience the Nightmare before Nutcracker! Ages 8+ Recommended. Come in Costume! Details

Wilder Ranch Kid Day, October 26, 11am – 3pm, Home school families – Mark your calendars for the second annual Home School Wilder Ranch Kid Day event! It’s the perfect opportunity to enhance your third and fourth grade pioneer studies curriculum. Details

Pizza and Pumpkin Carving, Friday, October 27, 6pm, Art Factory, We hope your kiddos come to carve pumpkins with us at the 15th Annual kids Night Out; Pizza and Pumpkin Carving event in the new studio! Ages 8 – 14, Details

Gourds Galore Saturday Ceramics

Saturday Mornings, Oct 28 – Nov 11, 10–11am

Saturday Afternoons, Oct 28 – Nov 11, 3-4pm

Ceramic Gourd and Pumpkin Sculptures: Create a beautiful, everlasting ceramic gourd or pumpkin in this ceramics class with Teacher Danielle. From proper clay wedging to sculpture in the round, this lesson in ceramics will leave you hooked. All ages are welcome to this workshop, so bring the whole family along!

Santa Cruz Glass Pumpkin Patch, Saturday & Sunday, October 28 – 29, 10am – 4pm, The Santa Cruz Glass Pumpkin Patch at Live Oak Grange returns with golden leaves and autumn breezes! The event features beautiful hand-made glass pumpkins and gourds (and witch’s hats too) created in the glass-blowing studio of regionally-renowned Local Glass Artist Chris Johnson. Details

Day of the Dead Family Program, Thursday, Oct 26, 5:30-7pm, Join us for our annual Day of the Dead family program at the Main Library on Thursday, October 26 from 5:30-7:00pm. Create a glow-in-the-dark lantern, play loteria and win prizes, and get your face painted like a calavera. Details

2023 Capitola Village Halloween Parade, Sunday, October 29, 1:30pm Lineup, 2pm Parade, Calling all ghosts, goblins, boys and ghouls…join us for the annual Capitola Village Halloween Parade! Parade will be led by a Central Fire Engine with music from the Soquel High Senior Band. Details

Boo at the Zoo, Sat & Sun, October 28-29, 10am – 5pm, Animal-Themed Halloween Fun Wear your creative and imaginative animal or super-hero Halloween costumes and more. the Daily costume parade and contest. Watch as zoo animals “chomp and stomp” their Halloween and pumpkin treats throughout each day. Details

Wizarding Adventure, October 25 – 27 & 30, 10am – 5pm, Explore the science of potion making, Quidditch games, wizard crafts and more at the Children’s Museum of Discovery! October 30 only: Explore the Forbidden Forest haunted house. It’s cleared of monsters for the day and safe for little wizards. Costumes encouraged! Details

Scotts Valley Haunted House, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, October 26 – 28,

Scotts Valley Haunted House will thrill you! Not recommend for kids under 10. 5:30 to 9:30 at the Gate, Tickets are sold at the gate from 5:30 to 9:30 and are not sold in advance. Details

Haunted Halloween Music, Friday, Oct 27, 12:30pm, Cabrillo, Be prepared for a spooky time with Haunted Halloween music.

Costumes recommended! Details

Santa Cruz Harbor Witches SUP,  Sunday, October 29, 1 – 4pm, Free to watch! 12th Annual Santa Cruz Harbor Witches Gathering. Join witches, ghouls and goblins and come jump on an SUP board at the Santa Cruz Harbor and lets go scaring. We bewitch the locals and have general shenanigans on this witchly day at the Santa Cruz Harbor. Get in touch with your inner witch, or gremlin and have some fun. Details

Spook-tacular Story Time and Party, Friday, October 27, 3 – 5pm, Families are invited to a special story time with local children’s author Julie Costa Langley, who will read her latest book, “The Hat in the Closet,” the story of a little girl who learns not everything related to Halloween is scary. Stay for fun and games in our Spook-tacular where kids and parents enjoy food, activities, and more! Details

Watsonville Film Festival’s Dia de Los Muertos, Friday, October 27, 4 – 8:30pm, Everyone is invited to participate in this beautiful tradition at the Watsonville Plaza. Featuring community altars, live music and dance, hands-on activities, and the screening of coco! Details

Food Truck Friday at Skypark, Friday, October 27, 5-8pm

We have quite the food truck and evening lined up for you on the last Food Truck Friday of the season! The weather is getting chilly (maybe?!?!) and the evenings are getting cozy. Join us for this super fun community evening, bring a friend, your pup and enjoy some great tunes and food! Details

Thomas & Percy’s Halloween Party, Sat & Sun, 9am – 5pm, October 28-29, Join us for a family event that offers aspiring engineers the unique opportunity to take a ride with Percy as well as Thomas the Tank Engine™ at Roaring Camp. Details

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 18: No Brainer, Friday, October 27, 6 - 7pm, Bookshop Santa Cruz welcomes author Jeff Kinney for a celebration of the latest installment in his Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, No Brainer! This highly entertaining event will include games, interactive photo ops, and more. Tickets include entry to the event for two people, a pre-signed copy of No Brainer, and access to activities. Details

Trick or Treats, Boulder Creek, Oct 31, 5-7pm; Santa Cruz, Oct 31, 2-5pm; Watsonville, Oct 30, 2-6pm, Details

Triple-P Parent Workshops

Triple P Workshop: Preparing Children to Have Visitors

Tuesday, October 26, 6 – 7:30pm

Parenting Workshops, These parent workshops offer outstanding skills, tips and support in our parenting path. We are fortunate to have these resources. Even if everything is going well, it's good to know what's available. October