Hello All,
Latest news… Masterson Method now has a check book… I mean a Czech book.
(Ok, you can start the check book jokes now: good time to cash in on this… does it bounce? etc…)
Ivana Zajickova is our first MMCP and soon-to-be first Instructor in the Czech Republic. Eager to get MM going in her country, she found an interested publisher and helped to translate Beyond Horse Massage for them. Good job, Ivana!
Ivana says there’s a lot of interest in CR for this. We have to finish up some details (Czech all the boxes… sorry) and get Ivana teaching soon. We’ll Czech in with Ivana soon (sorry again, couldn’t help it : ) and let you know how it’s going (that would be, bounce back to you on that one).
For those of you who read Czech, more on Ivana below.
Mastersonova metoda® v České republice
Ivana je instruktorka a certifikovaná terapeutka Masterson Method® MMCP.
Základní vzdělání ohledně fyzioterapie koní získala na Equinology institutu na
Writtle College ve Velké Británii a dále na stejném místě i certifikaci v myofascinálních technikách.
Vzhledem k tomu, že si chtěla rozšířit znalosti a schopnosti v manuálních
terapiích, přihlásila se na studium Masterson Method® v UK, kde se setkala
s Jimem Mastersonem, a tam také získala základní i pokročilý kurz Masterson
Method®. V navazujícím studiu pokračovala ve Velké Británii, Polsku a Německu,
kde po dvou letech studia získala titul MMCP.
Ivana nabízí ošetření koní metodou Masterson Method®, je rovněž instruktorem
pro Českou republiku a vede zde víkendové semináře.
Over There – Our European Team
Walter Saxe and Silvia Hamm are keeping VERY busy in Germany. Walter has three more Advanced Courses scheduled the second half of the year and he and Silvia have three Weekend Seminars planned so far between now and 2023.
Despite the hardships in Ukraine overflowing into Poland, Instructor Beata Filonowicz is forging ahead with training new MMCPs there. Beata will be teaching another Advanced 5-Day Course in June.
Last month we told you about our growing program in the Netherlands and how our new Instructors are setting up courses there. They’re still doing it, and doing a good job of it!
Our roaming Instructor Diane Howard - always looking for an opportunity to get things moving anywhere in Europe - will be teaching a Weekend Seminar in Nouans-les-Fontaines, France in September.
We have ten MMCPs in France now and, like inflation, interest is growing.
All-in-all in Europe we have MMCPs in:
Austria, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal, Switzerland, France, Netherland, UK, Denmark, Germany, and Spain.
Elsewhere internationally there are MMCPs in:
South Africa, Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Hawaii… Oh wait, Hawaii’s now a state. Congratulations!
Total International 156 Total U.S. 252 … but who’s counting. What counts is a lot of people are helping a lot of horses… and keeping us in business, which is a good business to be in.
Australia and New Zealand
Vicky Devlin will be traveling from the UK to Australia in October to teach courses in Victoria and Queensland… and maybe more. I don’t get to travel there or anywhere much anymore because… well, because… Because we have so many good Instructors that are even better than I am! There! I said it! It’s out. I accept it and I’m over it. At least that’s what my therapist said. I think she’s wrong but who am I to judge?
In any case, I miss getting out and traveling and teaching but it’s a new world since covid, and we have excellent teachers all around the world… and I have a desk job now… which is fi… fin… FINE! (sob!)
I WILL be getting back out soon to meet people at Expos, MMCP gatherings, collaborations with like-minded trainers and horse-people and possibly, I hope, gatherings in the future where I can meet with people who have taken our seminars and other courses.
Good news is Instructor Nadine Vollmerg is still out there teaching in New Zealand with a Seminar coming up in Christchurch in May.
Bad news is, it’s full. Damn, she must be good! (sob!) If you’d like to take a Seminar give her a call and bug her to do another one. Her number is (64) 64211401331. There, see how she likes being famous! Kidding, she’s wonderful.
In the UK our UK Team; Vicky Devlin, Leigh Jackson, Sam Naylor and Carina Di Battista just did a group Coaching with fifteen (count ‘em 15!) Field Work students in the Certification Program.
Seven of them will be ready for the Certification Completion Course in Oxfordshire at the end of this month. Damn, they are good! (I’m over it… s… s…sob)
South Lanarkshire (near Glasgow)
A Weekend Seminar scheduled there in June is almost full so put on your slicker and wellies and register here (click on photo):
BTW - somebody sent a photo of Vicky Devlin working on a mini in the Netherlands. I think they may have gotten it backwards but here it is.
The idea when working on a tall horse’s poll is to get the horse to relax down to you. Just takes a little patience. Vicky has a lot of patience.
Over Here
Enough about Over There, let’s talk about Over Here. There’s a lot going on over here, but I’ve run out of time and space and will talk to you about it next month. A couple of notables are:
We have a Masterson Method Equine Specialist (Equine Assisted Therapies) 3-day course coming up on May 20th in beautiful Brainerd, MN (Brainerd actually is beautiful BTW). If interested check out on our Calendar below.
Four new MMCPs certified with me here in Fairfield last week (I don’t get to travel… but I’m over it.) Congratulations are in order!
We haven’t had a course in Hawaii since… well, since this photo was taken a while back (back when I was allowed out).
Instructor Amy Alford will be teaching a Weekend Seminar in Lahaina on June 25-26. We’re excited to have an Instructor in Hawaii now. Hawaii’s been a state since 1959 and it’s about time they have an Instructor.
We have a new Operations Officer.
You may remember our Operations Officer Kaitlin Willer. Kaitlin did an amazing job keeping our ever-growing company growing and on track until May 2021, when she became ever-growing herself and had a baby. She’s been back this last year helping to keep things going, and to help hand over the reins to another valuable person-around-here, Megan Dushin.
Megan is an MMCP and MMES with excellent organizational skills, IT skills, energy, and ability to keep up with whatever’s going on around here. She’s been part of our team since she started out as our Field Work Coordinator and Administrator in 2018, then became our IT Person, and has now taken on Kait’s job as Operations Officer. Operations Officer is someone who handles everything or knows the person who can. Megan knows how things work around here. She’ll soon be teaching Weekend Seminars in the Minneapolis area. And she laughs at my jokes. I can’t tell you how valuable that all is. Thanks, Megan!
Below you can watch an interview Mark Rashid’s wife Crissi McDonald and I did about the Beyond Horse Massage book while in Arizona this winter doing the Mark and Jim Show. Mark and Crissi are both a lot of fun. There is a fun outtake at the end but watch the whole thing.
One more thing going on Over Here. A few of our Instructors and MMCPs attended a clinic this month with Jillian Kreinbring and were very impressed. She has a clinic coming up Longmont, CO in June. You can read more about their experience below. It sounded pretty good. Wish I could have been there but as you know, I’m not allowed out much… Maybe you can let me know how it went if you’re able to attend.
In the meantime, here’s what your horse can experience with almost no contact and a lot of patience.
Plus, it’s a lot of fun to watch.
Until next time, like me,
Enjoy your horses.
Get "Light to the Core"!
Want to do some very light work with your horse?
Light to the Core is a great way to go. Try DVD or Streaming for 20% Off.
Sale starts May 23rd and ends May 31st.
Demonstration in Switzerland
This demo took place at the LC Ranch in Studen with Brigitte Bisig MMCP in Switzerland. Brigitte Bisig was supported by Bruno Ryffel MMCP.
In the morning an Ethology & Biomechanics Theory took place, in the afternoon the MastersonMethodDemo®. The demo and the course were booked up very quickly. The participants were extremely interested and enthusiastic about the Masterson Method. Due to the high demand, the next demo will take place on 02.07.2023 at the LC Ranch in Switzerland.
Diese fand auf der LC Ranch in Studen mit Brigitte Bisig MMCP in der Schweiz statt. Brigitte Bisig wurde unterstützt von Bruno Ryffel MMCP.
Am Morgen fand eine Ethologie&Biomechanik Theorie statt, am Nachmittag die MastersonMethod®Demo. Der Demo und der Kurs war sehr schnell ausgebucht. Die Teilnehmer waren extem interessiert und hell begeistert von der Masterson Methode. Wegen der grossen Nachfrage findet die nächste Demo am 02.07.2023 auf der LC Ranch in der Schweiz statt.
MMCP Demo - Ivana Zajičková
I did 5 DEMOS in different parts of west and middle Slovakia. Around 30 people attended. This was the first time the Masterson Method® was introduce in Slovak republic, but people know and follow the method online and/or on social media. They were waiting for years/months for someone to come and show them the techniques and teach them the basics. Definitely, they want to carry on - actually more people attended than I was able to cover, so in 4-5 months I will go there again! Ivana
Notice the MM logo on the jacket!
Looks like everyone is happy!
Take a look at these new hats!
All hats are $25 - what will be your new summer style?
Trucker Style Cap
Due to popular request, we have added the “Trucker Style” cap to our inventory. These caps have breathable mesh backing with snap backstrap for better fit. Masterson Method logo on the front.
Colors come in:
Black, Grey Steel and Pink/Grey
Go Vintage!
Vintage washed style with stitching of
contrasting color on cap and brim.
Masterson Method logo on cap front.
Only comes in one color: Stone/Black
Halloooooo....from New Zealand!
This is Monty, a miniature therapy pony (who visits rest homes, hospitals etc). At a recent Weekend Seminar, Paula (participant) did her full "pony" session with Monty.
Paula says..."We were both stoked with the result!"
Vicky Devlin is devilish indeed - she put a Beyond Horse Massage book - with special inscription in a phone box book exchange! This occurred on April 23rd in Alderly Edge, Cheshire.
Here's the deal: if you are the first "borrower" of the book (or know the borrower), send Vicky a note with the inscription that she wrote (click on her name above).
Take a picture of yourself holding the book if you want and submit it too and we'll put your picture in the next newsletter.
The winner receives free BHM streaming - more information on that to the lucky reader!
Keep your eyes open - this book event may have more chapters!
Beyond Horse Massage Book Interview
Want to have a good time watching a movie at home? Pop some popcorn, grab a beer and view this Vimeo Interview between Jim and Crissi McDonald!
Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions - as of May 12, 2022!
Jillian Kreinbring Clinic - Thumbs Up!
Her course is a dynamic combination of lecture and hands on, focusing on the anatomy of healthy movement of the “3 key junctions” of the horse. These in-depth lectures and demonstrations go hand in glove with the principles behind the Masterson Method Techniques.
Instructor Sandy Vreeburg said, “Everyone left the course with a much greater ability to see healthy vs unhealthy posture and balance. And everyone left just that much more educated, empowered and inspired in regard to their effectiveness as Masterson Method Practitioners.”
Have any doubts? Just ask MMCP’s Anita Parra, Malia Aldrich, Amy Alford, Jane Brown, and Taryn Simone. A quote from Jane; “my head is brimming with newfound knowledge and puzzle pieces of functional anatomy and healthy movement in horses clicking together better than ever”!
Cheers to continuing our education as MM students and practitioners!
Masterson Method® Recognized Host/Barn
Congratulations to Stacia Langille and Ancora Imparo Equine Center!
Boscawen, New Hampshire!
Samantha Walker presenting to Stacia Langille and Annie
Ancora Imparo Equine Center (AIEC) is located in Boscawen, New Hampshire. "Ancora Imparo" translates as "I am still learning," and this mantra is a foundational principal that inspired owner Stacia Langille when she founded the center in 2016. A spirit of never-ending self improvement guides our purpose, as we structure equine care on ethologically valid husbandry practices.
In addition to this, AIEC is thrilled to host an expanding repertoire of therapeutic modalities, including Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Counseling that incorporate equine assisted interventions. Our horses work hard in their roles, and supporting their mental, emotional, and physical health is of utmost importance.
We have found Masterson Method® to be a wonderful complement to providing the highest standards of care for our horses, and have had consistently positive results from both the modality and the experience of hosting the lovely people who are drawn to learn it during clinics. We look forward to hosting many more in the future!
Beyond Horse Massage Book is Back!
Thank you for your patience as we've all waited for the Beyond Horse Massage book to be delivered. But, it seems to have broken the supply chain blockade and we'll have them available by the end of May!
Newly Certified Practitioners
Need help for your horse? Find a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) near you. Our Certified Practitioners are dedicated equine professionals who have acquired highly attuned skills in partnering with the horse to release tension and increase range of motion, thereby restoring healthy posture and performance. Add an MMCP to your horse’s wellness team by visiting the Find a Practitioner page on our website for the closest practitioner to you.
Michelle Hunt, MMCP
Bucklebury, Berkshire, UK
As a horse owner, I have always looked to find reward-based training methods and tried to work with my animals rather than dictate to them. When I was introduced to the Masterson Method® I was intrigued as to how you could work with a horse in order to improve and maintain performance. After seeing the benefits to my own horses, I decided to begin my own Masterson Method journey, by attending the weekend course followed by the 5 day course. This in turn led me to decide that I wanted to become a Masterson Method® Certified Practitioner. As a MMCP I really feel it allows me to listen to the horse, so I am able to work with them rather than do to them. This in my opinion really does improve results as well as improving my relationship with the horses I treat.
Areas covered: West Berkshire, North Hampshire, South Oxfordshire, West Wiltshire
Phone: 07887650532
Facebook: Michelle Hunt MMCP Equine bodywork
Who's next?
Where are you from?
We know you MMCPs are out there doing great work - if you recently received your certification, please send your information to the office and we'll get you on the website ASAP!
Phone: horses are trying to call
Email: and email to make a bodywork session appointment!
Dee Dee Thurber, MMES
Nashua, New Hampshire
My horse journey started at age 11 with my first pony and a 4-H club. I moved from 4-H into the Hunter Jumper / Equitation world until I graduated from college with a degree in Physical Education. Following graduate school with a degree in Special Education, my time was spent with my own family and smaller fur friends, dogs and rabbits. As my children got older, I was drawn back into the world of horses. I had always loved Appaloosas but had never owned one. The universe then connected me with my horse Skip, a red roan Appaloosa. Skip has taught me great lessons that I didn’t know I needed to learn. Through physical challenges in his body, I was introduced to the Masterson Method®. Reading the Masterson Method book and watching videos, I began to see how this approach and technique helped not only him, but me as well.
I attended my first weekend seminar in May of 2021, then in September of 2021 I enrolled in the Equine Specialist course in New York. I received my certification in December after finishing up my case studies with some wonderful horses. I now volunteer in a program in NH and love every minute I get to spend helping horses and clients within the program. The Masterson Method® has been part of a big convergence of gaining knowledge from my physical education background, to special education, to Reiki certifications, Brain Gym Licensure and MMES certification. This combination of skills and programs offers me so many tools that I can utilize as I continue grow. I am so grateful to be where I am today!
Christine Davis, MMES
Indian Trail, North Carolina
Born & raised in Germany, Christine has loved horses since she was a child. She began riding at age 8, and at 14, she rescued a Haflinger. While learning classical dressage, she could often be found on a trail ride with her best friend and their Haflingers.
A move to the US in the 90s and 3 children later, Christine's passion for horses was rekindled when, in 2014, she met and purchased a stubborn Haflinger (Tommy) at Rosehill Inn & Stables in Monroe, NC.
Shortly thereafter, the Equine Facilitated Learning program at Rosehill, Two Hearts One Language, was founded. As a volunteer, she experienced the healing power of equines firsthand however, she also acknowledged the impact the sessions had on them.
Her interest in the well being of the horses used in EAS programs peaked when she attended the “A Horse is a Horse, of course” symposiums in Germany and in Pennsylvania. Being around so many like minded people was fantastic.
After witnessing the magic of a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner at her barn, she completed the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Course during the COVID epidemic. In August 2020 Christine adopted a Canadian Warmblood, who thoroughly enjoys bodywork and has the most amazing releases, including the downward dog Yoga pose, making the fieldwork portion of the MMES certification lots of fun.
Christine completed the MMES Certification Program in April 2022. She is delighted to be part of the Masterson Method® family and is excited about the opportunities to work with local EAS type programs.
Interested in taking a course? Here are a few testimonials that might convince you!
You get tons of information and hands on experience. Even if you don’t plan on getting certified, horse owners will definitely benefit from taking this seminar. (Weekend Seminar)
This course will abundantly advance your knowledge of The Masterson Method®. It is the difference between knowing about MM and *understanding* it. It is worth every cent and every second of the time you will spend. (Advanced 5-Day Course)
I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking to learn about MM or to any MMCP/student who would like to improve their understanding/technique with light touch. (Light to the Core)
Weekend Seminar-Workshop Schedule
* If the course you had your heart set on is sold out, please email jo@mastersonmethod.com to be added to the waiting list.
Reminder: there will likely be a course price increase on certain courses this year.
More information will be provided soon.
Worried about COVID19? Read our COVID precautions and info here:
USA Seminars
Canada Seminars
(taught in French)
(taught in French)
2023 Courses
European Seminars
(taught in German)
(taught in Dutch)
(taught in French)
(taught in German)
(taught in German)
(taught in Dutch)
Australia & New Zealand Seminars
South Africa
(Check back for upcoming Weekend Seminars)
Advanced 5-Day Course Schedule
USA Advanced Courses
October 31-November 4 Tucson, AZ with Vanessa Helvey
European Advanced Courses
June 6-10 Rzeszyce, PL taught in Polish with Beata Filonowicz
with Walter Saxe
October 24-28 Egestorf, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe
Canada Advanced Courses
Australia & New Zealand
Certification Completion Course Schedule
USA Courses
Canada Courses
(Check back for upcoming courses)
Australia & New Zealand
European Courses
September 17-19 UK Location TBD
(taught in German)
Masterson Method Light to the Core Schedule
USA Courses - 2023
Canada Courses - 2022
European Courses
(Check back for upcoming courses)
Masterson Method Equine Specialist Schedule
Masterson Method Collaborative Clinics
USA Collaborative Clinics
Considering the Horse: Mind & Body with Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid
Your Horse's Brain: A User's Manual with Dr. Stephen Peters, Mark Rashid and Jim Masterson
Considering the Horse: Mind & Body with Dianne Adel, Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid
Masterson Method Expos and Demos
USA and European Expos & Demos
Taught in Swiss German and German
This demonstration takes place during the PATH Region 9 Conference.
"Absorbine’s relationship with The Masterson Method® is a natural fit. Jim’s breakthrough but simple concepts are all focused on helping the horse to relieve tension, feel more comfortable and improve their relationships with owners and handlers.”
~ Amy Cairy, Director of Marketing,
W. F. Young, manufacturers of Absorbine products