LWV OPRF October 16 Week in Preview

Drinks & Dialogue

Drinks & Dialogue presents Civility in Political Discussions this Thursday, October 19 at 6:30pm at Friendly Tap, 6733 Roosevelt Rd, Berwyn. Appetizers will be provided by the League. Cash bar.

Many believe that fighting to save our country begins with a ceasefire among our friends and family. Braver Angels is an organization that “brings conservatives and progressives together on equal terms to understand differences, find common ground where it exists, and help the country find a better way.”

Chuck Stone, State Coordinator for Braver Angels Illinois, will be our speaker at Drinks & Dialogue. He will discuss ways that we can bridge the partisan divide. This discussion should provide an injection of hope into this polarized time.

Stay and continue the conversation! Live music starts at 8:00pm, provided by Friendly Tap. Bring a friend!

Democracy is not a Spectator Sport!

 Tell your legislators public funds belong in public schools and to sunset the Invest in Kids Act! Legislators are feeling pressure to continue the Invest in Kids Act.  NOW is the time to tell your state senator and state representative to vote NO on any legislation that revives or funds the Invest in Kids school voucher program. It’s easy and you’ll probably leave a message like this:  “I am a constituent who resides in your district at (your address). I am calling to tell you to let the Invest in Kids voucher program end as scheduled and to oppose any attempt at making it permanent or extending it. Public funds should be for our public schools.”

Check out this Fact Sheet Sunset Invest in Kids.  Make calls and send emails no later than October 24, the first day of the fall veto session in Springfield. Please e-mail Jane Hastings or Marilyn Pearson and let them know which legislator you contacted. Use this link to find your legislators.  They need to hear from you now!

Ending Invest in Kids Act Lobby Day! The LWVIL committee is also planning a full day of training in advocacy and making arrangements to meet with our representatives for the October 24 Lobby Day. It would be great to have a large contingent to meet with Senate President Harmon and House Speaker Welch. Be sure to sign up on the LWVIL registration page for Lobby Day here. Join Leagues from across the state to be part of the LWVIL lobby day!

Clean Water Webinar

Join the LWV Upper Michigan River Region and Rob Lee, attorney for Midwest Environmental Advocates, to discuss the implications of the May 2023 Supreme Court decision that restricted implementation of the Clean Water Act. This decision removed "discontinuous" wetlands and ephemeral streams from Clean Water Act jurisdiction and will have far-reaching consequences in states that depended on federal regulations for this protection. Which states will be most impacted in our region? What will it mean for the Upper Mississippi River? What the heck can we do about it, anyhow?  Join us for this webinar on November 6 at 4:00pm.  Click here to register for the webinar.

Centennial Celebration

Volunteers Needed! A big thank you to members Joan Petertil and Carlotta Lucchesi for volunteering to co-chair the committee organizing our League’s 100th birthday celebration, scheduled for October 20, 2024. The gala committee has the momentous task of organizing the event, including the program, speakers, entertainment, invitations, and decorations, all of which will require considerable volunteer hours to accomplish. Please consider what talent and time you have to contribute! Graphic designer? Amazing organizational skills? Artistic flair? Audio-visual whiz? Watch this space for volunteer opportunities or if you’re ready to sign up now, send an e-mail to Joan or Carlotta .

LWV OPRF Board of Directors Meetings 

Ever wonder what the Board does? Looking to hear about volunteer opportunities? Have suggestions? All members are welcome to join the meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00pm via Zoom. (Note: Due to Thanksgiving, the November meeting will be 11/16 and there is no December meeting.) Join, observe, make suggestions, volunteer! If you’re interested, let Judy Crown know two days in advance to make sure you get the agenda and link. See you there! 

Ever wonder who elects our representatives? Karen Tumulty, a Washington Post deputy opinion editor and columnist, wrote a September article on how polarization has led to extremists being elected. Read it here.

Mark your calendars now for the LWV Lake Michigan Annual Meeting November 11 and 12 in Evanston. The conference is open to all. It is a relaxed and enlightening weekend and a chance to think about big picture issues while networking with Leaguers from four states. Contact Jane Hastings if you are interested in attending.

LWV IL October 24 Lobby Day Registration

LWV Cook County October Newsletter

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