Empowered Leadership

"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers."

Proverbs 11:14

Dear Ministry Partner,

Grateful that at the end of the CCI 2023 Fall Tour, I was able to attend conferences from Crown Financial and Shepherds 360. This really strengthened me personally to faithfully carry out my duties and responsibilities as the National Director of CCI Indonesia. Session after session that I went through at these two conferences was extraordinary because they were explained by great speakers in their respective fields. I returned to Indonesia with a clearer plan to work on, and even a clearer understanding of how CCI works and how it is assessed.

Praise God! In our joint efforts with fellow teachers and Oktavianus, the Area Coordinator for Sumba, who conducted promotions in August, a new class in Cakrawala, West Sumba, was opened on October 4, 2023, with a total of 4 participants. Please pray that the students will gain the character of Christ through obedience to God's Word.

Thank you for your prayers and your support,

Frids Lumba

CCI Indonesia National Director

Click Here to Help Support Frids

Testimony From a Teacher

"My name is Daniel Pua Padang, I am a CCI teacher in Sumarorong, Mamasa, West Sulwesi. I am grateful for being trusted to teach CCI classes. Most of my participants are pastors, and these pastors represent 5 different church denominations. Among them, there seems to be displeasure and disappointment with each other because their congregations moved without any communication. Thank God for the CCI study class, which can bring them together so they can open up and forgive each other. It is very rare for pastors to gather to study together informally, and through CCI and God, everything that is impossible becomes possible. Thank you to God who has anointed and entrusted CCI to be able to do this, and I am proud to be part of CCI."

Prayer Requests & Praises

·      Pray for plans to open a new CCI class at Unaaha Southeast Sulawesi.

·      Pray for partners and key people in North Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and East Kalimantan who are willing to work with CCI Indonesia in training and multiplying leaders.

We desire to have all of our new 61 CCI Coordinators continue to expand throughout 2024. Your generous donation toward our $60,000 matching gift will double the impact of your donation. Reaching this goal will allow CCI to provide $300 monthly to each coordinator’s ministry, travel, and personal needs in 2024.

Will You Help Support National Coordinators?

Click HERE to Learn More About Our Matching Gift

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