Track & Field 2023

April 3, 2023

Congratulations to all the Athletes that competed last weekend at the Invitational! We saw the best of the best at this meet and The Storm was right there with them. We swept many events and many athletes were awarded medals. All will get ribbons on Thursday. Also a special thanks to our Stagers and timers, who worked on the field the entire meet!!

We will have regulars practice this week! I know many are on spring break, but it will be a good chance for those who are there to get extra attention! We do have a meet on Saturday at Castaic High, Even if you are not able to attend practice you can still participate in the meet.

Please Sign Up to Volunteer - If you have not volunteered your hours yet , please be sure to sign up. It is really fun and you can sign up during the time your athlete is in a filed event, or running event. After this week we will be assigning the volunteer times to those who have not yet done theirs .

This Week's Track Meet

We will be seeing The Lancaster Running Rubles and the Lane 5 team this week

at Castaic High! We will need to clear the field at 2:00, so this meet will run very fast. The first events will start at 8:15 with the 3000. and all first filed events. We will be back to our regular schedule meet this week!

Events can be added or changed at the meet if needed.

Volunteer Sign up - Please wait to sign up until Tuesday

Finish line clerk - help athletes on and off the track

Tag pullers - at the finish line

Data Input - help under the timing tent

Staging and escort - Help get athletes to be put in Lanes and escort to the track start line

Relay zone judges - help athletes on the track in their zone and report if they pass out of the zone

Girls Long Jump Pit - Please sign up during the time your child is jumping

High Jump - need 3 volunteers Please help when your athletes will be jumping

Set up and clean up crew - arrive at 7:00 for set up and clean up at 1:00

Weekly Schedule

Monday April 3rd -6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:45 for all other age groups

Tuesday April 4 - 6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:45 for all other age groups

Thursday April 6th- 6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:45 for all other age groups- Ribbons for the meet will be available to pick up at practice!

Saturday April 8th - 7:30: am - Track Meet at Castaic High with Running Rebels and Lane 5

Relay Expectation

Relay Expectations

Many parents are asking how relays are determined, here is a brief description on how this is done. We try to let all athletes try the event but there will be some weeks that the numbers do not work, but those who are there, and did not get on a team, we will try to make sure they are on a team in a future week.

It is very important to the team that if your athlete signs up for a 4x100 relay that they are at the meet and checked in before 8:30 am so the coaches can assemble the teams. If your child is signed up for a relay and does not show up, or is late, it will effect every other relay runner, and disappoint those who can not compete. If they sign up for the 4x 400 and do not stay it will also disappoint those on the team that will not get to run.

This is the only event that we are strict on signing up for. Please don’t sign up for the relay if your athlete can not compete in the event.

Criteria for relay team assignment.

1) Coaches discretion -Sportsmanship and team spirit

2) Attending practice

3) Able to hand off smoothly

4) Time in the 100 meters at a meet, sometimes the fastest athletes may not be selected for the A team due to many factors, based on this criteria

All of this is considered when coaches put together their teams (A-Team, B-Team, C-Team, etc…).

If you have any questions about this, please speak with your age group coach or Coach Elaine

Event Ribbons

Please pick up ribbons from the communication box out on Thursdays during practice. There is a file for each family to pick up event ribbons. Athletes will be given a ribbon for each event they do, it has place and time for their event. Lorretta Drake make all of these. Please pick them up each week!! If you are missing a ribbon let her know or email at


Elaine Bingham , Head Coach Track & Field

OPEN , Director Storm Track & Field

Alan Bingham , President, Santa Clarita Track Club

Lost and Found - Please check the fence for any lost jackets or waster bottle, All items will be donated each Thursday. We do not have place to keep these items!!

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
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