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First Quarter Updates to
The Official Helicopter Blue Book®
HeliValue$, Inc. has recently reviewed pricing in
The Official Helicopter Blue Book®
Adjustments were made for the following helicopter models:

AS350B3 Astar

AS350B3e Astar (H125)

EC155B1 (H155)





AW139 Short Nose

AW139 Long Nose




Added the 5,225lb Gross Weight Increase

Added the 5,225lb Gross Weight Increase & Dual Hydraulics

Increased Resale Pricing

Reduced Resale Pricing & Adjusted EMS Configuration Pricing

Adjusted EMS Configuration Pricing

Adjusted EMS Configuration Pricing

Adjusted Corporate & VIP Configuration Pricing

Added the 6.4T, 6.8T, 7.0T Gross Weight Increases & Adjusted all Configuration Pricing

Added the 6.4T, 6.8T, 7.0T Gross Weight Increases & Adjusted all Configuration Pricing

Increase Resale Pricing
Increased Resale Pricing

Added the 27,700lb Gross Weight Increase
Resale pricing adjustments are based on actual sales transactions and current market conditions such as overall trends in asking prices, increase or decrease in supply, demand, and sales volume. We obtain sales pricing data from owners and operators, lenders and lessors, brokers and equipment manufacturers worldwide.

While we do review all models each quarter, frequently traded models are updated as soon as they begin to show variation from the previously published values. Stay up to date on resale pricing changes by purchasing an annual subscription. 
Detailed Value Report -
Anytime, Anywhere

The cost to you is $495/each.

1Q Market Overview

What a roller coaster we are experiencing with the current market. Q4 2021 we saw an enormous increase in activity and now Q1 2022 we are seeing just the opposite. The supply of cheaper helicopters has diminished for many models, leaving both the higher priced and the less desired aircraft remaining. There are many factors contributing to the change of the market: the Ukraine crisis, inflation, sky rocketing fuel prices, and a shrinking supply of good aircraft. Corporate & VIP aircraft seem to be still leading the way in transactions, followed by aircraft either in EMS configuration or to be converted to an EMS configuration. The offshore market is still sluggish with most operators leaning toward leasing aircraft over buying aircraft. As we enter the fire season, lots of activity and talks are surrounding the Fire Fighting operators and aircraft values. There is almost no supply of the larger aircraft used in this application and the fire seasons are only getting worse each year.
Last month we moved over to our new database and have started making improvements to the online Blue Book. This will be an ongoing process, so be on the lookout for improvements when they are released. What type of improvements or new features would you like to see added? We are always looking for more ways to improve our system and your online experience. Please let us know.
HeliValues has just added the 2022 Perspectives into The Official Helicopter Blue Book®. Perspectives compiles over four decades' worth of The Official Helicopter Blue Book® resale pricing data. Each data point shows the helicopter model's average base resale prices at the first calendar quarter of each year, regardless of the helicopter’s year of manufacture. Compared to the components’ service-life used, the age of the aircraft has little impact on its value. Price spreads shown are based on the realities of then-current market scenarios. No adjustments have been made for inflation: 1979 values are given in 1979 dollars, 1989 values in 1989 dollars, and so on through the present. All values are given in US dollars and are net retail prices. Data points begin when resale data started to become available for a particular model. For instance, if a model started production in 1990 we may not have received resale transaction information until 1993. HeliValue$' Perspectives, registered as Perspectives: A Helicopter Resale History®, was once sold as a separate publication. In 2014 HV$ made Perspectives part of the Blue Book subscriptions.

If by chance you are a helicopter owner or operator and are seeing something other than what we are publishing, please give me a call at 1-847-487-8258 or send me an email at and I will be happy to discuss the market with you. If you have any sales you would like us to know about, I would also be happy to discuss them with you. Without your willingness to share information, we wouldn’t be here to keep the industry informed and up to date.