Research News & Funding Opportunities for Tulane Cancer Researchers - August 20, 2024 | |
Bidens Award $23M to Tulane Cancer Center Researchers J. Quincy Brown & Brian Summa | |
Tune In to Tulane Cancer Center | |
Tulane Cancer Center Researcher Michael Hoerger, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology & Psychiatry, spoke with WWL-TV Channel 4’s Health Reporter Meg Farris about his project to provide COVID prevention kits to cancer patients and survivors. | |
National Institute on Aging: Data LINKAGE Program Webinar Series
Using Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center – CMS Linked Data
August 21 - Noon - 1:00 PM CDT
The National Institute on Aging is hosting a webinar on using the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-linked data for research. Even if your research is unrelated to aging, this webinar will provide useful information on navigating and using the vast data captured in CMS.
This webinar focuses on the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center (RADC) data collection, and RADC data linked with CMS data. The RADC team will present an overview of their study and the CMS data they offer to researchers in the NIA’s Data LINKAGE program enclave. Examples of linked data will be presented along with information on how to access RADC and RADC-CMS linked data.
Explore and register for upcoming webinars. Please contact LINKAGE Support for questions about the webinar series.
Complimentary Lunch for Tulane Faculty & Staff
To celebrate the return of the fall semester, all Downtown Campus faculty and staff are invited to join Tulane Hospitality for a complimentary lunch at the Hutchinson Food Court on both Wednesday, August 21, and Thursday, August 22.
Please note, you must show a valid Splash card.
In-Person Software Trainings
Tulane University School of Medicine
Murphy Building, Rm. 220
131 S Robertson St, New Orleans, LA 70112
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) – Wednesday 8/21
Register here:
Session 1: (9 AM – Noon) IPA - Perform Pathway Analysis on ‘Omics Data
Session 2: (12:30 PM – 1 PM) Lunch & Learn, CLC Genomics for Scalable NGS Secondary Data Analysis
Session 3: (1 PM – 2:30 PM) Mine IPA’s Rich Database for Novel Discoveries
Session 4: (2:30 PM – 3 PM) QIAseq Solutions for Your NGS Experiments
CLC Genomics Workbench - Thursday 8/22
Register here:
Session 1: (9 AM - 10 AM) Bulk RNA-seq Analysis
Session 2: (10 AM – Noon) Single Cell RNA-seq, Cell Hashing, and Spatial Transcriptomics
Session 3: (12:30 PM – 1 PM) QIAGEN QIAseq Solutions for Your NGS Experiments
Session 4: (1 PM – 3 PM) Microbial Genomics Module
Session 5: (3 PM – 4 PM) Whole Genome, Whole Exosome, and Custom Panel DNA-seq
Although sessions will be recorded for future reference, they are not offered as live zoom sessions. Please register to attend in person, and kindly register twice if you plan to attend both days of training.
Important information :
- If you are not currently on the IPA license at Tulane, you will be provided a 14-day IPA Training license. Additional information will be sent the day prior to the seminar.
If you do not currently have a CLC Genomics license, you can sign up here get access to a 14-day trial. Please specify if you want to start the license right away or on the day of the CLC training - 8/22
If you have any questions, please email
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Pfizer Global Medical Grants Announces a New Education RFP in Cervical Cancer
Improving Care for Patients with Recurrent / Metastatic (R/M) Cervical Cancer
The goal of this RFP is to support education for medical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, pharmacists, eye care providers, nurse practitioners and physician assistants working in the oncology setting caring for patients with r/m cervical cancer relating to treatments, management of adverse events, and long-term outcomes.
To review the full RFP please click here.
Application Due Date: August 22, 2024
Tony Enterante, Senior Development Officer for Corporate, Foundation and Research Relations, is happy to work with applicants on their submissions. You can contact Tony at
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BAM! Graduate and Professional Mentorship Program
Applications for Tulane's BIPOC Affirming Mentoring Program are open until Friday, August 23, 2024.
If you have any questions or need further information, reach out to Shelby Norman, Associate Director of Professional Development & Outreach for the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, at
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2025 Searle Scholars Program
The Searle Scholars Program is a limited submission award program which makes grants to selected academic and research institutions to support the independent research of outstanding early-career scientists who have recently been appointed as assistant professors on a tenure-track appointment. Grants are $300,000 for a three-year term with $100,000 payable each year of the grant, subject to the receipt of acceptable progress reports. Generally, the program makes 15 new grants annually.
The Searle Scholars Program Scientific Advisory Board is primarily interested in supporting high risk, high reward research in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, pharmacology, and related areas in chemistry, medicine, and the biological sciences.
Applicants should have begun their appointment as an independent investigator at the assistant professor level on or after May 1, 2023. The appointment must be their first tenure-track position (or its nearest equivalent).
Tulane has been invited to submit one application for the 2025 Searle Scholars Program competition. Eligible individuals who are interested should submit as a comprehensive pdf, this completed and signed form and a CV/biosketch to Sponsored Projects Administration at no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 23, 2024.
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Office Hours with
Samuel Jativa,
Office of Intellectual Property Management
Tuesday, August 27 - 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Tulane School of Medicine Hutchinson Building,
Room 1558
During these weekly open sessions, Samuel Jativa will answer your questions and provide guidance on intellectual property and licensing matters related to research endeavors. The sessions are open to all Tulane faculty and researchers.
Email to learn more.
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LCRC & ACS Extramural Discovery Science Grants Workshop
Wednesday, August 28 - 11:45 AM - 1 PM
Online Event
The “Extramural Discovery Science Grants Workshop” will provide attendees with information on:
- American Cancer Society-funded grants and new research opportunities
- “Insider Tips” for a successful application process
- How grant applications are evaluated
- Understanding success rates for future funding
- Online resources available
This workshop is available to all LCRC faculty members.
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Free Webinar!
Leveraging Your Online Researcher Profile:
Insights from Editors, Researchers & Journalists
Tuesday, September 3 - 10 AM
Register HERE
Being easily found and contacted online by different stakeholders such as journal editors, industry professionals, journalists and fellow researchers is crucial in fostering collaborations and advancing your career. But knowing where and how to build your online researcher profiles can be an intimidating task. The new Nature Masterclasses course on Building a Strong Online Researcher Profile is packed full of valuable and practical tips to help you get started.
In this corresponding webinar, you will learn
- the importance of having a strong online researcher profile
- how and when journal editors, industry professionals and journalists look for researchers
- advice for standing out from the crowd
They will also answer questions from the audience. Space is limited, so please be sure to register as soon as possible and submit your questions during registration.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Tulane Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Requirements for Research Activities Involving the Use of Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acids, Genetically-Modified Cell Lines or Animals, or Infectious Agents
All faculty and students conducting research involving the use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids, genetically-modified cell lines or animals, or infectious agents must obtain Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) approval prior to initiation of research activities.
The Tulane University IBC is a university-wide committee responsible for reviewing research activities utilizing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids and/or infectious agents, assuring the safe conduct of research, assessing decontamination and biocontainment levels, and ensuring research is done in compliance with government and institution regulations.
As a condition for NIH funding of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecule research, institutions must ensure that ALL such research conducted at or sponsored by the institution, irrespective of the source of funding, shall comply with the “NIH GUIDELINES FOR RESEARCH INVOLVING RECOMBINANT OR SYNTHETIC NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULES (NIH GUIDELINES) April 2024”.
The purpose of the NIH Guidelines is to specify the biosafety practices and containment principles for constructing and handling: (i) recombinant nucleic acid molecules, (ii) synthetic nucleic acid molecules, including those that are chemically or otherwise modified but can base pair with naturally occurring nucleic acid molecules, and (iii) cells, organisms, and viruses containing such molecules.
More information on NIH guidelines and IBC policies, procedures, and forms can be found at:
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Registration for the AAMC 2024 Mid-Career Women Faculty Leadership Development Seminar, taking place December 3 - 5, will close on August 22, 2024.
Tulane's GWIMS encourages women physicians and scientists (Associate Professor level who have been in their rank for 2 full years) with an interest in advancement to attend. GWIMS will sponsor 1 attendee, paying half of the expenses (registration fee, hotel/travel) on a first-come, first-serve basis; the recipient's Department will be responsible for covering the other half of the cost.
If you are interested in attending and would like GWIMS sponsorship, please send an email to and await GWIMS approval before registering and submitting payment.
Registration is open to all, but GWIMS sponsorship is only available to 1 attendee who has not attended a previous AAMC leadership seminar sponsored by GWIMS.
For more information on the meeting, please click here.
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NIH: All About Grants Podcasts
The Office of Extramural Research (OER) talks to NIH staff members about the ins and outs of NIH funding. Designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others just curious about the application and award process, we provide insights on grant topics from those who live and breathe the information.
Episodes are available as mp3s for download here, via iTunes, or via RSS feed.
Information on RSS and Podcasts
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Shared Instrument Facility Relocation Plan During Hutchinson Renovations
To ensure users will have continued access to the Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF) during the ongoing renovations to the Hutchinson Building, Alexa Sturtz, Manager of SIF, has implemented a plan with Facilities and the construction company so that SIF services will NOT be interrupted during the shutdown of the SIF assigned rooms.
The “shut down” of the SIF area will be from August 12 – September 6, 2024. Please click here to review the location of each piece of equipment and how to access that item during that time period.
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Robert L. Fine Cancer Research Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Research Grant
Application Deadline: August 31, 2024
The Robert L. Fine Cancer Research Foundation distributes two awards every other year to outstanding young scientists dedicated to basic and translational pancreatic cancer research. The grant is intended to support research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. The topic of the requested grant applications will be for innovative translational pancreatic cancer research that focuses on bench to bedside advances. The grant mechanism supports different types of basic and translational projects, including pilot and feasibility studies, self-contained research projects, development of new research methodology and development of new research technology. This grant does not support solely clinical research.
The grant amount will be $250,000 to cover direct costs only. The length of the grant will be for two years payable in yearly installments. Pre-award costs are allowable, up to 30 days prior to the grant initiation date; however, the incurrence of pre-award costs imposes no obligation on the foundation to grant the award. Funding for awardees will start January 1, 2025.
For more information, click here.
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CARES Center Pilot Project Funding
The Cancer Awareness, Research, Engagement, and Support Center, led by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in partnership with the Minority Health & Health Equity Research Center (MHERC) and the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, invites applications for pilot and feasibility studies to address disparities across the cancer control continuum in areas characterized by persistent poverty. Persistent poverty areas are here defined as Census tracts with ≥20% of residents living in poverty for ≥30 years.
Available funds are approximately $100,000, and two pilot projects will be funded. Project budgets may not exceed $50,000 per year in total costs. Funding is for one year, with a possibility to apply for an additional year of funding contingent upon availability of funds. Faculty salary support is an allowable expense.
Preference will be given to proposals that include at least one early-stage investigator. Early-stage investigators applying as PIs must be mentored by a senior faculty member with a strong record of NIH funding in the area related to the proposed research. Early-stage investigators will participate in training provided by the CARES Career Enhancement Core.
To view the RFA, please click here.
If interested, please submit a letter of intent (LOI) to Kaitlyn Waugaman,, by Friday, September 6, at midnight. The full application will be due November 18, 2024. The anticipated start date is May 1, 2025.
Questions? Please contact Kaitlyn Waugaman, MPH, RDN, LDN, 412-508-5498,
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In collaboration with the Office of the Provost, the Tulane University Innovation Institute is pleased to announce the opening of the Fall 2024 round of the Provost’s Proof of Concept (PPOC) Fund, marking the fourth cycle of this signature Innovation Institute program.
This grant, up to $50,000, is designed to help advance promising ideas and technologies to become market-ready.
- This is a competitive funding opportunity with minimal administrative lift.
- $50,000 will be dispersed based on a mutually agreed-upon timeline and two to three milestones.
- Projects will be judged based on technical merit and feasibility as well as commercial potential. Customer discovery and competitive intelligence must be included as part of the application. The focus is to uplift scalable technologies, products, and services.
Outside industry experts will be used to help evaluate the merit of projects.
Members of the Tulane community (faculty, staff, graduate students, PhD students, fellows and post-docs) with an invention disclosure filed or in preparation and an identified commercial application for the proposed technology or invention are welcome to apply.
Please apply using the StartupWind platform here. Additional information can be found on the Tulane University Innovation Institute website here. You can also check out the Tulane Innovation Institute's portfolio of funded projects at this link.
Questions? Contact Jillian L. Delos Reyes at
Applications are due Friday, September 6.
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Request for Proposals
Equity in Access Research Program
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has just released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for its Equity in Access Research Program, which is dedicated to funding health services research.
They are reissuing the RFP Building Evidence for Effective Interventions to Increase Therapeutic Cancer Clinical Trial Accrual: Promoting Access for Patients from Underrepresented Groups. Awards will be a maximum of $2.5 million each, over 5 years.
Specifically, they seek proposals that will implement and evaluate interventions designed to:
- Mitigate multilevel barriers to therapeutic clinical trial accrual for underrepresented groups
- Quantitatively measure the impact of these interventions on patient accrual
They are particularly interested in proposals that address systemic, institutional, and clinician-related barriers that impede clinical trial participation.
It is not necessary for applicants to have previously conducted research in blood cancer. The due date for Letters of Intent is September 12, 2024 at 2 pm CST.
For more information, please click here.
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2025 Macy Faculty Scholars Program
Call for Applications
Application Deadline: September 15
The 2025 Macy Faculty Scholars Program aims to identify and nurture promising early-career educators in medicine and nursing. Macy Faculty Scholars receive up to $250,000 of salary, project, and professional development support over two years to implement an educational project in their home institutions.
Visit the website to learn more about the program and get started on your application.
Gilead’s Research Scholars Program in Oncology Solid Tumors
Application Deadline: December 6, 2024, at 11:59pm PST
Apply here: Research Scholars Program Solid Tumors Portal
The Research Scholars Program supports any basic and clinical research limited to breast, bladder, upper gastrointestinal, or lung cancer that addresses an unmet medical need in the field of Oncology Solid Tumors.
The Research Scholars Program is actively working towards reducing potential barriers to entry and success for applicants from population groups who are typically underrepresented in research. We are committed to supporting researchers and research projects addressing unmet patient needs and health inequities in order to build a more inclusive research landscape.
Gilead’s Research Scholars Program selects junior faculty researchers pursuing an academic career at an institution at the time of application of up to $180,000 USD paid directly to the researchers' institution in 2 annual installments subject to Program terms and conditions, legal requirements, and applicable institutional rules.
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
1. MD or PhD (or an equivalent degree) at time of award
2. Received an initial faculty appointment within the last 7 years in association with a research institution in the United States at the time of application
3. This award is intended for early career investigators only
4. A strong career interest in oncology solid tumors
5. A research mentor with extensive experience in the field of oncology solid tumors
6. Able to devote at least 30% of their professional time to research for the next two years
7. Be able to complete the proposed research within the two-year award period
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2024 Michael F. Priceman Memorial Grant
The DeGregorio Family Foundation is pleased to announce an RFA for up to $500,000 for research on gastroesophageal cancer malignancies.
The RFA is for pre-clinical or translational work for gastroesophageal cancer that will lead to a clinical trial within two years. This is to accelerate drug development and to bring new therapies to patients as quickly as possible. Up to two grants will be awarded with a completion date of two years. Grants may be supported in full or partially based on the aims of the project, novelty and feasibility.
Funding – Up to $500,000 over 2 years.
Indirect costs – 15%
Applications due Friday, November 1, 2024, 10:59 p.m. CDT
- Applicants must be employed by a non-profit academic institution. Applications will be accepted from both U.S. and non-U.S. entities.
- No applications will be accepted from post-docs, or individuals without a faculty appointment.
- We encourage interdisciplinary collaborations and welcome proposals from independent investigators at all career stages, especially those new to the field of upper GI cancers.
Funding will be divided into two installments. The first installment will be provided when appropriate institutional approvals are submitted and the study is underway. The 2nd installment is contingent upon submission and review of an interim report. A financial expenditure report will be due within 90 days of the conclusion of the award term.
For more information or to download the application, click here.
Questions? Contact
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Precision of Chatbot Generative Pretrained Transformer Version 4-Generated References for Colon and Rectal Surgical Literature. Albuck AL, Becnel CM, Sirna DJ, Turner J. J Surg Res. 2024 Aug 8;302:324-328. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2024.07.021. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39121800
Valence-Change MnO2-Coated Arsenene Nanosheets as a Pin1 Inhibitor for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment. Wang J, Liang S, Zhu D, Ma X, Peng Q, Wang G, Wang Y, Chen T, Wu M, Hu TY, Zhang Y. J Am Chem Soc. 2024 Aug 7;146(31):21568-21582. doi: 10.1021/jacs.4c05162. Epub 2024 Jul 25.
PMID: 39051165.
Connect with Us on Social Media | |
Please visit Tulane Cancer Center on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and follow us for all the latest news in cancer research, education and patient care.
You can access our profile pages by clicking on the icons below.
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Tulane Cancer Center now has an institutional subscription to The Cancer Letter, an independent weekly newsletter that is the leading source of information on:
- National Cancer Institute
- National Institutes of Health
- Food & Drug Administration
- the development of cancer therapies
- cancer research funding
- health care finance
- cancer legislation and policy
- clinical issues
- the pharmaceutical industry
Our institutional subscription allows anyone with a Tulane IP address to be automatically logged in when visiting From there you can view current and previous issues of the publication, with no need to create an individual account.
For more information, please click here.
Acknowledging Tulane Cancer Center Support in Publications
One of the responsibilities of membership in the Tulane Cancer Center is acknowledgement of Cancer Center membership and/or use of shared resources, salary support or other Tulane Cancer Center funding in presentations and publications
We suggest using the following wording when acknowledging Tulane Cancer Center support: "This work was supported by the Tulane Cancer Center, part of Tulane School of Medicine, and a consortium partner of the Louisiana Cancer Research Center."
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Tulane Cancer Center Branded Assets
Tulane Cancer Center has recently undertaken a brand refresh that not only streamlines and modernizes the look and feel of our brand but also aligns us more closely with the School of Medicine branding.
With that in mind, we have developed a full suite of branded assets for your immediate use, including:
- A Tulane Cancer Center-branded PowerPoint Slide Master
- A Tulane Cancer Center-branded Scientific Poster Template (sized at 4 feet x 3 feet)
- Tulane Cancer Center-branded Zoom Backgrounds
- Tulane Cancer Center’s updated logo
- Tulane Cancer Center-branded Email Signature Blocks
All Tulane Cancer Center Members should have received these files via a recent listserv email. If you did not receive the email but would like to begin using these templates, please contact Melanie Cross at
Please also continue to acknowledgement your Tulane Cancer Center membership and/or use of shared resources, salary support or other Tulane Cancer Center funding in all presentations and publications.
Thank you for your assistance in helping us to expand our visibility while showcasing the depth and breadth of our outstanding basic, translational and population science research and clinical care.
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The Tulane Cancer Center NGS Analysis Core team assists investigators with furthering their research through comprehensive processing and analysis of data obtained from widely used high-throughput sequencing applications.
More Information
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Cell Analysis Core
The Cell Analysis Core Facility is designed to collaborate with investigators and contribute to all aspects of the research process, including consultation in experimental design, data analysis and storage, troubleshooting, interpretation of results, and the preparation and production of presentation graphics.
More Information
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Tulane Cancer Center & LCRC Membership
Any Tulane University faculty member whose research relates to or could potentially relate to cancer – directly or indirectly – should become a member of the Tulane Cancer Center (TCC). As a member, you have access to TCC's funding opportunities, research collaboration events, and shared resources. Please click here for our membership guidelines and our online application form.
Cancer-focused faculty are also encouraged to become members of the Louisiana Cancer Research Center, a partnership between the State's foremost cancer research institutions - Tulane University School of Medicine, LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, Xavier University of Louisiana and Ochsner Health. Membership in the LCRC provides access to additional funding opportunities exclusively offered to LCRC members. Please click here for the LCRC's membership guidelines and online application form.
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Subscribe to Nexus
If you know someone who is interested in subscribing to Nexus, a weekly round-up of news and information for Tulane cancer researchers, please have them contact Melanie Cross at
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Send Us Your News / Share Your Feedback | |
Please share your feedback. Is this newsletter helpful? What other information should we include? And send us your news and announcements regarding seminars, workshops, funding opportunities, new grants, recent publications or events by emailing Melanie Cross at
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