The WEekly Evangelist
From my desk…

Friends, Bishop Loya has invited us to be disciplined about grounding our meetings in prayer,
and to use Dwelling in the Word / Gospel Based Discipleship as a method to help us with that.
The Vestry has already begun this practice, and we invite all committee meetings at St Johns to
join us.
Gospel Based Discipleship includes an encounter with the Gospel, either individually or within a
group. Gospel Based Discipleship is not a program. It is not Bible Study. It is an encounter with
the Gospel, designed to engage people with the Gospel appointed for the day, or the Sunday
proper. It depends on participants being willing to share responses to the three questions: 
 What words or phrases did you hear? 
 What is Jesus (the Gospel) saying to you? 
 What is Jesus (the Gospel) calling you to do?
Bishop Loya asks that all of us use the same Scripture reading:
For the season of Easter: Revelation 22:1-5
For the season of Pentecost: John 15:12-17
You can read more here:
Please join me for a virtual cup of coffee and conversation; reach me at
if you would like to meet by phone or by Zoom sometime soon. 
You are invited: SUNDAYS DOWN UNDER. Come for coffee in the Undercroft after Service on Sundays. We will have socially distanced time for fellowship, Iona work, and other projects. Questions? Reach out to Rev. Cindi (
May-June Book Club (Spiritual Practices)

Receiving Jesus: The Way of Love 
by Mariann Edgar Budde

Available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble

This small, intense and lovely book contains stories both from life and Christian tradition around the practices of the Way of Love: to turn, to learn, to pray and to worship, to bless , to go and to rest. She shares both personal and biblical stories that enlighten each practice. It is an invitational book , not a how-to book, that beckons us into a closer relationship with God, each other and our neighbor.
Join me as we explore the practices and how we live them out in our own lives as people following Christ.
Starting Wednesday May 11th at 7 pm and continuing through June until we are done. We will take it at our own pace. This is through ZOOM.

Please let me know you are interested. My email is and my phone number is 651-338-2946 . If your faith community would like to do an in person group , I can arrange a one or two time get togethers for Saturdays to cover the book as well, just let me know.
Looking forward to sharing and learning and growing!!
Deacon Georgia 

Meeting ID: 859 8738 8443
Passcode: 060969
Join by phone  +1 312 626 6799
Prayer Book Compline and Chat
Wednesdays at 8 pm via Zoom. 
Please join us at:

Meeting ID: 817 8970 4512
Passcode: 125356
Join by phone  +1 312 626 6799
We will have two bouquets on our Holy Communion Sundays. If you wish to furnish flowers, the cost is $30.00 per Sunday for 2 bouquets. After worship, an altar guild member will present the flowers to a church member who cannot regularly join us. Please consider being a part of this important ministry. 
There is a sign-up sheet on the narthex bulletin board.
Questions? Call Ann M. 382-9426
Easter Flowers
~ 2022 ~

Easter plants have been provided by:

Ann Clark
In memory of Rev. Phil, George, David, and Abby

The Brickson Family
In memory of Jim Brickson

Audrey & Ray Splinter
In honor of our family

Bobbi Hovren
In memory of Alice and Marie

Barb & Will Partridge
In memory of Sue, Sam, Dorothy, & Bob

Nickie VanStelten
In memory of my parents, Helen & Charlie Dudash

Ann & Jim McGuire
In memory of our parents, Anna & Bernard + Bee & Fred

Mary & Doug Schuldt
In memory of Doug’s stepfather, Jim Biddle

Michael Kearney
In memory of my parents, Elizabeth & Wynn

Jan & Bill Mickelson
In memory of our loved ones

Cliff & Ellie Canavin
In memory of our son, Kalli, + our parents, 
Lawrence & Leta + Helen & Clifford


05/06-Jan Mickelson
05/15-Lisa Westberg
05/18-Al Berner
05/20-Elsie Olson


05/20 - Steve & Marty Penkhus

If we don't have you listed, we don't have your date! Stop in the office to let us know.
St. John’s Prayer List
Please pray for Gay, Andy, Bill, Ricci, Barbara, Marcia, Mary, Mara, Jordin, Pat, Elsie, Elizabeth, Kate, Mary, Wendy, Ann, Wayne, Swede, Jim, Libby, Don, Anne, Mary, Judy, Joan, Amy, Alex, John, Donna, Cassandra, Cliff, Ellie and Erika.
Pastoral Care
If you are in need or know someone in need of pastoral care, please reach out to our Companion Priest, The Rev. Cindi Brickson at 612-998-5136 or
Vestry Members:
Cindi Brickson, Companion Priest, 612-998-5136,
Ann Clark 507-201-4438,
Pam Bartholomew 507-380-4497,
Mike Kearney 507-381-1435,
Tim Secott, Warden 507-995-7825,
Angi Hiller, Parish Administrator 507-388-1969,