Weekly Bulletin - June 8, 2023

Dear Families,

SLE of the Month of May – Class Updates

In Kindergarten, for SLE 3.2, A St. Louise student is a well-balanced individual who develops mind, body, and spirit by experiencing the arts and participating in physical activity, both classes participated in the annual Walk-A-Thon for 45 minutes. They were up to the challenge in warm weather and walked many laps to achieve their goals. Great job Kindergartners!

Fifth grade developed their mind, body, and spirit by experiencing the arts through their Mother's Day projects. Students brought in pictures of their mothers and made keen observational skills to create a portrait of their mother. Students created a magazine cover that featured their mother as the "Mother of the Year". Each student wrote a persuasive essay on why their mother deserves to be on the cover of the magazine. Students worked hard to depict the personality and mood of their mothers through their portraits. 

Final School Days Will include Liturgy, Yearbooks, and a Picnic!


The end of the school year is almost here, with Friday, June 16, being our final day! On this last day, we annually hold an end-of-year liturgy, followed by an all-school picnic. 

For the end-of-year liturgy next Friday morning, we will come together in church and announce surprise recipients of student awards and recognize our volunteer extraordinaire. We will also say goodbye to departing students and families as well as teachers and staff. All parents are welcome to join us during our morning liturgy. 

Please see the flyer below with some other important “End of the School Year Reminders”.


In today’s Red Envelope, families that have ANY outstanding fundraising commitments and/or unfinished volunteer hours, will receive a letter detailing exactly what they have outstanding. Please remember that we will not mail your student’s report card or release any transcripts to new schools until ALL commitments are completed. Those commitments are as follows:

Volunteer hours:


Don’t forget to log in your 40 hours of volunteering. We still have many families that have not recorded their hours. Please make sure you log in at least 40 volunteer hours HERE or pay off your balance at the rate of $21.50 per hour HERE by June 16.


Annual Fund, Charger Cards, Auction and Walk-A-Thon:


Besides your yearly commitment to give volunteer hours, school families also commit to supporting the Annual Fund, the Auction, Charger Cards and Walk-A-Thon. Outstanding payments can be pain online at the following links:

Annual Fund

Charger Card


Summer Learning, School Calendar & Supplies List


Last week your family should have received their summer learning packet in their Red Envelope. If you did not receive it, you can access copies HERE to see what your child SHOULD or MUST complete throughout June, July, and August. 

You also received next year’s school calendar and supplies list. You can access the supplies list HERE, and also subscribe to our virtual calendar by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner of our online calendar page HERE.

Here is the last quiz question for the rest of the year. The first and third person that emails the correct answer to Mr. Fuerte will receive a Charger Card.

Question: What is the name of the new first and third grade teacher that will be part of the school faculty next year?

Have a Blessed Weekend!

Mr. Mike Fuerte

Auction 2023 - A Grand Affair

Auction Procurement - DUE TOMORROW


Each St. Louise Family is required to donate items valued at a minimum of $250. After June 9th, that amount increases to $300.

Not sure what to donate?

Check out our wish lists and have your donations shipped directly to St. Louise School.

Amazon Wish List
Pottery Barn Wish List

Need more ideas?

Check out Procurement Ideas in the Family Packet found online here.

Or... Donate Charger Cards! Visit the Charger Card Window to purchase curated gift card packages the auction team needs.

Or... Click here to make a cash donation - everything helps!

Cash Donation


8th Grade Noon Dismissal


2023 Graduation


Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement for the 8th Grade Class of 2023


6 PM - 8 PM

Final Day of Hot Lunch & Milk


Field Day - Free Dress!


3rd Trimester Ends


Noon Dismissal


PM Kids' Club Closed


Noon Dismissal


PM Kids' Club Closed


Closing Day Prayer Service & Moving Up Ceremony


10:30 am - 11:30 am

Family Picnic


11:30 AM - 12 PM

Congratulations Class of 2023!

Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement for the 8th Grade Class of 2023.


6 PM - 8 PM

To our graduating class of 2023:

Remember that God is with you every step of the way. “The same everlasting Father who cares for you will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.” – St. Francis de Sales. You are not alone. You’ve made lifelong connections here at St. Louise regardless of if you stay in touch or not. Each of you have made an impact here, at St. Louise. You’ve impacted your teachers, staff, and each other by being role models, continuously supporting your classmates and helping each other learn and grow. We are so incredibly proud of you! We hope that you stay in touch and keep us updated on your many accomplishments after graduation. Stay connected with us HERE. Go in peace!

8th Grade & 7th Grade Ambassadors

We are sad to see our 8th grade ambassadors go. Thank you for your service! At the same time, we are excited to welcome our future ambassadors from the seventh grade. You have very big shoes to fill.

CYO Soccer & Cross Country



Soccer and Cross Country practices will begin in late August/early September. Receive a discounted registration when enrolling early!

If you have questions or are interested in a scholarship, please contact the coordinators:

Soccer: Jenelle Bair at

Cross Country: Carly Bixhorn at

CYO Sports


Liturgy & Picnic


10:30 AM


Charger Cards

Window Sale Hours:

  • Every Monday and Friday from 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM.

If you need Charger Cards outside of the above time window, please contact Ashley, Kami and Marta at

App for online purchases -Ready to use in less than 5 minutes!

To enroll see here.   

  • Enrollment Code: 24B7587912L17

Download and use the RaiseRight app 24/7 on your phone to make e-card purchases and physical cards that can be sent directly to your home. Note: Online purchase fee is only $0.29 when you use your Bank info. 

*Rebate amount required for 2022-23 school year is $125. Note: We take check, cash or credit cards (4% fee for all credit card orders)

Purchase Charger Cards


Supporting the New Bethlehem Programs in Kirkland is one of our two school wide service projects each year. NBP has reached out and asked St. Louise to have a parent sit on their Community Engagement Team. This person would attend a monthly meeting with other schools, parishes and community group representatives to learn about the shelter, the successes and challenges and how we as a school can help. This person will assist our classes with the annual Advent donation drive and Ash Wednesday collection. This opportunity is an awesome way to deepen our partnership with NBP and those who are the most vulnerable in our community. 

If you are interested or have questions, please contact Mr. Fuerte or Rebecca Nightingale ( Thank you for your consideration!

Help Rebecca

Calling all Organizers and Science Enthusiasts!

Mrs. Maloney is looking for volunteers to help inventory and organize the science supply room. If you love a label maker or just like knowing where everything is, consider helping out. 

If you know your way around an Erlenmeyer or fossils, we need you! We are hoping to have volunteers come in to help 6/13 from 8:30 AM-5:00 PM AND 6/14 from 8:30AM-5:00PM.

Please reach out to if you are able to help. Sign up for a slot at the sign up genius link below:

Help Mrs. Maloney

Volunteers are needed for Field Day



Mr. Evans is requesting parent/high school volunteers to help out with Field Day on June 13th. If you would like to help out, please contact Mr. Evans at and sign up at the following link.

Help Mr. Evans

Parents' Club Social Chair

The Social Chair oversees all social events connected to the Parents' Club and works with individual chairs of special events. Do you feel called to get involved? Find your community through Parent's Club! Would you like to work with the St. Nicholas chair and the Father-Daughter/Mother-Son chair to help them bring their special events to St. Louise?

Do you know someone who would be perfect for this role? Recommend them to us! Interested in learning more? Email, Sara J.,

Help Parents' Club

Carpool Director


2:50 PM - 3:20 PM

Help keep our school safe as we head into summer! Volunteer to be a Carpool Director.

Contact Vice Principal, Joellyn Jaster at, if you can help during carpool for either day.

Help Joellyn


Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help


10 AM

A Message from Fr. Gary

Dear Friends at St. Louise, 

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord. Christ is present under the physical signs and symbols of all the sacraments in both a spiritual and a physical way. It is Christ himself who baptizes, who anoints the sick, who forgives sins, who ordains, etc. In the Eucharist, the “Blessed Sacrament,” Christ is present in his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. There is no greater gift we have from Jesus than the Mass, the gift he gave us on the night before he died -- and he has commanded us to eat his Body and drink his Blood in memory of him. He says, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” (John 6:53)

This particular year, this day is important for the Church in the United States because it begins our observance of the National Eucharistic Revival. The need for this revival was highlighted by the drastic dip in the percentage of Catholics who reported they believe that the Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of the Lord. (See Pew Research Center survey, “What Americans Know About Religion,” conducted Feb. 4 19, 2019. You can read more about the survey at and 


Fr. Gary Zender

Read More


“It is a lesson we all need – to let alone the things that do not concern us. He has other ways for others to follow Him; all do not go by the same path. It is for each of us to learn the path by which He requires us to follow Him, and to follow Him in that path,”

– St. Katherine Drexel

8th Grade enjoyed a fun lunch party at Factoria!

Superintendent Nicholas Ford visited St. Louise!

8th Grade vs Staff Volleyball!

7th Grade tested their Rockets!

Our annual Mother & Son bonding event!

"We had an amazing time doing the ropes course, zipline, and minigolf at High Trek last Sunday morning. The ropes course was challenging but exciting, and the zipline was exhilarating! The minigolf was also a lot of fun." - Silvia

Students created thier own custom stickers with Mika!

Connor received a package from Taxi Garage! 6B wrote business letters to companies during Catholic Schools week. 

6th Grade fieldtrip to the Golf Course where they took samples of the dirt.

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Widodo Karli Family

Morris/Herber Family

Antezana Garvizu Family

Coles Family