Cultivating Resilience CSLA Podcast & Webinar Series

A Whole Community Approach for Alleviating Trauma in Schools

How do we, as an education-focused society, ensure the overall well-being of students and staff?

In the quest to make education more equitable, inclusive, and just, it is essential to prioritize the mental health and overall well-being of both students and school staff. Recognizing this critical need, the podcast series "Cultivating Resilience: A Whole Community Approach to Alleviating Trauma in Schools" has gained considerable traction after its successful Season 1. Now, in Season 2, the series delves deeper into exploring innovative strategies to reduce anxiety and stress prevalent in today's educational settings.

Join Jeff Ikler, Dr. Christine Mason, and Victoria Romero for insightful sessions with educational thought leaders as we discuss cultural competence, antiracism, and practical ways to build compassionate school cultures where students and staff thrive. 

Compassionate School Leadership Academy Cultivating Resilience Podcast & Webinar Series

As we embark on this new chapter of the podcast, we strongly believe that addressing social and emotional well-being, particularly for educators, can make a significant impact on creating a compassionate and supportive learning environment. To address the serious challenges schools are facing, the Center for Educational Improvement, collaborating with Yale University’s Program for Recovery and Community Health, is implementing a three-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Education: The Compassionate School Leadership Academy (CSLA).

The CSLA is at the forefront of empowering school leaders and educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to foster nurturing and supportive environments where all students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Through the integration of trauma-conscious SEL practices and the use of the S-CCATE, the CSLA promotes the equitable development of students' social and emotional skills, supports the well-being of staff, and cultivates a compassionate culture within schools.

Horacio Sanchez

Racism, Poverty, and Neuroscience: Implications for Educators Webinar

June 13th,

12 pm - 1 pm EDT

Where do neuroscience, poverty and educational impact intersect? Join us for this season's first live webinar series with its inaugural episode on June 13th, as we talk with Horacio Sanchez, an expert on poverty, brain-based learning, and improving school climate.

We will be discussing the ways that poverty-related trauma and brain development impact each other and how we, as a society, can utilize that information to improve educational outcomes.

Another chance to hear from Horacio Sanchez—Watch for announcements concerning Season 2 of our Cultivating Resilience podcasts and for the session with Horacio. Archived episodes from Season 1 can be accessed here.


Horacio Sanchez

Horacio Sanchez is an educational consultant and leading authority on resiliency and applied brain science. His ability to help schools apply neuroscience to improve educational outcomes has made him a highly sought-after speaker on a range of topics. His presentations include overcoming the impact of poverty, improving school climate, engaging in brain-based instruction, and addressing issues related to implicit bias.

Learn more here

Our brains are wired for bias. Sanchez explains this and why it is so critical to start by looking at the brain and what happens with poverty, bias, and racism. To understand our own unconscious bias, it helps to start with an awareness of how our brains link experiences to create bias. With conscious awareness, then we can move to have a deeper and more meaningful understanding of ourselves and others, including our students.

Open Windows and Open Minds Webinar

Coming in July

Afrika Afeni Mills

Afrika Afeni Mills is a Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as well as an Education Consultant. She works with colleagues, teachers, coaches, and administrators to transform practices. Afrika has been featured on podcasts, and blogs, delivered keynote addresses and facilitated sessions at conferences across the United States. Afrika believes that all educators can be motivated, engaged, dynamic practitioners and leaders when provided with the support needed to create student-centered, anti-bias, antiracist, culturally responsive learning environments that inspire wonder and creativity and nurture true diversity, belonging, equity, and inclusion.

Learn more here


S-CCATE (School Compassionate Culture Analytical Tool for Educators) is a cutting edge, social emotional learning tool that helps educators vision, plan, and monitor progress toward the implementation of compassionate, trauma-informed practices in classrooms. Our brief, validated assessment, to be completed by teachers and other school personnel, is uniquely designed to help teams of educators and whole school communities address trauma, alleviate stress, and uplift students and staff.

Learn more here.


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