Friday Newsletter

September 27, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Worship Service

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

11:30 am: Presbyterian Beliefs Class

4 pm: "Project 2025: A Threat to Democracy" with Dr. Seth Cotlar

We look forward to singing "Centering Prayer" again this Sunday--have a listen or even incorporate it into your personal prayer time in preparation for the service.

Children ages 0-5th grade are invited to a special communion bread-baking activity this week! They will start with their families in the sanctuary and then be invited to join the activity partway through the service.

Looking Ahead

September 22-October 27 @ 11:30 am: Presbyterian Beliefs Class

September 29 @ 4 pm: Project 2025 Discussion with Dr. Seth Cotlar from Willamette University

October 5 @ 12 pm: Car caravan w/ Citizenship in Oregon

October 6 @ 10 am: Youth Sunday and Peace & Global Witness Offering

October 10-13: Fine Arts Festival

October 14 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out at Marco Polo

October 15 @ 5:30 pm: Town Hall Forum

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


Invite your friends to "Project 2025: Threat to Democracy" featuring Willamette professor Dr. Seth Cotlar on Sunday, September 29 at 4 pm here at Westminster. Professor Cotlar specializes in the history of the United States in the years between the American Revolution and the Civil War. His first book--Tom Paine's America: The Rise and Fall of Trans-Atlantic Radicalism in the Early Republic--won the Best First Book Prize from the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic. He is currently working on a new book project, a cultural history of nostalgia in modernizing America, 1776-1865.

Looking for musicians!

We are looking for musicians who would like to offer their musical gifts on worship team. This could be playing acoustic/electric guitar, vocals, piano, drums, or another solo instrument to add musical color. If you have been interested in making music in worship this way, please reach out to Ariana Recher:

The Stephen Ministry Team would like to expand! If you are a person who likes to spend time with people, listen to others’ stories, and offer caring concern and support, then consider becoming a Stephen Minister. Being a Stephen Minister is one way to reach out to people who are going through difficult and painful times. It is also a way we can individually carry out our mission of We Welcome, We Serve, We Grow. If you want to learn more about being a Stephen Minister, talk to anyone on the Stephen Ministry Team, (those of us with the blue name tags), or check out the resources on the table

below the bulletin board in Boulder Hall.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Table of Plenty in Dire Straits! Table of Plenty, the only large food bank in our area, is running out of food and the means to purchase more. Table of Plenty is a self-sustaining food bank relying solely on donations. Providing food for between 40 and 70+ families each week takes a tremendous amount of food, and our donations to TOP have been, of late, quite meager. Prior to COVID, our donations were quite high, with our crew taking the food at least once per month over to TOP. We had years where our total food donations for the year were not in pounds, but in TONS! SO, please bring some packaged or canned food for our TOP boxes when you come to church for worship services, meetings, etc. And if you are unable to carry or do not wish to bring food but want to contribute to the cause, monetary donations are always accepted and welcomed. There are items on sale that the committee purchases to fill empty shelves. The TOP board has even spoken about having to close if there are not more contributions to the food bank, and that would be quite a hardship on the many families that rely on the assistance they receive.

We are looking at doing a Trunk or Treat again this year safely in the upper parking lot on SUNDAY OCTOBER 27th from 5-6:30 PM. We would have host cars arrive at 4:45 to get set up. If you are willing and interested in hosting a car this year, please let us know via email ASAP (! Decorating your trunk is totally option, but fully encouraged! We hope this will be a fun, safe, and enjoyable time for our families to be together outdoors this fall! If it rains like last year, we'll be indoors in Boulder Hall again. 

Our 35th Westminster Festival of Fine Art is approaching and we could use everyone’s help. Tasks include:

  • Set up of display panels, tables, lighting, etc. Sun & Mon. Evenings, Oct 6-7
  • Check-in of artwork, Tues.,Oct. 8
  • Displaying artwork, Wed., Oct. 9 (lunch provided)
  • Greeters and Gallery Guides, Thurs. evening, Fri-Sun., Oct. 10-13
  • Kitchen Help, Thurs evening, Oct. 10
  • Parking Attendants, Thurs evening, Oct. 10
  • Taking down of artwork, display panels, etc., Sun., Oct. 13
  • Returning unsold artwork to artists, Sun., Oct 13 

We will have a table Sunday at the Fall Festival with signup sheets available or sign up here now. You can email us at with any questions. Come join the fun as we prepare for our Show! Thank you for your support!

Westminsterites in the World

A featured article by law professor Warren Binford and others:


Thank you Westminster members and greater Salem area community members for participating in the Westminster Red Cross Blood drive this Monday, Sept 23. Despite being short a Red Cross member we had an active and successful blood drive, falling short of our goal by only a couple of units! Thanks to many of you for signing up (on our old style paper form) for the December 16 blood drive. We hope to have a successful drive then as well. 


Bill Nelson and Pam Garland - Westminster Red Cross blood program leaders


For Pauline Mather who is in the ICU and for her family.

In the Community

Our friends at Citizenship in Oregon, Ciudadania en Oregon, based at Temple Beth Sholom have extended an invitation for Westminster Presbyterian Church to participate in the 2024 Car Caravan to visibly support the right to vote, and the defense of all of our civil and human rights. Pastor Kelly will provide the mid-caravan reflection at the WWII memorial at the Oregon Capital that afternoon. Contact Michele Hare, Outreach for Social Justice (MPEJ), and/or Vik Schaaf, Youth Director, to join and for more information.

Tomorrow, September 28,

9-noon at St. Mark's downtown, learn more about electric options!

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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