BASIS International Ltd. releases BBj® and Barista® version 23.0, making them available for download. The Eclipse IDE now requires Java 17, and the end of active support date for Java 11 is just a few months away. Therefore as of this release, BBj is built on Java 17 and cannot be supported on Java 11.
Production Ready Dynamic Web Client (DWC)
BASIS’s Dynamic Web Client was developed in response to the world’s changing mobile, web, and desktop application development requirements. The DWC brings the technological advances of JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS to BBj with better performance, responsive design, and extensibility — all in a lightweight package.
At TechCon ‘22, when we announced the DWC, we mentioned that DWC code was already in production. We’ve advanced the DWC substantially since then and are pleased to announce that the DWC is “Production Ready!”
What do we mean when we say that the DWC is “Production Ready”?
The DWC has proven to be stable and dependable. BBj applications that have completed typical development and QA phases have had no issues or failures when running in the DWC on production machines. Unexpected run-time errors specific to the DWC ought to be rare.
As with any new product, there are DWC-specific learning opportunities for BBj developers unfamiliar with the new client. The DWC is especially suitable for mobile and browser applications but is unlikely to be a one-size-fits-all solution, and you may decide not to immediately transition all your current applications to the new client. But we know you will have a much more enjoyable coding experience as the new client allows you to bypass certain barriers and restrictions you may have encountered with other BASIS or non-BASIS clients!
Additionally, early on in the roll-out of the DWC, we mentioned there would be no BBj grid implementation, but BASIS has subsequently included a limited BBj grid with the DWC. Read the “Hot Off the Grid-dle” BASIS Advantage article to learn more.
Additional Noteworthy BBj 23.0 Enhancements
NEW! Client-Side Validation
A BBjSplitter control that the user can dynamically resize has been added to BBj. You can find the documentation here and see it in action in Barista’s MDI.
With the success of TechCon ‘22, BASIS is pleased to announce that the presentations are now available on the IDE User Group Wiki!
Please read below for actions required for all users of BASIS products running on the BASIS License Manager (BLM) BY THE END OF JUNE 2023.
BASIS’ License System
BASIS’ licensing system requires either a BASIS License Manager (BLM) or a BASIS Licensing Service (BLS) to power any BASIS product. BASIS supports both licensing management mechanisms, dependent on the version of the BASIS product, for an unlimited period of time. However, the BLM development is now frozen, and customers should plan in the near future to upgrade to a 22+ version of their BASIS products which uses the BLS.
What’s changed?
BASIS owns several domain names. Amongst them are the and domains. BASIS has relinquished ownership of the domain and moved most all operations to the domain. The subdomain that hosts the backend of BASIS’ licensing system has therefore moved; the subdomain redirects to until June 30, 2023. After this date, we cannot guarantee that the redirection will continue to be in force.
What do you need to do?
All users of BASIS licensed products, whether enrolled in the BASIS Software Asset Management (SAM) Plan or not, must ensure that by the end of June 2023, they have either:
updated their BLM to the most current and secure BLM 21 or the insecure BLM 19, both of which are coded to obtain or update licenses via the subdomain or
- that they are running the BLS.
Do I need to immediately upgrade my interpreter and pay for a new license?
No, while the most secure and fully supported licensing solution from BASIS is the BLS, followed by the end-of-life BLM21 and finally, the insecure BLM19, there is no immediate need to upgrade your interpreter or purchase a new license in order to continue to be able to obtain a perpetual license from BASIS. The only component of your system that must be updated by June 30 is the licensing component. The BLMs are available as standalone downloads and do NOT require an upgrade to the BASIS interpreters (BBj or PRO/5 or Visual PRO/5).
In Summary
Product versions do NOT always have to match license versions
- The license version must always be greater than or equal to the product version
- Below is a quick summary table;
- pick your
- license version from the first column,
- the version of your BASIS product from the second column, and then
- select the BLS or BLM needed;
Green is more secure,
Blue is available for older versions but “dangerous”: insecure with known vulnerabilities,
Red is “dangerous”: insecure with known vulnerabilities and therefore NOT recommended over BLM 21 or the BLS.
As always, the best practice is to run the most updated version of BASIS’ licensing solution, which is the latest version of the BLS.
Which version does BASIS recommend and why?
The BASIS License Manager (BLM) is no longer being actively developed and, as such, will not receive further security patch updates or new releases. Therefore, BASIS recommends the BASIS Licensing Service (BLS). Benefits of the BLS include the more efficient use of OS resources — fewer socket ports and processes, and more security — a client certificate authenticates a connection. Additional licensing metrics are now available for administrators to assess their system’s health and performance.
Please contact to obtain support for this process. For example, if your Operating System cannot support running the version of Java required for the new BLM installer, we can offer other manual install solutions. Your account manager is also available to answer any questions that you may have.
Learn about the many new features and enhancements
in BBj version 23.0
Update to BBj 23.0 Now!
BBj, BBx, AddonSoftware, and Barista are registered trademarks of BASIS International Ltd.