The only constant is change. With the “end” of the pandemic and the somewhat return to normalcy, you should re-evaluate your operations and consider many issues, as the things you used to do every day may have been pushed to the side as you dealt with myriad new issues.
Self-Assessment: After two years of Covid with often tired and new staff, look inwards. What did you always do well as a camp and have you lost that focus? New staff that have never been counselors before – how to get them on board with your ideals? Look at all your major areas - kitchen, health center, programs, trips, etc. Shore up what you need to and get back into your groove.
Refocus on getting back to basics. Focus on bullying, campers following your normal rules, follow your best practices, be preventative to minimize problems, move away from a covid focused camp.
Camper Behavior: Camper inappropriate sexual behavior, innuendos, undertones, and just talking to others about sex is rampant. What do you do when a camper tells you they have been abused at home? What about the camper that says "promise not to tell?" Staff must let their campers know they are another outlet to talk to about issues.
Staff Behavior heightened mental health issues, stress, anxiety, depression, vaping, sex with other staffers, uber sensitivity. Staff concerns that other staffers make them uncomfortable.
Engagement: Get your campers and parents on Zoom calls to discuss expectations: What they expect of you and very importantly what you expect of them, how to behave, how to treat others, what behavior is and is not acceptable. Respect other’s physical boundaries and review behavior contracts. Review what you will not tolerate at camp.
Positions: What staff do you need now? Does your roster fill the needs of your campers and parents in today's world? Everything is compounded now. Expectations for staff quality may have been lowered due to pandemic restraints. Can you hire better this year?
You can rise above all of these issues! Camps are at a zenith, and you can have the best summer ever!