June 18, 2022

Theatre on the Edge

With four weeks to go, excitement is mounting! Would you like to play an active role in the Festival and spend the weekend surrounded by the ambience of inspiring artists, theatre and music? We need volunteers in all departments for a four hour shift or more. The Volunteer Application can be filled out online. The Festival wouldn't be possible without our wonderful volunteers.

Theatre on the Edge artists come from near and far to share their art and some are in need of accommodation. It has been a TotE tradition to connect traveling artists with generous patrons of the arts in our community who can open their homes to one or more of the artists. Does this sound like you? Email TotE Festival to offer to help or ask for more information.

Tickets available soon.

We are thrilled that The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble has been chosen as the Workshop Play at the provincial festival, Mainstage, which takes place in Vernon July 11 - 16. Professional director, Kathryn Shaw will watch the play the morning of Monday, July 11, then spend the next two days working with the actors and crew. The play will then be presented again the afternoon of Wednesday, July 13. The cast and crew are delighted to have the opportunity to learn from such a stellar director. Audiences are welcome at both performances.

To help with the cost of travelling to Mainstage, there will be an encore performance of The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble at Shuswap Theatre on Friday, July 8 at 7:30 pm. Admission is by donation. Please come and support the cast and crew.

Marking its 90th anniversary, Theatre BC's provincial festival, Mainstage 2022, is happening at the Vernon Performing Arts Centre, July 11-16. What a wonderful opportunity for those of us in the Shuswap to see the five winning Zone Festival plays from around the province! Check them out on the Mainstage website. There you will also find everything you need to know about some special workshops offered during the week. The festival is always a great learning opportunity and the week promises to be an amazing experience!

Planning is well underway for our fall musical, The Secret Garden, a major undertaking. We are looking for people to join the team of this delightful show. Most of the parts have already been cast, but we still need a few more men

Perhaps you have the skills to be involved in one of the crew departments:

  • Costumes - Designing, Sewing
  • Props and Set Décor - working with the Director and Set Designer
  • Set Construction
  • Hair and Makeup

For more information on all of these, including the male roles, please email Technical Producer, Elizabeth Ann Skelhorne

Registration for Musical Youth Summer Theatre (MYST) is now closed. Twenty youth will spend the first three weeks of July exploring the wonderfully whacky world of Dr. Seuss. This will culminate in two performances on July 23. Watch our website for upcoming ticket information.

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