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Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging

May / June 2023

What would you do with another 7.5?

Attitude is Everything

Bob Simonson never thought much about what it would be like to be ‘old’. “It was never on my mind,” said the retired teacher and cross-country ski enthusiast. “I guess I had pretty good role models. My aunts all lived well into their 90’s – one reached 104. They never slowed down much so I never really thought about aging as a negative.”  


For many people, aging is synonymous with decline and its little wonder. From anti-aging skin creams to insulting greeting cards, we’re bombarded with messages that both subtly and not-so-subtly tell us that aging is to be avoided. However, research has proven that people with positive attitudes toward growing older actually live longer - a whopping 7.5 years longer! Not only do they live longer, but according to Becca Levy, PhD, a researcher at the Yale School of Public Health, they better recover from illness and injury, have better memory and brain performance, and feel a greater sense of control over their lives. Not surprisingly, these people are also more likely to talk to a doctor about health problems, get preventive care such as blood pressure screenings and flu shots, and engage in health promotion programs.  

“Attitude is everything,” says Kris Krasnowski, executive director of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging – a non-profit organization that offers evidence-based health promotion programs throughout Wisconsin. “Feeling confident in your ability to take care of yourself is a key factor in whether people take steps to stay well and that’s where health promotion programs come in.”   

Now 89, Simonson maintains an active lifestyle – exercising daily, eating right, reading regularly, and socializing often. He agrees that how you feel about aging is important. “There’s always something to look forward to,” says Simonson, “I feel like I can take care of myself no matter what my age.”  


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One Simple Move for Better Health 

Would it surprise you to know that by doing one simple thing you can improve sleep, blood pressure, brain health, heart health, anxiety, weight, bone strength, and balance and coordination? Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it!? Well, it is true! And it’s easy! All it takes is a little movement.  

Physical activity – or movement – is one of the best things you can do for your health and longevity. 

Many people believe that as we grow older, we automatically decrease activity levels, lose strength, balance, and flexibility – in short, we’re simply not able to do the things we used to do. However, these “signs of aging” aren’t a symptom of getting older – they happen when we stop being as active as we used to be.  

While the old saying “use it or lose it!” is true – it’s also true that if you haven’t been physically active in a while or ever, it's not too late to get started. Research shows that older adults can reverse muscle loss, bone loss, and balance loss with physical activity.   

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Changing perceptions about growing older leads to greater longevity

Bob Simonson

5 Steps to Reduce Your Risk of a Fall 

“It happened so quickly – one minute I was at the sink rinsing my coffee cup and the next, I’m on the floor with my dog Charlie looking at me apologetically as if to say ‘did I do that?’”.   

Falls become more common as we get older – that’s true. But it’s important to know that there are things you can do to reduce your risk of a fall. Falls can lead to injuries such as hip fractures or other broken bones, brain injuries, and more. Fewer falls mean fewer injuries, fewer trips to the emergency department and fewer hospitalizations!  

Remove falls hazards in your home: 

Did you know that most falls happen in your home? By making some simple changes you can make your home safer. Add nightlights to your bathroom and dark hallways. Install grab bars in your bathroom. Remove clutter on stairs and walkways and remove throw rugs and other tripping hazards. Be alert to your surroundings – especially pets underfoot like Charlie.


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Learn more about falls prevention

Want to learn more about WIHA and our healthy aging programs? Visit our website at the link below.

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The Things We Don't Talk About - But Should


It can happen without warning. A hearty laugh. A sneeze that sneaks up on you. Suddenly, you’re racing to the bathroom hoping to make it there in time. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “over 25 million adults in the U.S. experience temporary or chronic urinary incontinence.” While the condition affects both women and men, it is twice as common in women. If you are having issues, you’re not alone. Talk with your health care provider about bladder control problems right away and ask about steps that you can take to control your symptoms including managing your fluid intake and the foods you eat, watching your weight, and more.  

Fluid Intake: It may seem intuitive to drink less as a way to decrease your risk of an accident, but that’s not a good idea. Not drinking enough fluid can irritate your bladder which can cause an increased urgency to have to urinate. How much fluid a person needs will vary however the National Association for Continence recommends that the right amount of water per day is 6-8 8-ounce glasses of water per day.  

Food & Drink: Certain foods and beverages may irritate your bladder causing you to rush to the bathroom. Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics. Also, according to Johns Hopkins Women’s Center for Pelvic Health some other potential bladder irritants include citrus fruits and juices, chocolate, tomatoes, and artificial sweeteners. Limiting the intake of these drinks and foods may help reduce the urgency you feel to urinate.  

Weight: By losing weight, you may be able to lower the risk of leakage. Extra weight around the middle of your body puts pressure and extra stress on the pelvic floor muscles. If you are overweight, have a conversation with your health care provider on how to lose weight. 

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Featured Program

Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder 

Mind Over Matter (MOM) is an interactive and fun workshop designed to prevent or improve bladder and bowel symptoms in older women. A trained facilitator leads the 3-session (2 hours per session) workshop that meets every other week. Participants work together to set and meet personalized goals and create a feeling of self-confidence in their ability to avoid or reduce incontinence symptoms. 


Research: Mind Over Matter was researched and shown to improve bladder leakage symptoms in 71% and improve bowel leakage in 55% of participants. In addition, the program may decrease the reliance on incontinence-related products, medications, and even surgeries.   

Learn more about MOM 

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