2nd Quarter

May 24, 2023

The COG Communicator is a quarterly newsletter that features the latest news from the San Bernardino Council of Governments.

SBCTA Today: All About SBCOG

While SBCTA focuses on transportation issues, SBCOG is working to address more broad, long-term policy matters like greenhouse gas emissions, housing, and promoting healthy communities throughout San Bernardino County. Watch this SBCTA Today video to learn more!

San Bernardino Regional Housing Trust

On April 5, 2023, the San Bernardino Council of Government’s (SBCOG) Board of Directors authorized staff to begin the process of establishing the San Bernardino Regional Housing Trust (SBRHT) through a Joint Powers Authority (JPA).

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What is the Inland Regional Energy Network?

Since 2018, the Coachella Valley

Association of Governments

and San Bernardino Council of

Governments have partnered

with the Western Riverside

Council of Governments to

develop I-REN to serve the cities

and communities of our region.

The Inland Regional Energy Network (I-REN) connects the workforce industry, local governments, and other stakeholders to a wide range of energy efficiency resources. The aim is to provide equitable access to all the benefits of energy efficiency, including cost savings, throughout Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

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Local Jurisdictions Can Host a CivicSpark Fellow Thanks to I-REN Program

On April 5, 2023, SBCOG Staff introduced the I-REN Fellowship Program to the SBCOG Board of Directors. The I-REN Fellowship Program is Workforce Education and Training initiative. It is a partnership with CivicSpark, an AmeriCorps program dedicated to building capacity for local governments that helps address energy efficiency and environmental goals. Cities and the County can now request placement of a CivicSpark fellow for a year. There are up to 13 CivicSpark fellows available to the San Bernardino County Region at no cost to participating host agencies.

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I-REN Orientations Starting May 2023

I-REN will be hosting orientation meetings in the next few months. Orientation meetings will be a comprehensive introductory meeting for City and County staff to learn more about the I-REN Program Sectors: Public Sector, Workforce Education & Training, Codes and Standards.

Join us to learn more about resources and trainings on how the I-REN Team can help your jurisdiction with resources and technical support for your energy efficiency project needs. Orientations will start in May and continue through August 2023.

For more information about the I-REN Orientations, email Cheryl Chesnut, at

San Bernardino Council of Governments


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