For Immediate Release

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AITC-Canada celebrates successful national programs and launches search for new Executive Director 

June 8, 2023 (Headingley, MB) – Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) and its member organizations provided almost 600,000 student learning experiences from March to May through programs and initiatives across the country. With a vision to create meaningful connections to agriculture and food, AITC-C is the national advocate for agriculture education, representing a collective of 10 provincial member organizations who deliver agriculture education on the ground across Canada.   

During Canadian Agriculture Literary Month (CALM) in March, 1,040 volunteers helped 3,200 teachers in 2,100 schools provide 185,000 student experiences across Canada, expanding their understanding of agriculture through classroom presentations, activities and resources. In April and May, the Great Canadian Farm Tour, a series of virtual farm tours highlighting agriculture in each of the 10 provinces, created more than 399,000 student experiences with over 1,600 teachers registered to participate. 

“It’s more important than ever to inspire the next generation to care about the food they eat and where it comes from,” says Rebecca Sooksom, Chair of AITC-C and member of AITC-Nova Scotia. “Thanks to our amazing volunteers, supportive partners and staff, we are reaching more students each year and bringing agriculture into classrooms across Canada.”

The AITC-C board, comprised of representatives from each of the 10 provincial members, has a new three-year strategic plan and just launched a national search for an Executive Director to take the organization to the next level. The ideal candidate is passionate about learning and agriculture and a strong relationship builder who can create partnerships to allow AITC-C to grow and thrive. 

In the interim, Sara Shymko, a founding board member of AITC-C and long-time Executive Director of AITC-Saskatchewan, is leading the organization and managing the AITC-C team until the role is filled. Plans are already underway for an engaging new campaign promoting ag careers and the launch of an innovative and fun new competition focused on sustainability that will hit classrooms in early 2024.

“We have a very engaged board and a solid team across the country who are all passionate about agriculture education,” says Sooksom. "Sara is a strong agvocate, a respected leader and a true collaborator and we are fortunate to have her step in to keep AITC-C moving forward."

About Agriculture in the Classroom Canada


Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) is a Canadian charitable organization. Alongside the 10 provincial member organizations, AITC-C provides accurate, balanced and current, curriculum-linked resources for students at all grade levels.  We are proud to work with our network of partners, stakeholders and volunteers to provide educational experiences that foster a passion for lifelong learning through collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication by sharing Canada’s remarkable agriculture and food story. Visit to learn more.


For­ more information, contact:

Tracey Shelton, Communication Consultant

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada


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