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Hello Maria,

In this issue, you will gain insight on how to implement accessibility with a comprehensive diversity initiative to ensure inclusion, and learn about the benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace. We hope you enjoy this month's top picks in our "Read, Watch, and Listen" section.

Additionally, if you are interested in any of our past IDEA trainings, they are all recorded and accessible in our webinar archive, specifically under the DE&I section.

We hope that you take advantage of the resources for this month, and if you have a resource that you think would be worthwhile to share, tell us about it!


Equity and Accessibility In The Workplace

While cultural, gender, and age-related challenges and those of racial and sexual identity exclusion are often considered, some concepts tend to get relegated to the background. Two of those often omitted concepts are accessibility and equity, but they are equally important to consider when implementing a comprehensive diversity initiative.

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What We're Learning

"Neurodivergent" is a relatively novel term for most people; neurodiversity encompasses people who have a mental or neurological function differing from what is considered normal. Examples range from ADHD and dyslexia to OCD and autism, and more that you may have never even heard of. As nonprofit professionals, it is important to be aware that colleagues may not self-identify as neurodivergent at the workplace for numerous reasons, and if they do, we need to recognize that they may have preferences of communicating that vary from your average neurotypical person. Read this article to learn more about benefits of embracing neurodiversity in the workplace and how it adds to the inclusivity of your workplace.

Upcoming Trainings

March 22: Employer Forum: Embracing DEI Resistance & Driving Change from Bottom Up

* March 29: Equity & Inclusion Circle (MEMBER EXCLUSIVE)

* April 1: Rethinking Your Organizational Model To Ensure Agility + Resilience

April 13: White Saviorism: Knowing Your Role in Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion

April 19: Cultural Differences: Leading Through Anti-Bias Practices

See all of our upcoming IDEA trainings here.

*Free for Alliance Members

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We Can't Talk About That At Work!  Race, religion, and politics are sensitive subjects. Many folks steer clear of these topics at work altogether rather than risk offending or upsetting colleagues. However, ignoring the issues is not always the answer. This book can serve as a guide for starting productive, inclusive conversations that respect differences, find common ground, and take the first steps towards healing invisible divides in the work world.


Are diverse companies really more innovative? Rocío Lorenzo and her team surveyed 171 companies to find out -- and the answer was a clear yes. In a talk that will help you build a better, more robust company, Lorenzo dives into the data and explains how your company can start producing fresher, more creative *ideas* by treating diversity as a competitive advantage.

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Podcast, Crescendo Chats, shares intimate stories of DEI in practice, shared by the foremost leaders in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. In episode 12, The Process of Self-Education, hosts conversations with HR and diversity & inclusion practitioners, sharing valuable insights from their work. 

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