What's Happening at HT This Week
9:30 am Donuts for Dad (and everyone else) - Parish Hall
10:00 am One Service Rite II - Nave
11:00 am EM Training - Parish Hall
11:30 am Online Coffee Hour (Zoom)

7:00 pm Vestry (Zoom, rescheduled)

9:30 am SAME Garden Work Day
6:00 - 7:00 pm Terrific Tuesdays

11:00 am Bible Study (Zoom)
6:00 pm Wild Wednesdays (Youth) - Trinity Place

All regular Vestry meetings are open. We are currently meeting on Zoom. You may click here to join the meeting on Monday, June 20, at 7:00 pm.

Covid cases are on the rise locally, although Thanks be to God it seems most people are not getting very sick. However, we do still need to take care. Some simple ways to protect yourself and others include: Test, and stay home if positive. Stay home if you feel any symptoms until you have a chance to test. Wear a mask if you think you’ve been exposed.

Sunday, June 19, Father’s Day! We invite everyone to join us beginning at 9:30 am in the Parish Hall for “Donuts with Dad”. We will have coffee and donuts, come join us and let’s celebrate the dads in our lives.

Our summer worship schedule starts this Sunday, We will have ONE Service on Sunday mornings, at 10:00am, (which will be livestreamed) to allow members to worship together and to lighten the load for our volunteers. Our regular worship schedule resumes on August 14. 
Around the Parish
Women's Retreat Registration now open! You can download the registration form here*, or pick up a registration form in the Narthex at church. Please return your completed registration form to the church with the retreat fee by August 12. We're looking forward to "Finding Hope" with you!
*If the link is not yet active, it will be soon. Check back later.
Children, Youth And Families
Nursery is available this Sunday.

We will have “Terrific Tuesday” on June 21, 6-7pm. (Please note the date change from 6/28). Families are encouraged to come out, invite friends and plan an evening downtown! We will have games, light refreshments and popsicles. Please contact Jerae if you would like to help or donate items for these events at Holy Trinity. Downtown Clemson will hold “On the Ave” 5-9pm, live music begins at 6pm. Holy Trinity families will have parking available in spots marked “Holy Trinity Parking”. Please do not park in spots numbered between 64 and 96.
June 22 will begin “Wild Wednesdays”. Holy Trinity will host this weekly event from 7-8pm, area churches bring their youth groups for fellowship and fun. Wild Wednesdays are a drop off event. Please pick up promptly at 8pm. Contact Jerae if you have any questions.

Ongoing Items
Need a Ride to Church? Don’t miss anything going on at Holy Trinity just because you don't have transportation. Call (864-654-5071) the church office or send an email to htchurch@holytrinityclemson.org any weekday, and the Pastoral Care team will see that you get there safe and sound the following Sunday. If it is outside of office hours, please contact Serena Dubose.

Weekly Wednesday Bible Study If your schedule allows, join us for an informal discussion of the lessons appointed for the following Sunday. We meet by Zoom at 11:00 on Wednesday mornings. Click here for the link.

If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone with a dedication of altar flowers for the church, contact Sheryl (864-654-5071).

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 193 Old Greenville Highway, Clemson, SC 2963
(864) 654-5071

Worship Schedule
10:00am in the Nave and Livestreamed Holy Eucharist, Rite II
5:00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite I at St. Paul's (first Sunday of the month)

Masks are currently optional at Holy Trinity but this may change
if the rate of infection in our area increases.