A Message from
David Selberg
Dear Friends, 

Certain Days of the Year Can be Painful for those Grieving a Loved One
We have just celebrated Valentines Day which is also an important time to remember that for some, the day can be a painful reminder of a romantic partner that has died. This potentially triggering holiday is not unique to Valentines Day. Most of us must deal with grief during other annual events including anniversaries, birthdays, Mothers or Father's Day, and of course the winter holidays, including Christmas.

How we choose to navigate through these events is up to us. At Hospice of Santa Barbara, we often encourage bereavement strategies that help to gently and mindfully integrate the loved one who we are missing into the day itself.

Finding a way to honor your loved one is a great way to channel positive energy during a difficult time. A good starting point is to ask, “How would my loved one like to be remembered?” You can volunteer at their favorite charity, donate to a local organization, light a candle or plant a tree in their memory. Remember that it's okay to do things differently than previous years and than what others are doing. It's also okay to not celebrate at all if it feels too hard.  
Remember that grieving is a personal and individual process, and what works for one person may not work for another. The most important thing is to be kind and understanding to those who are grieving, which may include yourself.

I encourage you to listen to this deeply moving story on KCLU-FM/NPR that includes interviews with HSB representative Michael Cruse and a member of our community Claude Raffin who is grieving his partner of 41 years.

Be well,
David Selberg
Hospice of Santa Barbara is featured
on NPR KCLU Radio
Listen to this heartfelt Valentine's Day story on NPR KCLU Radio here.
The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
Volunteer Spotlight:  
Jesse Brisendine
In 2016, a friend of Jesse's, John Aspra, was utilizing Hospice of Santa Barbara's Patient Care Services as he was navigating his journey with ALS. John would regularly talk about the quality of the care he was receiving from HSB was providing and how much he appreciated all of his HSB "helpers" who would show up throughout the week. ALS is a degenerative disease and as John's condition worsened the level of care needed increased. HSB stayed with him every step of the way and continued to extend care in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

Jesse was so moved by this that he decided that if there was ever an opportunity for him to give back to HSB he wanted to do it---to support this organization that had given so much to his friend, as well as the other thousands of people in the community.

Since then, Jesse has volunteered every year on the annual Heroes of Hospice of SB committee, which begins to plan several months before the luncheon. Most years, you will see Jesse at the event on stage telling a story, emceeing the event and/or conducting the financial "ask" and paddle raise.

Additionally, Jesse has helped moderate the HSB illuminate Speaker Series and participates in the annual Light Up A Life events. He has also participated in groups and programs that HSB has offered to the community.

Apart from his involvement work at Hospice of Santa Barbara, Jesse is a Santa Barbara-based life coach and speaker who motivates, educates and inspires people regionally and worldwide. His mission is simply to help people live their happiest, healthiest and most fulfilling lives.
Happy work anniversary to
Sally, Noelle and Breana!
Thank you to Sally Turvey, Noelle Clearwater and Breana Barrera for all of your contributions to Hospice of Santa Barbara! We are eternally grateful for the dedication and passion of our staff.

To learn more about our wonderful staff, please visit our website.

Sally Turvey, Volunteer Services Coordinator, celebrates her 8-year anniversary.

Noelle Clearwater, Bereavement Counselor, celebrates her 5-year anniversary.
Breana Barrera, Care Coordinator, celebrates her 3-year anniversary.
Thank you for all that you do to support our work!
It is a remarkable privilege to witness the difference we make for those we serve on a daily basis. It is only through your generosity that we can accomplish all that we do and will in the future.
Phone: (805) 563-8820
Fax: (805) 563-8821