MARCH 14, 2022  
IMI Update
Dan Siteman, Director of Industry Development & Technical Services


IMI’s national webinar series has been a welcome resource to designers and contractors alike – drawing hundreds of attendees each week.

Follow up from these programs frequently gives IMI the opportunity to influence and support key projects. In New Jersey, we’ve recently helped on projects our member contractors are working on:

  • An architect who initially reached out about flashing for single-wythe has followed up on several other masonry issues because of the value that IMI provides the industry. We most recently participated in a discussion about structural masonry performance for one of his projects – and how we can often replace costly materials (like steel) in part or completely – value-engineering masonry into the solution.
  • Another principal at a NJ firm inquired about a tricky elevation that needed a comprehensive plan to lay out expansion joints in the clay brick veneer. We also got into theories about cavity wall performance considerations when laying out weep vents throughout the veneer.
  • An architect who was expressing concerns about tricky details on an upcoming project reached out to IMI. We discussed the use of mockups to alleviate concerns during the construction phase.

Our training programs lead to partnership opportunities in the design community as well. When we update our training curriculum to the latest codes, standards, and best practices, we also update our designer education programs to reflect the same information. Additionally we promote IMI training programs and invite input and participation from the design community.


IMI is happy to support you at any phase of your project. We can help with:
  • Detail & Drawing Review
  • Education Programs
  • Jobsite Troubleshooting
  • New Technologies
  • Codes & Standards
  • Tolerances
  • Preconstruction & Mockup Meetings
  • Constructability Issues
We answer member contractors’ requests. Often we provide a reference to codes, field tolerances, or acceptable construction procedures. Here are some of the more recent examples:

  • We verified with a local contractor, through communication with other IMI staff across the country, that a specific construction procedure was in fact industry standard when questioned by a project supervisor.
  • A comment about rebar lap splice lengths led to a conversation with that project’s structural engineer. As a result, not only were lap splices reduced, but bar sizes as well on the multi-floor load-bearing masonry project.
  • When an alternate adhered veneer option was introduced on a project, the contractor wanted more information so they could provide an appropriate bid. IMI engaged in internal discussions and investigated the product, and we provided that contractor with a comprehensive list of advantages and disadvantages associated with the thin veneer system.

We welcome the opportunity to troubleshoot specific challenges you may be facing and collaboratively develop solutions. What are some issues that regularly come up? Are there inconsistencies on bid packages you’re receiving? Are there opportunities where you feel masonry is a better alternative than what is shown? Does it feel like things are overdesigned, overcomplicated, or both? Is there a disconnect between industry standards and project expectations? Touch base with us to see how we can support your business. 

Dan Siteman
Director of Industry Development & Technical Services
(609) 287-8411
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