
Together, we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world.

June 15, 2022



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June 17 Online

Emmanuel Nine Nationwide Bible Study

On June 17, Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will participate in the Emanuel Nine Nationwide Bible Study at 5 p.m. (MDT.) The event will be streamed live, and will launch a year-long Bible study commemorating the nine African Americans who were fatally shot while they attended Bible study at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C.

Seven years ago on June 17, five clergy and four church members were mercilessly gunned down during Bible study by a 21-year-old white supremacist at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

In the wake of the devastation, the faith of the Emanuel Nine, their families, and the survivors illuminated the way: it would be by the amazing grace of God. Just hours after the massacre, the survivors displayed God’s unyielding love by telling the shooter that they forgave him.

Participate in other Emmanuel Nine commemoration events.

RMS & ELCA news and events

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It's not all done, but a service camp group from St. Cloud, MN, is breaking it in this week!

A donation of some nice, repurposed furniture is providing a cozy context for the first group using the lodge "renovation-in-process" at Messiah Mountain! It's been an amazing story of transformation!

Messiah Mountain is being renovated to be our new place of spiritual renewal for adults. It's an amazingly short drive into the foothills, just 8 minutes from C-470 and 285 on the way to Fairplay. Map the location.

Won't you consider helping us out with a generous gift to the RMS Next Faithful Step Campaign? For information about giving a gift, such as a stock transfer (with the tax advantage of giving appreciated stock), contact Tina Kvitek.

Gifts to the Rocky Mountain Synod "Next Faithful Step" campaign are funding this renewal! Learn about the campaign and give a gift here:

Give to the Campaign


Assembly videos now online

2022 Synod Assembly

May 9-11, 2022


Assembly videos

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Congregations invited to pledge to the RMS Campaign

Having already raised over $1 million to fund the First Step of our campaign, let's journey together into the future and top our Next Faithful Step Campaign goal of $1.57 million through gifts from congregations, foundations, endowments, and individuals!

In order to boldly and effectively continue our vital witness to the gospel as we journey together into the future, the Rocky Mountain Synod Council is investing in four ministry initiatives that form our Next Faithful Step, along with our Racial Justice Tithe.

Watch a video about each initiative
Campaign Information & Resources

Pandemic Relief Grants "on pause"

We give thanks to God for the enthusiastic response to our new 3E Pandemic Relief Grant program. Many rostered ministers and congregations have been blessed to receive grants that have provided respite and renewal. 

However, our budget for 2022 has been fully allocated. Therefore, we are currently unable to receive any more grant applications this year.

The Pandemic Relief Grant program is designed to operate for three years. Our ability to do that will depend upon raising $125,000 within the Rocky Mountain Synod, which will trigger another gift from the Lilly Endowment of an equal amount of $125,000.

To inquire about a Pandemic Relief Grant in the future, and to be put on a waiting list, please fill out this inquiry form.

We thank you for sharing our hope and love for one another in the Rocky Mountain Synod.


$725 scholarship means you pay just $150

Best Skills Best Churches Online Course: Enroll now!


Do you want to have effective discipleship that transforms lives?


3E is partnering with the Arizona State University Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation to offer Best Skills Best Churches. This course is offered online. It is a graduate/executive level certificate program designed to advance rostered ministers’ and lay leaders’ knowledge and skills for effective management of congregations and ministries.


View the Best Skills Best Churches Brochure.


Best Skills Best Churches course will cover:

Volunteers in Service

Legal Aspects of Governance

Effective Communication and Handling Conflict

Marketing and Community Presence

Financial Management for Effective Service

Fundraising Aspects of Stewardship.  


Best Skills Best Churches will meet from 6:30 – 9:30 pm (except in December from 5:30 – 8:30 pm) on the following dates. You are allowed only TWO absences. Do not register if you cannot fully commit.

July 12 & 14

August 2 & 4

September 6 & 8

October 4 & 6

November 1 & 3

December 6 & 8


While the cost for each participant is $875, Educate, Equip, Enact (3E) will provide each participant a $725 scholarship so that the total cost for the entire course for you is only $150. Both rostered ministers and lay leaders are eligible for the scholarship. Registration deadline is June 17!


To enroll in Best Skills Best Churches, click the button below. You will then be directed to a Rocky Mountain Synod link for payment.

For further information, contact Pastor Michael Tassler, 3E Program Director, at

enroll in Best Skills Best Churches


Beginning a Culture of Generosity Now

“Learned so much about stewardship, generosity, inspiring the desire to give, asking, and thanking, thanking, thanking.”

Join Beginning a Culture of Generosity (BCG). This program was curated in response to the pandemic and gives your stewardship team confidence right now while everyone is working through a variety of very real financial stressors.

BCG is a program to help guide congregations and provide the necessary tools to run a successful fall appeal. It is delivered online in six virtual sessions and begins August 20 ending December 3. In this final year of the Lilly Endowment stewardship scholarship grants, 3E is offering free tuition to five congregations that sign up before July 1. Questions, contact Deb Elstad at

BCG Print brochure/mail-in registration (here)

Register online at

Visit 3E Becoming a Culture of Generosity

September 11 is God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday

We are a church energized by lively engagement in faith and life. As we continue our tradition of service to our neighbor, we remember the words of Martin Luther: “Our faith is a living, busy, active, mighty thing.” With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in the name of Jesus Christ. As you explore opportunities to participate in your community, has everything you need to plan and promote your day:

Old Lutheran has T-shirts and other items available for purchase. The deadline for ordering your congregation’s personalized T-shirts is Aug. 19.

Don’t forget to share your congregation’s participation with us! Send stories and photos to so that together we can celebrate what God accomplishes through you. Participate on social media using #GodsWorkOurHands.

Wonderfully Made Youth Gathering rescheduled for February 17-19, 2023

We look forward to this event taking place in 2023! Mark your calendars for February 17-19.

For any questions, contact our RMS Faith Formation Coordinator - Kinna Nordstrom Kemp at 303-889-9844 (call/ text) or email



" We Are All Here"

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was an earthquake, so violent that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened. When the jailer woke up and saw the prison doors wide open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, since he supposed that the prisoners had escaped. But Paul shouted in a loud voice, “Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.”


Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.” Yesterday, I read these words as part of the reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter during worship. In the past few days, I kept re-reading these words as I practiced for this reading.

In my role as the Executive Director of the Veteran Servant Corps Project (VSCP), a ministry of the Rocky Mountain Synod, I have been thinking about the phrase “we are all here”, especially in terms of the 18+ Veterans who complete suicide in our nation daily. Raising awareness around this issue is one our VSCP tenets.

Are you and your congregation interested in joining in conversation around this important issue? Contact me, Vicky Daub, at


Are you interested in being part of our “We Are All Here” initiative by donating? Click the button below to make a donation. Select the General Fund Gift option and enter "Veteran Servant Corps Project" in the note/memo line. If you prefer to mail your donation, send it to the Rocky Mountain Synod, 7375 Samuel Drive, Denver, CO 80221, adding Veteran Servant Corps Project to the note portion of your check.

Give to the Veterans Servant Corps Project
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Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Special Events

Caregiving for Veterans Series

begins Thursday, June 30, 5:30 - 7:00 pm

REGISTER HERE for this series of informative sessions:

  • June 30 - 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's, Navigating Veterans Programs & Services
  • July 7 - Effective Communications Strategies, VHA Caregiver Support Programs
  • July 14 - Understanding & Responding to Dementia-related Behaviors, Long-Term Care Resources for Veterans
  • July 21 - Alzheimer's & Other Research Updates, VHA Geriatric Services and Palliative Care
  • July 28 - Legal & Financial Planning for Alzheimer's, VCA and State End of Life Benefits/Services, VHA Advanced Care Planning
  • August 4 - Healthy Living for your Brain & Body, State Outdoor Recreation Benefits

Join a Study Opportunity for Veteran Couples

Paul Lepley is a National Guard Chaplain and Ph.D. candidate at Michigan State University. He is conducting a study of the six-hour, online Prevention and Relationship Education Program - ePREP.

To participate in this study, one or both partners should be in the Reserves or National Guard (married, cohabitation, or engaged). In additional to taking part in the online program, couples will receive four 20-minutes skills coaching sessions (virtually). Couples will receive up to $150 for completing three surveys (pre, post & follow-up) and taking part in the focus group.

The program and coaching sessions are at no charge. If you are interested in the program or know any Army or Air Reserves or Guards who may interested please contact Paul Lepley at

in our prayers

Second Sunday after Pentecost

June 19, 2022

Prayer of the Day

O Lord God, we bring before you the cries of a sorrowing world. In your mercy set us free from the chains that bind us, and defend us from everything that is evil, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

In God's Hands:

Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches

19 - 25 June : Malawi, Zambia

Intercessions and Prayers

Join us in daily prayer

Download ELCA Prayer Ventures for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.

ELCA Prayer Ventures

RMS Prayer Cycle

Southeast Conference

Week of June 19

Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church

Colorado Springs, CO

Rev. Dave Cruson


Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

Canon City, CO

Rev. Chris Hjelmstad


St Paul Lutheran Church

Calhan, CO

Rev. Harvey Johnson


St Paul's Lutheran Church

Sugar City, CO


Pastor Matthew Weber is called to serve Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder, CO.

The service of installation is Sunday, June 17 at 9:30 a.m.

Color of the day is Green

Monthly Prayer Cycle

around the synod

Fine Arts Academy for grades 5 and above

Monday, July 11 through Thursday, July 14, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day

CALLED TO LOVE! St. Philip in Littleton is holding a Fine Arts Academy for youth entering grades 5 and above on Monday, July 11 through Thursday, July 14, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students will take music and a theme class, and can choose two other classes including woodwork, water colors, quilting, puppetry, dance, creation arts and Lego creations. Cost is $40 which includes all supplies. Sign up below or contact Melinda Swenkerud at

Sign up today!


Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness with Children and Teens

Thursdays: July 28, August 25, September 22, 7:00-8:00 pm

“Our kids are not okay. Our children and youth are hurting!” Those who know this are also hurting. You are invited to join a series of Thursday Evening Connections about the book, Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence on Mental Illness and Teens and Children, and the “Survival Guide” by the Rev. Sarah Lund.

This book shakes up any lethargy about the plight of our youth’s mental health. It is a crisis. These Connections will be at 7 pm on zoom and are free. The facilitator is Deborah Berghuis, PhD, a trauma-informed, gender-affirming therapist who enjoys working with the members of the LGBTQA+ community, faith leaders, clinicians, and healthcare professionals. Rev. Lund will be in Boulder in person on Oct. 9-10. Her books are available online. Join the zoom conversations:

This series is hosted by Atonement Lutheran Church, Boulder, Mental Health Ministry, and the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness ( Questions, contact

our life together


New Wine Ministry performing Bright Star

Friday, June 17, 7:00pm

Grace Lutheran is hosting the New Wine Ministry youth group from Zion Lutheran Church from Cloquet, Minnesota. They are high school students grades 9-12 from area schools and area churches, with 39 members from 16 different congregations. This is the 31st year of their ministry.

Inspired by a true story, Bright Star features a toe-tapping gospel/bluegrass score by comedian Steve Martin and singer/songwriter Edie Brickell.

The performance is free, no tickets required. A free-will offering will be collected after the performance to help cover their costs of the tour.

The performance will also be zoomed at

Meeting ID: 860 1470 5281 Passcode: 4889083


Leadership Lab at Augustana College in Rock Island, IL

Monday, June 20 through Saturday, June 25

Who: All students 9th grade - Age 22

What?: At Lab students experiment and practice leadership for church and community. Many have an intense transformational faith experience. Students worship as a group two times a day and attend three small group "lab" sessions daily, enjoy meals and free time together. Most learning is small group based and designed to foster both friendship within the group as labbers explore and develop their own faith in Christ.

Cost: $275-$400 Per person (food/lodging/materials)

More info at:


Get to know our Synods - Southwestern Washington (Region 1)

The Southwestern Washington Synod is that portion of western Washington State from the Columbia River in the south up through Tacoma to Federal Way, Auburn and Enumclaw in the north. It then curves westward around the Puget Sound (Salish Sea) to include all of the Olympic Peninsula. Our Synod, then, reaches from the Columbia to Canada, and from the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean.

The ministry of our Synod is carried out by the 30,000 members and leaders of our 88 congregations and special ministries, including chaplains, deacons, mission developers, and our partner ministries, such as Lutheran Community Services NW, Pacific Lutheran University, and the Faith Action Network. Our Synod Office is in Tacoma, WA.

The Rev. Rick Jaech was re-elected as synodical bishop at the Synod Assembly in Vancouver WA in June 2019. He is actively serving his second 6-year term.

Visit them at! Below is a map of the 65 ELCA synods and 9 regions.Click on the map to view it larger.

office of the bishop this week

Bishop Jim Gonia

  • Region 2 Bishops Zoom
  • Exit Interview Pr. Steve Leiser
  • Churchwide Assembly Orientation
  • Grace, Boulder, CO - installation of Pr. Matthew Weber


Pastor Dana Peterson

  • Developers' check-in
  • Shepherd of the Hills, Fort Collins, CO
  • American, Grand Junction, CO


Pastor Diana Linden-Johnson

  • Vacation (June 13-17)


Peter Severson

  • LFSRM Program Services Committee
  • LFSRM Board Meeting


Kurt Rager

  • NM Advocacy


Pastor Kent Mueller

  • Administration & Communication


Tina Kvitek

  • Excellence in Leadership Training
  • Bethel Lutheran Church, Windsor, CO
Complete Staff Photos and Emails 

employment opportunities

Organist/Accompanist (part-time)

Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO


St. Andrew Lutheran - Arvada, CO

Church Administrator

All Saints Lutheran - Aurora, CO

Director of Digital Arts (full-time)

Abiding Hope Lutheran - Littleton, CO

Finance Coordinator

Trinity Lutheran - Fort Collins, Colorado

Director of Youth and Family Ministries

Spirit of Joy Lutheran - Fort Collins, CO


Christ Lutheran - Highlands Ranch, CO

View RMS Employment Opportunities

quick links

Submit eConnection article or job ad

Subscribe to eConnection

Find a Congregation

Rocky Mountain Synod Website

Congregations in Transition

Excellence in Leadership

Better Together Campaign

Give a contribution

Kent Mueller, Assistant to the Bishop for Administration and Communication

Andrew Nakatani, Communications Assistant

Contact Andrew Nakatani or Kent Mueller with questions and comments about eConnection and our website! Submit eConnection items here.

Rocky Mountain Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-733-0750

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