Twilight Picnic
for the Parks
This year's Twilight Picnic for the Parks took place on Saturday, August 17, at the Caren Glotfelty Meadow in Hartwood Acres Park. Thanks to generous sponsors, donors and attendees we raised over $407,000 for your parks, bringing the total raised from all seven Twilight Picnic events to over $3 million! Read our blog now to learn more about this year's Twilight Picnic for the Parks, including our tribute to retiring Parks Director Andy Baechle.
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Suffragist Grove Volunteer Work
Allegheny County staff, Parks Foundation staff and volunteers spent time weeding at Suffragist Grove in Hartwood Acres this August. This important work will help ensure that the groundcover that was planted last year will continue to grow and flourish. Thank you to everyone who spent time supporting this effort!
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Trail Work with FirstEnergy Volunteers in Boyce Park
In August, we organized trail maintenance work in Boyce Park with volunteers from FirstEnergy. All the volunteers worked hard to clear out vegetation and invasive species along several trails near the Four Seasons Lodge. We would like to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers from FirstEnergy and to the Allegheny County Park Rangers for leading the project.
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Park 'til Dark & Pour at the Park | North Park
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Registration Now Open!
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Park 'til Dark
Park 'til Dark will once again feature free activities for individuals and groups of all ages and abilities! Join us for nature journaling, volunteer tree planting, family-friendly activities, meditation, a rigorous hike and so much more!
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Pour at the Park
The day will be capped with Pour at the Park, our annual brews, wine, liquor and non-alcoholic beverage tasting! Guests are treated to great tastings, local food, live music by Paging Doctor Moon, Zero-Waste services and awesome raffles. Coach Dave from CDG Sports will be offering children's activities during the event.
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PRC's Upcoming Collections In Your Parks
The Pennsylvania Resources Council (PRC) will be hosting several collections in your parks this month!
Glass can be dropped off in White Oak Park from September 7 - September 12 from 7 am - sunset. Learn more!
There is a Household Chemical Collection for automotive fluids, e-cigarettes/vapes, household cleaners, pesticides, paints and other household chemicals in South Park on September 7. Learn more!
On September 28, in Settlers Cabin Park, there will be a Hard-to-Recycle collection for tires, polystyrene packaging material, fluorescent tubes, small Freon appliances, televisions, computers and other materials. Learn more!
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September Park Ranger
Featured Event
This September, join the Park Rangers for a Guided Hike to learn about decomposers, a special group of organisms that do important work to keep our ecosystems running smoothly. This hike is approximately 2 miles with moderate elevation changes. The tour is free and offered in Boyce Park on 9/21, Settlers Cabin Park on 9/22 and South Park on 9/29. Learn more and register for all Allegheny County events HERE!
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Trees Support Us. Will You Support Our Tree Fund? |
Trees give so much to us and provide vital habitat for a wide range of wildlife. One example of this is the Red Oak Tree, which is found in Settlers Cabin Park and throughout your 9 county parks. The Red Oak Tree is known to support over 500 species of caterpillars! Caterpillars are a critical food source for birds, bats, rodents, reptiles, amphibians and other insects. The Red Oak’s dense canopy and sturdy branches also provide excellent shelter for birds and squirrels, protecting them from predators and harsh weather. Donations to our Tree Fund ensures native trees like the Red Oak will continue to be planted throughout your 9 Allegheny County Parks, thus ensuring safe habitats for a variety of wildlife. Will you give back like trees do and make a donation for the Red Oak Tree today? Will you give back like trees do and make a donation for the Red Oak today?
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Boyce Park | Deer Lakes Park | Harrison Hills Park | Hartwood Acres Park
North Park | Round Hill Park | Settlers Cabin Park | South Park | White Oak Park
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Allegheny County Parks Foundation | 675 Old Frankstown Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15239
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