IPUL's E-News for May 27, 2022
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
Questions And Answers With You in 2022 - Week 20
Idaho Parents Unlimited
Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead
For week 20 we asked:
Do you know about Idaho's YES (Youth Empowerment Services) Program?
Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is a system of care for youth under the age of 18 with serious emotional disturbance (SED). The
YES program provides many different supports and services, such as:
Assessment & Treatment Planning
- Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing (Comprehensive Diagnostic Assessment (CDA), Psychological/Neuropsychological Testing, Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)
- Coordinated care planning (Child and Family Teams (CFT), Individual Treatment Plans, Crisis and Safety Plans, Transition Plans)
Case Management & Intensive Care Coordination
- Case Management
- Targeted Care Coordination
- Wraparound Intensive Services
Treatment Services & Support Services
- Treatment services: Medication management, Psychotherapy, Skills building/Community Based Rehabilitation Services (CBRS), Behavioral Modification and Consultation, Day treatment, Intensive home and community-based services programs, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Therapeutic after-school and summer programs, Behavioral/therapeutic aide services (under development), Integrated substance use disorder services for individuals with co-occurring disorders (under development), and Inpatient psychiatric hospital
- Residential services: Therapeutic foster care (under development), Residential care (under development), Psychiatric residential treatment
- Support Services: Respite, Transportation, Psychoeducation & training, Family support, Youth support, Case consultation (under development), Flexible funds (under development)
Crisis Response Services (24/7)
- Crisis Respite (under development)
- Crisis Response Services
- Crisis Intervention
Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited
Twitter: /IPULIdaho
Idaho Parents Unlimited
Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead
May. 2022 | Vol. 5
Rincón Juvenil
La Salud Mental Importa
Mes de Concientización Sobre la Salud Mental.
Cuándo buscar ayuda:
- Decadencia en la escuela
- Actuando fuero de normal
- Dificultad para concentrarse
- Cambios en los hábitos de sueño/alimentación
- Preocupación/miedo excesivo
Dónde encontrar ayuda:
- Póngase en contacto con su proveedor
- Comuníquese con el consejero de su escuela
- Tu padre/tutor
- Un maestro u otro adulto de confianza
Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene una enfermedad mental, tiene problemas emocionales o tiene inquietudes sobre su salud mental, hay formas de obtener ayuda. Utilice estos recursos para encontrar ayuda para usted, un amigo o un familiar.
Línea Directa de Crisis y Suicidio de Idaho (208) 398-4357
Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio 1 (800) 273-8255
Se amable con tu mente
Recursos Para la Salud Mental
- Programa YES- yes.idaho.gov es uno de los recursos que pueden estar disponibles para los jóvenes. Tienen diferentes recursos para padres e hijos, incluidos planes de seguridad, grupos de defensa y números de crisis.
- Idaho Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health- fyidaho.org/youth/ tiene algunos recursos diferentes para los jóvenes, como lugares a los que pueden retirarse para recibir apoyo entre pares.
- Understood.org - tiene algunas herramientas para manejar las emociones, apoyo escolar y adaptaciones tanto en la escuela como en el lugar de trabajo.
- PBISworld.com - Esto puede ser útil para ver qué herramientas pueden aliviar cosas como la ansiedad. Esto puede ser útil para las adaptaciones en la escuela y el trabajo.
- Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales (NAMI): tiene recursos para jóvenes y padres, señales de advertencia y herramientas.
Facebook y Instagram /IdahoParentsUnlimited
Twitter /IPULIdaho
Idaho Parents Unlimited
Parent Education Coordinator
Join IPUL staff and invited members of medical and education communities as they discuss a variety of questions and topics. Participants will learn valuable strategies of how to help overcome and break down potential barriers in an effort to build trusting relationships between families and providers.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
12:30 - 1:30 PM MST LIVE on Zoom
(11:30 AM to 12:30 PM PST)
This will not be recorded
Registration is Required:
Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!
The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website:
We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) during the workday, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message. (Please be sure the number you are leaving us can accept text or voice messages.)
For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at parents@ipulidaho.org.
IPUL's programs are funded in part through grants and contracts with the following:
Programs and services offered by Idaho Parents Unlimited are supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education (H328M200033) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Affordable Care Act Family to Family Health Information Center (H84MC12896), opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions of either department, endorsement is not assumed