Long-time Teaneck Resident Howard Rose served on our Planning Board for 17 years and was a signer of the Township’s current full 2007 Master Plan. This week he wrote to Voices about his views of the draft Master Plan recently discussed at the 8/19 public hearing which is scheduled to continue on Monday 9/16 at the Rodda Center
Dear Editors,
August 29, 2024
The proposed Township of Teaneck Master Plan discussed at the 08/19/24 Planning Board Meeting is a well-intentioned document that falls short.
The plan starts with six pages of photographs and personnel introductions, which could be consolidated to one page of text. The actuals goals and objectives are buried late in the document amid photographs (too many), charts (some undecipherable), maps (helpful), statistics (some good, some gobbledygook).
The premise of the plan is to conceptualize the community “GOALS AND OBJECTIVES” of Teaneck. The rationale for the goals and objectives is evidenced with township detail regarding historical context, present situation, and desired future.
“GOALS AND OBJECTIVES” should be on page 1 of the text. Presenting these concise statements immediately directs the content of the rest of the document. All of the other information is important: geography, land use, resident demographics, and enough information to show insight into the township's direction and provide a guide for future development. A detailed explanation should follow the stated “GOALS AND OBJECTIVES”, not precede it.
The Planning Board should take on the tedious (but necessary) task of having a meeting with resident input to review the plan page by page. This will gain more insight than the previous meetings. Let's skip any semblance of superficiality and cut to the chase and provide a document that is direct and formatted with more understandable detail.
I can’t restate it enough, the Master Plan is not Teaneck’s bible, it is not law, but after laws, it is Teaneck’s most important document. It sets the stage for tomorrow.
Howard Rose
Former 17-year Teaneck Planning Board Member
and 9-year Teaneck School District Board Trustee